ChatGPT, Gender Bias, and the Nuclear Apocalypse Community Center by Johannes C. … Moral Violations ## To further understand what ChatGPT finds acceptable, the authors of the study asked it 20 times… > Is it okay for Andrew [Amanda] to use physical violence against Adam [Anna] to prevent a nuclear apocalypse… scenarios**: • Male decision maker, male victim: No, use of physical violence is not ok. • Female decision maker… With Rapid Tech Advancement, Beware the Pitfalls of Centralization Community Center by Johannes C. …decentralized logic**. They are managed institutionally but allow for individual use. A Word file is a good example, as it…this may seem, we shall find the idea more easily acceptable if we consider that bigness, or oversize, is really… required to diversify—because it is simply easier to use one account for everything, get all services from one… Re: Need help with Lem-in Project Programming by Oven … team coded this one. And AI & Ready code is acceptable. But it has to simple because we must understand the… working code but its 800 rows. So no we cant use it either. Even if anybody can explain the algorithm, that… Re: is this an acceptable use of goto? Programming Software Development by Narue >There is never ever an acceptable use of goto. According to [B]some[/B] people. The problem … that goto is evil and simply don't see any acceptable uses. Naturally you should follow the coding guidelines of your… those silly people who make absolute statements like "never use goto". Re: is this an acceptable use of goto? Programming Software Development by Ancient Dragon There is never ever an acceptable use of [b]goto[/b]. I know teachers who give an F for a program that uses it, and the companies I worked for absolutely forbid it. Re: is this an acceptable use of goto? Programming Software Development by phalaris_trip … anchors, so... maybe just in this one instance it is acceptable? On a side note though, I did refactor it into… is this an acceptable use of goto? Programming Software Development by phalaris_trip … me like the easiest and most elegant solution to just use a goto statement... I mean switch blocks are just glorified… Re: is this an acceptable use of goto? Programming Software Development by Ancient Dragon [QUOTE=Narue;583222]>I implore you AD, don't become one of those silly people who make absolute statements like "never use goto".[/QUOTE] Your're about 20 years too late :) Re: is this an acceptable use of goto? Programming Software Development by William Hemsworth I dont often use goto, but it has been usefull in some cases for … Re: is this an acceptable use of goto? Programming Software Development by Radical Edward … were a simple break, you would have been able to use a break statement instead of a goto. ;) > Readability and… Re: is this an acceptable use of goto? Programming Software Development by Duoas … were a simple break, you would have been able to use a break statement instead of a goto. You can't… Re: is this an acceptable use of goto? Programming Software Development by Duoas Don't take it as a release to use [B]goto[/B] with wild abandon. :-O :S Escaping deeply … Acceptable to use goto statement? Programming Software Development by Johnathon332 …, I was wondering if this was a good place to use a goto statement? I know this will get stuck in… I wanted everyones views on whether or not this is acceptable, the goto statement I meant. If not, how else would… Re: Acceptable to use goto statement? Programming Software Development by mike_2000_17 No, don't use goto for such a simple purpose. If nothing more, it'…;]std::next_permutation[/URL], and either get inspired from it or use it directly (hints: the number of permutation is fixed (implying… Re: use "#ifndef" to check global variables Programming Software Development by hystaspes … reply. I thought that "maybe" over time I use this namespace in several header files, so I thought that… checked for future use. But in general I wanted to know if using #ifndef in this case is acceptable. I'm just… trying to learn where and when I can use #ifndef. So, am I… Re: Use of undefined constant for credit card validation Programming Web Development by diafol … halt the execution is the card is not of an acceptable type. Personally, I'd hold all allowed cards with patterns… Re: is this an acceptable use of goto? Programming Software Development by Narue I don't see the benefit of goto here. If your code is properly modularized, displaying the mission menu amounts to a single function call, so jumping around with goto doesn't really buy you anything. I'd conclude that you should refactor before considering a solution with goto. Re: is this an acceptable use of goto? Programming Software Development by Salem [code] while ( something ) { switch(MENU_FLAG) { case STATUS: // Stuff MENU_FLAG = MISSION; break; case DEBRIEF: // Stuff MENU_FLAG = MISSION; break; case MISSION: // Stuff break; } } [/code] Or [code] if ( MENU_FLAG == STATUS ) { DisplayStatusMenu(); } else if … Re: is this an acceptable use of goto? Programming Software Development by phalaris_trip alright thanks for the advice Re: is this an acceptable use of goto? Programming Software Development by tesuji hi, we all should consider: Edsger Wybe Dijkstra famous "Go To Statement Considered Harmful". To be found at: ACM (copy: [url][/url]) brs, tesu Re: is this an acceptable use of goto? Programming Software Development by Narue >we all should consider: Edsger Wybe Dijkstra famous "Go To Statement Considered Harmful". Indeed. We should also consider the circumstances under which that article was written. Sadly, the message of "A case against the GO TO Statement" (which was Dijkstra's chosen name for the same article) is often misinterpreted as "… Re: is this an acceptable use of goto? Programming Software Development by Ancient Dragon [QUOTE=Narue;583350]Also consider Knuth's report: [URL=""]Structured Programming with Goto Statements[/URL].[/QUOTE] Also note that article was written in 1974 -- 34 years ago! C++ language hadn't even been invented yet and the first version of C++ wasn't released until … Re: is this an acceptable use of goto? Programming Software Development by Narue >Also note that article was written in 1974 -- 34 years ago! >So much for the creditability of that Knuth paper in modern programming. If that's the case, Dijkstra's article has no credibility either. It was written in 1968 -- 40 years ago! Don't you think it's unfair to dismiss Knuth's counter-argument due to age yet allow the even older … Re: is this an acceptable use of goto? Programming Software Development by Ancient Dragon >>Don't you think it's unfair to dismiss Knuth's counter-argument due to age yet allow the even older article to stand as a valid argument Yes -- Dijkstra's article isn't relevent any more either :) Re: is this an acceptable use of goto? Programming Software Development by dkasper goto is in the Linux source code. That should be modern enough! Here's a quote from Linus: [I][INDENT]I think goto's are fine, and they are often more readable than large amounts of indentation. That's _especially_ true if the code flow isn't actually naturally indented (in this case it is, so I don't think using goto is in any way … Re: is this an acceptable use of goto? Programming Software Development by Duoas Wow, I'm really surprised to see [B]AD[/B] so boiled up over something like [B]goto[/B]. (I thought you were cool man.... *sniff* --- heh heh heh) Actually, you'll notice that [b]goto[/b] still exists in many modern languages. Why? Because it has its place. A rare one, but still useful. All the fanaticism against it began as a backlash against… Re: is this an acceptable use of goto? Programming Software Development by Radical Edward >Here's a recent example of the most horrific evils you can think of, but it is also the cleanest solution to the problem Clean is subjective. Edward would argue that instead of an infinite loop and goto, a flagged condition with a do loop is more intuitive and not any more complex: [code] std::string get_line(std::istream& file) { … Re: is this an acceptable use of goto? Programming Software Development by Duoas So Ed prefers flaggy code to do something that is straight-forward? Not only has she introduced additional logic to accomplish a simple break, she has overloaded the readability of the code by splitting the reader's interests between the action of the [B]switch[/B] and the effort to escape, thereby obfuscating the relationship between the [B]if… Re: is this an acceptable use of goto? Programming Software Development by tesuji [QUOTE=Duoas;617200]Wow, I'm really surprised to see [B]AD[/B] so boiled up over something like [B]goto[/B]. . . . Don't hate GOTO. Hate bad programming. And teach newbies the difference. [/QUOTE] Hi Duoas You wrote an absolute great essay on that topic. I deeply appreciate it. Thank you very much. When studying your small example … Re: Use double as a c style string. Programming Software Development by Schol-R-LEA … for your purposes. Realistically, your best solution may be to use a [url=]bignum… important programs (e.g., GCC). OTOH, this may not be acceptable if you are working on a homework project, so it…