i am using zk sdk to connect to fingerprint
i tried
Connect_Com(1, 1, 38400)
BaudRate is the same in the application and the fingerprint
i am using com1
the deviceid =1

but the connection between fingerprint and pc failed
do u have an idea about configurations needed to the serial port or something else

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Does it give any reason why it failed?

it returns error code 0 which mean NO Data ,,, and if i changed the BaudRate then i can hear the finger print beep when i try to connect to ,,

Are you sure the device operates at the speed you listed?

yes it did ,,i configure the fingerprint to be 38400.

by the way i am uing the zksoftware to connect to finger print

i am using zk sdk to connect to fingerprint
i tried
Connect_Com(1, 1, 38400)
BaudRate is the same in the application and the fingerprint
i am using com1
the deviceid =1

but the connection between fingerprint and pc failed
do u have an idea about configurations needed to the serial port or something else

Which device are you using?

hey Friends,
I want a simple help from you,
I want a code that how to catch event of finger put on machine and how to catch the signal(message) from fingerprint machine (Like finger is valid or not)
I have a code to connect with fingerprint device as below

int count = 0;
    zkemkeeper.CZKEMClass axczkem1 = new zkemkeeper.CZKEMClass();
    bool bIsConnected = false;
    string ip = "";//write here IP Address of your biomatric m/c
    int port = 4370;
    bIsConnected = axczkem1.Connect_Net(ip, port);
    if (bIsConnected == true)
        Label1.Text = "Connection established!!!";

        bool ret = axczkem1.ReadAllGLogData(1);
        if (ret)
            int a = 0;
            int b = 0;
            int c = 0;
            int d = 0;
            int ee = 0;
            int f = 0;
            int g = 0;
            int h = 0;
            int i = 0;
            int j = 0;
            int k = 0;
            int l = 0;
            int m = 0;
            int n = 0;
            int o = 0;
            while (axczkem1.GetAllGLogData(1, ref a, ref b, ref c, ref k, ref l, ref d, ref m, ref ee, ref f, ref g))
                //if (ee == 7 && m == 4 && d == 2011)
                    //if (b == //any Employee No)
                    Label1.Text = b.ToString() + " hour: " + f + "  Min: " + g;
                    //Label1.Text=k.ToString() + " " + l.ToString();


            //MessageBox.Show(count.ToString ());

        Label1.Text = "cannot Connection!!!";


But i dont know how to implement further,
Please any one help me
The connection is establish successfully but i dont know about other events like finger putting on machine,catch message sent by machine

hi friend, i use the same sdk the connect metod

string ipAdd = "";
            int port = 4370;
            bool van;

            van = bio.Connect_Net(ipAdd, port);

            if (van == true)
                //bio.EnableDevice(1, false);
                MessageBox.Show("Conexión Exitosa");
                MessageBox.Show("no se conecto el equipo, por favor verifique");

the metod return true when the result is sucesful

Interop.zkemkeeper.dll regsvr32 error or InitializeComponent
Then you need done the step following:
1. Go to webiste: http://www.zktechnology.com
2. Download ->Software Download->ZK Access for C3 panels
3. Extract files
4. Install
5. Open visual studio -> Solution Project->references-> Add Interop.zkemkeeper.dll
Good luck
If successfully then you visit website of me http://phuphat.com or http://thoigianso.com to hepl direct hihi

Hi Guy is get connected.
Please call this function before you etablishing connect using lan
1 is my device com Key password . for you check in you device.

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