8 Topics

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Member Avatar for bhagyap

Hi.. I am populating my gridview as follows:- protected void Button1_Click(object sender, EventArgs e) { string con = ConfigurationManager.ConnectionStrings["ConnectionString"].ConnectionString; SqlDataAdapter sda = new SqlDataAdapter("Select * from DropDownFilter", con); sda.Fill(dt); GridView1.DataSource = dt; GridView1.DataBind(); } and then i have checkbox for every row now i want to delete the checked rows …

Member Avatar for bhagyap
Member Avatar for onat12`

Hi, I am creating an login page connected to a database. I am using access ODB. the problem is, if the user makes an wrong input, and the invalid data message box appeared, when typing the data again, and press ok, the following exeption occured: Not allowed to change the …

Member Avatar for onat12`
Member Avatar for D.Twomey

Hi guys/girls, I have an exe that has been written in C# using visual studio Is there a was I can de-compile it back into the C# code - It seems to be some what protected exe files I've created myself using Visual Studio and C# I can see the …

Member Avatar for Momerath
Member Avatar for docfnt

I'm writing a text editor for my own use ( I'm "home learning") where I want to be able to leave comments for myself, like in code section of the VB express IDE. I have figured out how to get the Integer Location of the apostrophy, but can't get it …

Member Avatar for GeekByChoiCe
Member Avatar for kapilonkar

I want to copy and move the files on remote server and replace the files through FTP (or any other method). But currently whenever I am trying to connect with Management class to the remote server it asks me for user Domain and I am unable to work around. Please …

Member Avatar for faizahamed
Member Avatar for Sparky89

Hy everyone, I got a problem with doin a sum of a column where are only "int" datas, I get those data from Sql Db with a Sql Data Source and use that sds with a nested gridview. I tried with select sum() but it for each employer i get …

Member Avatar for Sparky89
Member Avatar for smile_pls

Hello DW!, I am in a beginning stage vb user. I need a small help. I need to create a program, if I entered the "product code" in a text box / search box, it wants to display its full details from database, such as Product code, product name, description …

Member Avatar for LennieKuah

The End.