Working on an assignment for class. I was able to get the sorts created buy for some reason im having a problem with reducing redundant code within my int main() function

1.) create 10, 100, 1000, and 10000 randomly generated elements
2.) Perform The Following Sorts on the same randomly generated data and compare the efficiency by comparing their number of comparisons made.
    "Bubble Sort",
	 "Merge Sort",
	 "Insertion Sort",
	 "Combination Sort"

3.) Output must look like this:


	Number of values in array: 10
	Number of comparisons required: xx

	Number of values in array: 100
	Number of comparisons required: xxxx

	Number of values in array: 1000
	Number of comparisons required: xxxxxx

	Number of values in array: 10000
	Number of comparisons required: xxxxxxx


#include <stdio.h>
#include <iostream>
#include <time.h>
#include <stdlib.h>
#include <Windows.h>
#include "SortFunctions.h"

unsigned int uiRandomBuffer1[10] = { 0 };
unsigned int uiRandomBuffer2[100] = { 0 };
unsigned int uiRandomBuffer3[1000] = { 0 };
unsigned int uiRandomBuffer4[10000] = { 0 };

char *NameOfSort[4] = { "Bubble Sort","Insertion Sort","Combination Sort" };

void GenerateRandomNumbers( size_t uiNumElements, unsigned int *puiAddressOfStorage )
	unsigned int uiBuffer;

	srand( time( NULL ) );

	for( unsigned int i = 0; i < uiNumElements; i++)
		*(puiAddressOfStorage+i) = (rand() % uiNumElements);// +1?

void DisplaySortingInfo( unsigned int uiNumOfElements, unsigned int uiNumOfComparisons )
	printf( "\n\nNumber of values in array: %u", uiNumOfElements );
	printf( "\nNumber of comparisons required: %u", uiNumOfComparisons );

void FillArrayWithRand( unsigned int uiNumElementsRand, unsigned int *uiRandomBuffer, unsigned int uiNumElementsTemp, unsigned int *uiTempBuffer )
	for ( unsigned int i = 0; i < uiNumElementsRand;i++ )
		uiTempBuffer[i] = uiRandomBuffer[i];

int main()
	// Temp variable to hold comparison return value of each sorting function
	unsigned int uiTempComparisons;
	// Generate random numbers for arrays of size 10, 100, 1000, and 10000
	GenerateRandomNumbers( 10, uiRandomBuffer1 );
	GenerateRandomNumbers( 100, uiRandomBuffer2 );
	GenerateRandomNumbers( 1000, uiRandomBuffer3 );
	GenerateRandomNumbers( 10000, uiRandomBuffer4 );

	// TempBuffers for sorting the array.  These buffers will be reused by each sorting function
	unsigned int uiTempBuffer1[10];
	unsigned int uiTempBuffer2[100];
	unsigned int uiTempBuffer3[1000];
	unsigned int uiTempBuffer4[10000];

	// Bubble Sort
	printf( "\nSORTING ALGORITHM: %s", NameOfSort[0] );

	// Fill TempBuffer with values of random array
	FillArrayWithRand( 10, uiRandomBuffer1, 10, uiTempBuffer1 );
	FillArrayWithRand( 100, uiRandomBuffer2, 100, uiTempBuffer2 );
	FillArrayWithRand( 1000, uiRandomBuffer3, 1000, uiTempBuffer3 );
	FillArrayWithRand( 10000, uiRandomBuffer4, 10000, uiTempBuffer4 );

	// Perform Sort of 10,100,1000,and 10000 elements
	uiTempComparisons = BubbleSort( 10, uiTempBuffer1);
	DisplaySortingInfo( 10, uiTempComparisons );

	uiTempComparisons = BubbleSort( 100, uiTempBuffer2);
	DisplaySortingInfo( 100, uiTempComparisons );

	uiTempComparisons = BubbleSort( 1000, uiTempBuffer3);
	DisplaySortingInfo( 1000, uiTempComparisons );

	uiTempComparisons = BubbleSort( 10000, uiTempBuffer4);
	DisplaySortingInfo( 10000, uiTempComparisons );

	// Insertion Sort
	printf( "\nSORTING ALGORITHM: %s", NameOfSort[1] );

	// Fill TempBuffer with values of random array
	FillArrayWithRand( 10, uiRandomBuffer1, 10, uiTempBuffer1 );
	FillArrayWithRand( 100, uiRandomBuffer2, 100, uiTempBuffer2 );
	FillArrayWithRand( 1000, uiRandomBuffer3, 1000, uiTempBuffer3 );
	FillArrayWithRand( 10000, uiRandomBuffer4, 10000, uiTempBuffer4 );

	uiTempComparisons = InsertionSort( 10, uiTempBuffer1);
	DisplaySortingInfo( 10, uiTempComparisons );

	uiTempComparisons = InsertionSort( 100, uiTempBuffer2);
	DisplaySortingInfo( 100, uiTempComparisons );

	uiTempComparisons = InsertionSort( 1000, uiTempBuffer3);
	DisplaySortingInfo( 1000, uiTempComparisons );

	uiTempComparisons = InsertionSort( 10000, uiTempBuffer4);
	DisplaySortingInfo( 10000, uiTempComparisons );

	// Combination Sort
	printf( "\nSORTING ALGORITHM: %s", NameOfSort[2] );

	// Fill TempBuffer with values of random array
	FillArrayWithRand( 10, uiRandomBuffer1, 10, uiTempBuffer1 );
	FillArrayWithRand( 100, uiRandomBuffer2, 100, uiTempBuffer2 );
	FillArrayWithRand( 1000, uiRandomBuffer3, 1000, uiTempBuffer3 );
	FillArrayWithRand( 10000, uiRandomBuffer4, 10000, uiTempBuffer4 );

	// Perform Sort of 10,100,1000,and 10000 elements
	uiTempComparisons = CombinationSort( 10, uiTempBuffer1);
	DisplaySortingInfo( 10, uiTempComparisons );

	uiTempComparisons = CombinationSort( 100, uiTempBuffer2);
	DisplaySortingInfo( 100, uiTempComparisons );

	uiTempComparisons = CombinationSort( 1000, uiTempBuffer3);
	DisplaySortingInfo( 1000, uiTempComparisons );

	uiTempComparisons = CombinationSort( 10000, uiTempBuffer4);
	DisplaySortingInfo( 10000, uiTempComparisons );
	return 0;

You can use a for loop. Say you want to work through 3 sorting functions, with two different sorting sizes.

for(i=0;i<6;i++) {
   if(i<3) ram2get = 10000 else ram2get = 1001001

   if(i==0 || i==3) bubblesort();
   else if(i==1 || i==4) Combination();
   else if(i==2 || i ==5) Insertion();
   //this will be executed every time thru the loop
   if(OK) print No error found. else print Error!

Selection sort will always have the fewest comparisons, btw. That is the only reason it exists. What is a "Combination Sort"?

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