How to draw a flowchart for this:
-Input the number of values (n) to be averaged. Check the number of values to ensure that it is in the range of 1 to 25. If the value is out of range, display an error message and use a loop to input a new value until the value of n is correct.
-Input a grade. Check that the grade is within the range of 0 to 100. If the grade is out of range, display an error message and use a loop to input a new grade until it is within the desired range.
- Loop back and input more grades until n grades have been input.
- Calculate the average of the grades that were entered by the user.

so far i have this.

You are close. You still need to verify the 'n' value first. And then you need to validate the grade with more than just less than 0. The requirement states that it must be between 0 and 100. Then, you need to keep track of how many number the user has entered. Sum it up while you are counting. Then compute the average before display the result.

before start:
total = 0
sum = 0

            |                    v
            |         +----------------------+
            |         | Enter Max Number (n) |
            |         +----------------------+
            |                    |
            |                    v
            |                   / \
            |                 /     \
       +---------+          /  n>=1   \
       | display |<__no__ /     &&      \
       |  error  |        \    n<=25    /
       +---------+          \         /
                              \     /
                                \ /
   |        +------------------->| yes
   |        |                    v
   |        |          +-------------------+
   |        |          | Enter a Grade (g) |
   |        |          +-------------------+
   |        |                    |
   |        |                    v
   |        |                   / \
   |        |                 /     \
   |   +---------+          /  g>=0   \
   |   | display |<__no__ /     &&      \
   |   |  error  |        \    g<=100   /
   |   +---------+          \         /
   |                          \     /
   |                            \ /
   |                             |
   |                             | yes
   |                             v
   |                       +------------+
   |                       | total += 1 |
   |                       |   sum += g |
   |                       +------------+
   |                             |
   |                             v
   |                            / \
   |                          /     \
   |                        /         \
   |_________________no__ /  total==n   \
                          \             /
                            \         /
                              \     /
                                \ /
                                 | yes
                            | Compute |
                            | Average |
                            | Display |
                            | Average |
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