Asm help .Please Programming Software Development by LangTuHaoHoa …] and when I compile that function,so I found in asm that code : [CODE] push ebp mov ebp,esp sub esp… my example.So when I search in other asm file,I found that asm code : [CODE] push ebp mov ebp,esp sub… Re: Asm help .Please Programming Software Development by LangTuHaoHoa … passed is?[/QUOTE] If possible,please help me decompile that asm code to real code in C++ .Please see my example… ASM -> C function call problem, pointer issue Programming Software Development by JasonL220 …[nwords++] = TY_CPTR; printf("pointer before asm: %p\n", c_args[nwords]->p… { goto cleanup; } printf("string pointer before asm: %p\n", (char *)c_args[nwords]->…asm: 7C97E1A0 string pointer before asm: 02E224E0 string before asm: maint String pointer after asm: 7C97E178 Pointer after asm Re: ASM -> C function call problem, pointer issue Programming Software Development by JasonL220 … [B]pointer before asm: 7C97E1A0 string pointer before asm: 02E222B8 string before asm: maint String pointer after asm: 7C97E178 Pointer after asm: 02E204A8[/B] when… using the revised code you posted. [CODE=asm] void asm_dispatch(void *func, int nwords, char *arg_types, long *args, … Re: ASM -> C function call problem, pointer issue Programming Software Development by JasonL220 … int res_type, long *resP, int conv) {[/code] [code=asm] __asm { mov esi, args mov edx, nwords test edx,…"; argTypes[1] = TY_STRING; printf("pointer before asm: %p\n", c_args[0].p); printf("string…;, (char *)c_args[1].p); printf("string before asm: %s\n", (char *)c_args[1].p); … ASM Reference Library - 11 books for sale Programming Software Development by jkalmar … $30 Here's a fun one that's not exactly ASM, but a good reference on cryptographic techniques... [B]Applied …471-11709-9) Paid $50 And, my all time favorite ASM book that opened up whole new worlds for me... - [B…you're just starting out and looking for a complete ASM library, or you want to round out your reference collection… Re: ASM Boot Program Programming Software Development by imperator …are the error codes: [code] boot.asm:47: error: comma expected after operand 3 boot.asm:49: error: comma, colon or …end of line expected boot.asm:58: error: comma, colon… or end of line expected boot.asm:59: error: comma, colon… asm files compilation Programming Software Development by uu666 lately i downloaded nasm for compiling .asm files but when im trying to compile something(by using in cmd "d:\nasm\nasm.exe -f bin d:\nasm\myfile.asm -o d:\nasm\") i get the following error: "d:\nasm\hw.asm:4: error: parser: instruction expected"... does anyone know why and wanna help me? thanx in advance ASM 2-D Bubble Sort!! Programming Software Development by Skwisgar70 … a 2-D bubble sort for an assignment in an asm course, but for whatever reason I cannot make it work…. I can write one in 3 minutes in C++, but ASM just kicks my ass. In this instance I'm using…++ file to make the function call, and just using my .asm file to declare the function. I've got public _Sort… ASM Code, CPU Utilization, per CPU Programming Software Development by Chizl …'m a old C++ guy, so forgive my ignorance in ASM.. I'm having issues with getting CPU utilization through perfmon… lower level and see if this can be done in ASM without these kinds of issues. Anyone have a snippet they… asm in C Programming Software Development by Mahen hi everyone, am sorry but i have to bother you again. Here is my question. Firstly I want to know how to include asm programming in C. Secondly, is there a way to convert hex into asm in C. Thanks for all your responses. :) Re: asm in C Programming Software Development by Chainsaw If you have small snippets of asm you want to do you can usually inline the ASM. In vc++, for example: [code] void DoSomething( int parameter ) { int localVar; __asm { mov EAX, localVar // you have access to local vars by name mov parameter, EAX // and to parameters } } [/code] asm code puzzles Programming Software Development by Evenbit Jeff added some coding puzzlers to his AsmIDE site: [URL=""][/URL] Anyone got any solutions, more puzzles, etc.? Nathan. Re: asm files compilation Programming Software Development by uu666 … know what im learning about, will help me with the asm language... my point is, i just wanna get used with… ASM for PowerPC Programming Software Development by Necrolis … first post on this board, second i have knowledge of asm and debugging but by no means am i a guru… way to track down the powerpc equivalent of certain x86 asm instruction(or a way to find certain command blocks) the… ASM Boot Program Programming Software Development by imperator Hi, I am relatively new in ASM, so I need some help. I found this code on …, 0x0A, "What`s your name", 0x0D, 0x0A, 0x00 ;ASM Signature TIMES 510-($-$$) DB 0 DW 0xAA55 [/code] It`s… Asm code Programming Software Development by alanso hey guys this c++ code which needed to convert to asm and when user enter 2000 the clock shoud show lest … of a, b and c. and after i convert to asm there is eror in divide.. _asm{ LOOP1: CMP B1(a… Re: ASM Game Coding Problem/Question Programming Software Development by Evenbit … no trouble at all to do Internet-interface programming in ASM. Take a look at the source code for Quetannon at… what language they program their bot in. A well-written ASM routine could better monitor and retrieve the particular bit of… Re: ASM Boot Program Programming Software Development by tesuji Hi, obviously your asm is real mode (because of int 10H (= 0x10) then the … ASM Game Coding Problem/Question Programming Software Development by kaoru … been annoying me and some other friends of mine regarding ASM programming. So without further ado here is my dilemma. I… ASM bulletin board Programming Software Development by matiman Hi ppl...i'm having problems in my assignment.... what i need to do is create a bulletin-board program on ASM that does the following: I "some string" - inputs string into bulletin board D number - deletes the specific string from the board V - prints out all the string that are stored insided thank you for your help asm win32 to linux issue Programming Software Development by JasonL220 … contains a java->c wrapper btw the original win32 asm was not written by me but taken from sun's… ASM If Statement Programming Software Development by easy2mem Here is my awful attempt at converting this: [code] int a=0; if(a!=80) { a+=1; } [/code] to assembly (NASM): [code] push cx mov cx, 80 loop: je short endloop mov al,0xDB call kputchar add word [d],1 cmp cx,[d] endloop: pop cx ... d dw 0 [/code] I am not very good at ASM, so any help would be much appreciated. TIA ASM compiler Hardware and Software Linux and Unix by Josue198s guys i need a assembly x86 windows i use MASM615..i dont want to code on windows.i do all my coding in java and C..on linux pleas some help for asm compile on ubuntu 10.10 . asm recursion Programming Software Development by mikesr …) << endl; } return 0; } [/code] and this is my asm converted code: [code] bits 32 extern _printf, _scanf global _main… ASM code in binary Programming Software Development by Labdabeta I would just like to know how x86 ASM instructions are translated into binary. EG: [ICODE]mov al,061h[/ICODE] becomes [ICODE]10110000 01100001[/ICODE] Re: ASM code in binary Programming Software Development by Labdabeta Thanks, but how exactly do I do this? I am used to C++, but I do have MASM and CV for writing assembly when necessary. Is there any way I could create something like a batch command to convert an ASM program into binary representation? ASM in C++ with mingw-g++ Programming Software Development by Labdabeta …: [CODE]int add(int a, int b) { int c=0; asm("mov %[aVal],%eax;add %[bVal],%eax;mov %eax,%[cVal… Re: Asm help .Please Programming Software Development by sysop_fb Either I don't know what you're asking for or this smells like homework. Anyway the param to the function you were asking about [CODE] mov eax,[ebp-08h] push eax mov eax,0051F900h call eax [/CODE] The C calling convention is to push arguments on the stack from right to left. So what do you think the argument passed is… Re: Asm help .Please Programming Software Development by LangTuHaoHoa SO,I want to know how many arguments in that function,and How to use that function for example: void MyFunc(int s) { struct itemRec { int code; int index; } bItem; bItem.code = 0x0000000B; bItem.index = s; __asm { push eax push edx…