Re: Convert C++ to VB.Net Programming Software Development by liangting03 cv::Mat ResultImage11 = cv::Mat::zeros(resu_textpic3.size(), CV_8UC1); cv::drawContours(ResultImage11, contoursTarget, -1, Scalar(255, 255, 255), 1, 8, Mat()); //cv::RotatedRect ellipse; int rid1 = 480; int rid2 = 600; //去除干扰 vector<vector<Point>> filteredContours; for (int i = 0; i < contoursTarget.… Re: How to run visual studio console application from windows server on linux m Programming Software Development by michealaso You can debug your console application on a Linux server from your Windows machine using Visual Studio's remote debugging via SSH: Ensure SSH access to your Linux server is set up. Configure Visual Studio to use SSH under project properties > Debug. Set breakpoints and start debugging with F5. This lets you debug without permanently … How Do I Package and install a Released compiled version version of my .Net Programming Software Development by complete How Do I Package and install a Released compiled version version of my .Net Framework? Do I bundle the contents of the Release folder or just the EXE's and DLL's? Do I need to include the app.config and packages.config? Do I need to create an installer somehow? Re: How Do I Package and install a Released compiled version version of my .Net Programming Software Development by rproffitt …/nuget/quickstart/create-and-publish-a-package-using-visual-studio-net-framework is how we do that sort of work but… Generate custom autonumber Programming Software Development by Bhopat … generate id using the current year/month/autonumber in STUDIO 2010) with MS SQL database. When the form… Re: Looking For the Best Tools I guess Digital Media Digital Marketing Search Engine Strategies by Osama_Khan In my opinion and experience, For SERP Ranking I used Ranktank dot net for checking where my keywords are ranking. Other than that I like SEMRush. For SEO Audit, sites like google pagespeed insights, SEO Quake extension, etc etc are godd. Re: Question for Dislikes/ Down voting comments Community Center by Reverend Jim >it looks as if rproffit downvoted you -4 points on one of your posts. But he also upvoted you +17 points on another one of your posts So a net proffit of +13. Re: Generate custom autonumber Programming Software Development by pritaeas Personally, I'd use three separate (number) columns for this, combined with an INSERT trigger. The value you want to show can be a calculated column, combining the three into your display format of choice. Re: EML File Conversion Programming Web Development by SamuelThompson Try out the TrustVare EML to MSG Converter software is best tool to convert EML files into MSG file format. Re: EML File Conversion Programming Web Development by alx181 Use software like CoolUtils Total Mail Converter, Aid4Mail, or SysTools EML Converter Re: EML File Conversion Programming Web Development by ariascott You want to EML File Conversion? Yes, you can easily to convert your EML files into Multiple file format, Try the Softaken Download Free EML Converter Tool. Re: RDLC reporting with parameters Programming Software Development by pritaeas Shouldn't you pass a value to your parameter? `Dim param_allocatedjobs As New ReportParameter("allocated_jobs", True)` Re: RDLC reporting with parameters Programming Software Development by trueframe It's useful for customizing reports by criteria like dates or categories and enhancing data analysis and presentation. AI Code Assistants Programming Software Development by pritaeas Anyone here that wants to share if they use AI Code Assistants professionally, which one and why? I'm looking for experiences with backend .NET development in Visual Studio to be specific. Re: AI Code Assistants Programming Software Development by rproffitt … used to call on have noticed. As to VS and .NET work, the works ran the gamut that could include such… ‘Advanced AI should be treated similar to Weapons of Mass Destruction’ Community Center by Johannes C. …is your opinion concerning AI evolution? Will it have a net positive impact on society? ## Let us initially introduce some… nomenclature, of course. ## #3) Now, coming to the net impact on society, how do you see it evolving in… [let it out of its ‘box’]( into the physical world. Droves of humans… 'We'll Know We Have AGI When >50% of the GDP is Generated by AI' Community Center by Johannes C. … and controllable. ## 6. In your opinion, will AI have a net positive impact on society? ## Yes. ## 7. Where are the limits… Re: Online subission forms not sending emails of submitted info Programming Web Development by david.tigner …: `$from = $_POST['TestimonialEmail'];` changed to `$from = "";`. Problem solved. It was that easy. 2 months of…['TestimonialHearing']) . "\r\n" . $from = ""; $headers = "From: $from" . "\r\n"… Re: Cleaning up tags Community Center Meta DaniWeb by Dani …). To give you an example of some previously used tags: * .net * .net-2008 * .net2.0 * .net4.5 * .netframework * etc. It's much… one single tag where someone can see all of our .net content. Some other tags: * amazing * ampersand * already * alternate * alternative * and… Re: AI Code Assistants Programming Software Development by stevenbc I haven't used it but Microsoft has something called co-pilot which sounds pretty good. Re: AI Code Assistants Programming Software Development by pritaeas Well, I've just recently started using Codeium and I must say, it's a great help in simplifying/accelerating the repetitive tasks required within my/our code. Re: AI Code Assistants Programming Software Development by spuriousgeek I've tried using co-pilot, codeium, claude, chatgpt and gemini. They are good for repetitive work but anything remotely complex and they are pretty terrible tbh. I find that it's quicker for me to just solve issues on my own a lot of the time than try to prompt my way through. You can very easily fall into the trap of going around in circles trying… Re: AI Code Assistants Programming Software Development by jwenting It's faster to write the code yourself than it is to fix up the junk produced by those AI "assistants". Code generators have been around for decades for specific purposes, and can work well, but these things are pretty much useless. Re: AI Code Assistants Programming Software Development by Reverend Jim A lot of editors support libraries of code snippets which are generally written and debugged by humans. Re: AI Code Assistants Programming Software Development by antwanlee I'd recommend you to go with ollama: Its FOSS and easy to install: ``` curl -fsSL | sh ollama run dolphin-mixtral ``` Other than that I use chatgpt a lot for all kinds of different things, but I prefer ollama's dolphin-mixtral for coding for now. Re: Formatting web pages for various displays Programming Web Development by Salem If you're sufficiently curious to study how the data arrives at your browser, and can wrangle some Javascript, then perhaps You can post-process the data to be whatever shape you want it to be. Re: Formatting web pages for various displays Programming Web Development by jkon … we don't face any issue. Moreover as a safety net we make both versions to "report back" if… Re: ‘Advanced AI should be treated similar to Weapons of Mass Destruction’ Community Center by Reverend Jim Based on the proliferation of AI generated content, and the age-old rule of garbage in, garbage out, what will be the result of AI models being trained on ever increasing amounts of content generated by other AI platforms? Will we get into a negative feedback loop where the output will become so polluted with bad input that it will be effectively … Re: ‘Advanced AI should be treated similar to Weapons of Mass Destruction’ Community Center by jwenting Even worse: the junk being deliberately fed to AIs is already at the stage where the results are useless BUT those results are blindly believed by many people BECAUSE they're generated by AI and therefore supposedly automatically correct! Think Google's disastrous launch of their image generator which would under no condition generate Caucasian … Re: 'AI Is Expected to Transform the Role of Controllers & Analysts ' Community Center by Dani I think it’s much more authentic and useful to have direct quotes. Paraphrasing loses a lot in translation IMHO.