Question Answering with YouTube Videos Using RAG in LangChain Programming Computer Science by usmanmalik57 …, not everyone has time to watch complete YouTube videos. In addition, a viewer might only be interested in certain parts of… Summarizing YouTube Video Transcriptions Using Distil Whisper and LLM Programming Computer Science by usmanmalik57 … than 1000 characters. ## Asking Other Questions About the Video In addition to summarization, you can use the `generate_response()` method to ask… Re: Bouncing Balls: Creating a new ball when two balls collide Programming Software Development by vortex_1 … concern, then this feature could be a fun and engaging addition. In conclusion, the decision to implement a feature where a… Re: Using Natural Language to Query SQL Databases with Python LangChain Module Programming Computer Science by aishamushtaq very helpful 7 NLP Tasks to Perform for Free in Python with Mistral 7b LLM Programming Computer Science by usmanmalik57 …, we set the number of output tokens to 10. In addition, we set the temperature to 0.1 to get a… Claude 3 Opus Vs. Google Gemini Vs. GPT-4 for Zero-Shot Text Classification Programming Computer Science by usmanmalik57 … Claude 3 Opus to the list of compared models. In addition, the tests are performed on a significantly more difficult dataset… Using Natural Language to Query SQL Databases with Python LangChain Module Programming Computer Science by usmanmalik57 …. You pass the LLM and database to the agent. In addition, you need to set the `agent_type` attribute to `open_tools`, which… Re: Why am getting different syntax errors when running a Python script Programming Software Development by Tom_45 Finished the assignment and was able to work out the bugs I was encountering. In addition to the issues I mentioned in my last reply, I had several instances of not indenting properly so that statements like exit() were not executing because their indention made them part of an if statement. Addition problem Programming Software Development by paku_dnj … input of two variable as integer and than do addition with the two variables. The ans will stored in… another variable. The program will repeat after every addition end and will ask for user input of varibles …math ob_main=new math(); ob_main.add(); } } The code just do addition one after another but i want that it will do… addition class (OOP Help Needed) Programming Software Development by solitaryy …double y) { xaxis = x; yaxis = y; } public double addition () { //this is what I am stuck on } }[/CODE] And… SqrXY (6.0, 3.0); SqrXY instance3 = instance1.addition(instance2); //instance3 is initialized as (10.0, 5.0… [/CODE] So I need to create an addition function which will add the values of the already… addition in linked lists Programming Software Development by sairakhalid How can i make addition in my linked lists if the nodes are stroing two …) int element 2) int colomnvalue i have to make the addition on the basis that the nodes having the same colomvalue…, thier element should be added. This addition is to be made in linked lists either by creating… Re: addition class (OOP Help Needed) Programming Software Development by solitaryy But I have to make a function named addition to go in the SqrXY class this doesn't do that. [CODE]SqrXY instance3 = instance1.addition(instance2);[/CODE] Re: addition in linked lists Programming Software Development by Taywin … the adding, read each value from the list and do addition with the corresponding column of the incoming integer. Also, you… need a carry flag in order to deal with addition carry value. */ [/CODE] Addition with Two Dimensional Arrays Programming Software Development by dss1984 … to generate two random matrices and perform arthimetic procedures like addition and subtraction. My program generates the matrices perfectly, but I… code I have written so far for the program. The addition part of the code is being written in the last… addition and subtraction Programming Software Development by DS9596 …; char choice, answer; cout <<"Let's practice addition or subtraction with random integer numbers <100"<…--------------" << endl; cout <<"a. Practice addition"<<endl; cout <<"b. Practice… Re: addition and subtraction Programming Software Development by tinstaafl Another minor point, you tell the user you're using integers but you're using doubles. A side note,multiplying the second term by -1 will change the operation from addition to subtraction. This is helpful in that you can now use 1 function to do either operation. Addition machine - Same Problem on a different plane Programming Software Development by frozenflame2 …; return 0; } [/code] I am trying to create an "addition machine". As of now, after I run the program… Addition Of Matrices Using Pointers Programming Software Development by guru_iyer I'm trying to do addition of matrices using pointers. But, in 3x3 matrix, only the … Addition to picture in JES " jython " Programming Software Development by Suzan Al-amassy … Image intermittent and I want it to appear gradually def Addition (Fimage1 , Fimage2 ): #Black Image1 = makePicture (Fimage1) # picture Image2 = makePicture (Fimage2… Addition in Emu8086 Programming Software Development by Xhesi … selected. I have succesfully done 0,1,3 but my Addition is slacking I have registered to move the result to… Addition using 8086 emu Programming Software Development by CreationK … downloaded a 8086 simulator and tried to execute this indirect addition program : MOV SI,2500H MOV AL,[SI] INC SI MOV… addition (sum) in php Programming Web Development by chrisschristou i do addition for 2 variable but i get only the second variable as done <?php $totalpay= ($row_panier['prix']+$shipping1);?> <input name="total" type="text" value="<?php echo $totalpay; ?>" readonly> only the number of $shipping one is show on navigator Addition Game using an image to display a number Programming Software Development by Kiri_1 Hi Guys! I'm trying to create an addition game with an image to display as the given number (… Re: addition about strings Programming Software Development by sourabhtripathi Differential equations of addition (DEA) are of the following form: (x+y)+((x+a)+(…, b and c are known variables. The symbols + and denote addition modulo 2n and bitwise exclusive-or respectively. The above equation… Re: Addition of 'n' matrices Programming by negru …("%d",&pm->matrix[i][j]); } } void addition(MATRIX *array,int *n,MATRIX *res) { array=(MATRIX *)malloc(*n…("%d. matrix:\n",i+1); read_matrix(array+i); } addition(array,&n,res); print(res); for(i=0;i… Re: Addition of 'n' matrices Programming by gusano79 … bit of a mess right now. For the addition portion, start by considering addition of simple integers. How would you do that… Re: addition problem Programming Web Development by ~s.o.s~ My suggested solution was to use the Number constructor so as to perform addition as well as validation in a single go. But some additional validation will always be required to prevent inputs like 1E2 creeping through and giving unexpected results. Re: addition about strings Programming Software Development by abhimanipal What do you mean when you say "denote addition" ? Check out strtok(), atoi() you may find it useful to extract numbers from the string Re: Addition without arithmetic operators Programming Software Development by rubberman … with that in your plus() function. Also, you are using addition in your signed_plus() function, which you say you are not… Help in linked list polynomial addition Programming Software Development by arunkumar267 …getdegree(); void getpolynomial(int d); void display(); void addition(polynomial p1,polynomial p2); }; void polynomial::getdegree()…} temp=temp->link; } } void polynomial::addition(polynomial p1,polynomial p2) { float coeff; int deg…