Re: alphabetical order Programming Software Development by AbdullahJava …java Alphabetize Please enter three words: ant cat dog In alphabetical order those are: ant cat dog C:> java… Alphabetize Please enter three words: ant dog cat In alphabetical order those are: ant cat dog C:> java…java Alphabetize Please enter three words: dog ant cat In alphabetical order those are: ant cat dogC:> java Alphabetize… alphabetical order Programming Software Development by AbdullahJava … what method do i need to use for the alphabetical order Is it indexOf if yes how can i … three words as input then output those three words in alphabetical order. If all three words input were the same,…); else if (compare > 0) System.out.print("In alphabetical order those are:" + s1 + " " + s2 + " … Alphabetical order sort issue Programming Software Development by rowley4 …. The program inputs N words(strings) and outputs them in alphabetical order. I have started out by using specific words to… Re: alphabetical order Programming Software Development by NormR1 [QUOTE]what method do i need to use for the alphabetical order[/QUOTE] You are using the method: compareTo that I would suggest. Can you explain what your problem is with the program? Alphabetical Order Programming Software Development by pinbustersrule I've just started using python in my computer technology class. One thing I can't figure out is how to have python put the lists inside a string into alphabetical order. If anyone has any easy answer, it will be much appreciated. Also, my teacher told me he would give extra credit if I use bubblesort. Re: Alphabetical Order Programming Software Development by pinbustersrule … was wondering how to have python put the names into alphabetical order. That is the main objective, but more teacher told… Re: alphabetical sorting of a string array doesn't work as it should Programming Software Development by BestJewSinceJC It [I]is[/I] in correct alphabetical order. It's using the numerical value of each of … Re: alphabetical sorting of a string array doesn't work as it should Programming Software Development by cozmo87 I know it technically is the "correct" alphabetical order, but really now, who wants their files in that counterintuitive order? If you use alphabetic sorting of files in windows explorer for instance, it does work the way I want it to. Output in alphabetical order Programming Software Development by wnrqkflwnrqkfl …, I was building a program which needs to output in alphabetical order and i got stuck. (Program reads in text file…) My output is fine except that it is not in alphabetical order.... can anyone help me with this??? here is my… Re: Output in alphabetical order Programming Software Development by amrith92 … the city name next to weight is should be in alphabetical order. What exactly do you mean by this statement? What… referring to? And by "city name should be in alphabetical order", did you mean that the last line(for… sorting lines in alphabetical order Programming Software Development by anna12 … to input 3 of these files arranging their lines in alphabetical order and after that creating an output file with the… last lines sorted in reverse alphabetical order. i really am a beginner so could you please… Re: Output in alphabetical order Programming Software Development by mvmalderen … explain what you mean with: [I]...output should be in alphabetical order...[/I] (give an example) Do you mean the following… Re: Output in alphabetical order Programming Software Development by wnrqkflwnrqkfl … the city name next to weight is should be in alphabetical order. Re: Output in alphabetical order Programming Software Development by wnrqkflwnrqkfl … names comes after Cheapest price to ..... it should be in alphabetical order where mine is start with Cheapest price to New… Re: Output in alphabetical order Programming Software Development by wnrqkflwnrqkfl Thx but it still gives the same output not in alphabetical order Re: Output in alphabetical order Programming Software Development by iamthwee … wanted it in order of cost lowest to highest. For alphabetical order just do: [code] #include <iostream> #include <… Re: sorting lines in alphabetical order Programming Software Development by anna12 I have also been told to use the 'tail' command, should I do that or is your way simpler. Also how do I go about taking the last word of each text file and creating an output file with those words in reverse alphabetical order ? put a sentence in alphabetical order.... Programming Software Development by alexasmith … print the same sentence back out to the user in alphabetical order(could also include numbers). Oh and I am not… Only accept an alphabetical character Programming Software Development by superjacent … to display a menu of choices each associated to an alphabetical character. The program is to reject invalid characters and only… can I sort records in a table when the sort requested is not alphabetical? Programming Web Development by jtapp … returned results based on the above hierarchy - which is not alphabetical? Here is my beginner's code: [code="php"… Re: can I sort records in a table when the sort requested is not alphabetical? Programming Web Development by nav33n Sorting non-alphabetical/non-numerical records is not possible AFAIK. But you can have one more field of type int in the table, eg, type. You can enter the order of title, then sort by type ! help with sorting the array in alphabetical order Programming Software Development by xiaotu1990 … lowest word count. is it possible to order it in alphabetical order if all it prints is multiple of Xs.... [CODE… search in alphabetical order Programming Software Development by sharath61 …, how to write the code for searching the deatils in alphabetical order like.......... A B C E F G.... Z.. Al… sorting strings into alphabetical order Programming Software Development by lil_panda How would I sort an array or arrayList of strings into alphabetical order? Re: sorting strings into alphabetical order Programming Software Development by Alex Edwards … would I sort an array or arrayList of strings into alphabetical order?[/QUOTE] You could do something like this-- [code=java… search form with alphabetical order Programming Web Development by liza_nc … give the user the facility to choose the product by alphabetical order, choose letter A give him all produts starts with… display in alphabetical order using singly linked list? Programming Software Development by makubexiii how can you make program using a linked list that displays your outputs in ascending alphabetical order? we are only allowed to use: #include<stdio.h> #include<conio.h> #include<stdlib.h> #include<string.h> TIA Re: display in alphabetical order using singly linked list? Programming Software Development by Nick Evan … using a linked list that displays your outputs in ascending alphabetical order?[/QUOTE] With a computer, keyboard, monitor, mouse (optional), an… Setting text field to accept only alphabetical characters. Programming Web Development by cj1 …;Last Name" text fields are restricted to accepting only alphabetical characters. Thank you Here's my current code <!DOCTYPE… HOw to sort the array of strings in c in alphabetical order of words.. Programming Software Development by harshaldhote … the file line by line and sort its words in alphabetical order n store into another file, i have done with…