Re: Word Association Game Community Center Geeks' Lounge by Sheriff Mole Atomic Nucleus ---> elementary Re: Word Association Game Community Center Geeks' Lounge by paramasivan Atomic--->09/11 Re: atomic operation in c++ Programming Software Development by Taywin I doubt there is such a natural atomic operation in C++. If you use a library to force anything to be atomic, then it should. I would say no in this case. atomic increment is not working properly.. Programming Software Development by akmittal … this problem - i have a assembly code which does the atomic increment [code=assembly] Atomic_Add (volatile unsigned int *addr, int additive… atomic operation in c++ Programming Software Development by johnray31 Hello guys, Do ++/-- are atomic operations in c++? Thanks Re: atomic operation in c++ Programming Software Development by abdelhakeem Yes, when applied to integers and pointers they are always atomic, but the overloaded ++/-- are not, since they are translated by the compiler into instructions that are more than one. Read [URL=""]this[/URL]. atomic alternative VS2010 Programming Software Development by Suzie999 … to indicate when a thread is complete. Quickly discovered `std::atomic<type> var(val);` only to find it has… Re: From beginner in Java: Atomic type-what is it? Programming Software Development by indienick … of the classes in the java.util.concurrent.atomic package have the "Atomic" prefix in their names. All of those… classes "...provide atomic access to arrays of values and provide [b]volatile[/b… Re: Is C binary flag atomic? Programming Software Development by Schol-R-LEA …any case, the likelihood of it being implemented in an atomic fashion is very low. In the scenario you describe, … x86 architecture has some instructions that are guaranteed to be atomic (with the LOCK modifier), there is no (portable and…of this is, no, that isn't going to be atomic without blocking, and on a modern multicore/multiprocessor system, … From beginner in Java: Atomic type-what is it? Programming Software Development by Ainur Dear all Could you tell me what is it-atomic type in Java? I explored internet and book Java in 21 days,but nothing about it. The question was about difference between object reference and atomic type. I found that object reference is an address that indicates where an object's variable and methods are stored. Thank you Resume write (atomic operations with pipes vs. split files) Hardware and Software Linux and Unix by Hiroshe … Unix catagory, however I beleive Windows pipes also can perform atomic writes - correct me if I'm wrong! Say I'm… I'm currently doing is reading PIPE_BUF bytes (to guarrentee atomic operations if I understand them correctly) of information from my… Re: Is variable++ 1 atomic action? Programming Computer Science by Dogtree …] Optimizations can make it close to atomic for all cases of built-in types, or atomic for some cases of some built… Re: From beginner in Java: Atomic type-what is it? Programming Software Development by jwenting An atomic type in the context referred to most likely should be read as a primitive type. That's int, long, double, float, byte, and char. They don't refer to Object references, like everything else. Is variable++ 1 atomic action? Programming Computer Science by bigbrother2000 Hi everyone, just wondering if anyone knows if any variable++ would be classed as 1 atomic action? Thanks guys Win version for atomic.h Programming Software Development by amt_muk Hello Friends, I am trying to porting an unix c++ program into windows using MSVC8.0 compiler. In my unix version there are some lines like [CODE] #include <sys/atomic.h> ... atomic_add_int_nv() ... [/CODE] Now, pls help me to find out the Win version of these code segments. Thanks, Amit Re: Win version for atomic.h Programming Software Development by ArkM Look at [url][/url] Question Inline Atomic Add Programming Software Development by dmanw100 … this question is simplistic. I would like to implement an atomic add (for incrementing an array pointer). My code looks like… Excel Help : How to get atomic values in excel cell. Programming Databases by fashxfreak … contain multiple values separated by (,).Now I want to get atomic values in all cells of column 'C'. i.e. that… Re: Excel Help : How to get atomic values in excel cell. Programming Databases by LastMitch … contain multiple values separated by (,).Now I want to get atomic values in all cells of column 'C'. i.e. that… Is C binary flag atomic? Programming Software Development by N1GHTS … other words, are set or clear operations in this structure atomic and therefore thread safe? compiling linux driver in eclipse Programming Software Development by mrynit …/modules/2.6.24-18-generic/build/include/asm-generic/atomic.h:141: error: expected ‘=’, ‘,’, ‘;’, ‘asm’ or ‘__attribute__…/modules/2.6.24-18-generic/build/include/asm-generic/atomic.h:173: error: expected ‘=’, ‘,’, ‘;’, ‘asm’ or ‘__attribute__…/modules/2.6.24-18-generic/build/include/asm-generic/atomic.h:180: error: expected ‘=’, ‘,’, ‘;’, ‘asm’ or ‘… periodic table help shwing bgi error Programming Software Development by nitinmbhanu …;"\n\n\n\n\t\t\t\tEnter the atomic radius : "; cin>>radius; radiusfind(radius); goto…;"\n\n\n\n\t\t\t\tEnter the atomic radius 1 : "; cin>>radius1; cout&…;"\n\n\n\n\t\t\t\tEnter the atomic radius 2 : "; cin>>radius2; radiusrfind(… C++ project -periodic table Programming Software Development by nishankyadav …::getdata() { cleardevice(); setbkcolor(5); cout<<"Enter the atomic no."; cin>>c; } void periodic::putdata() { …quot; <<" "<<"3.)Its atomic radius is 222pm." <<" "<<…quot; <<" "<<"3.)Its atomic radius is 187pm." <<" "<<… Why won't my array remember any data I pass to it? Programming Software Development by mandangalo …that element?"); } else { Console.WriteLine("atomic num: {0}", atomicNum); Console.WriteLine("… Console.ReadLine(); Console.WriteLine("What is the atomic symbol of that element?"); atomicSym = Console.… need halp passing array data Programming Software Development by willseyvilleny …elem } } void intro_display() { printf("Welcome to Bryant's Official Atomic Weight Tabulator"); } void print_element( element_t *chem_ptr,int size) { printf…("\n Atomic number | Name | Symbol | Class | Atomic wieght"); //a table top that breaks the… Re: Why won't my array remember any data I pass to it? Programming Software Development by Geekitygeek …crashes because when you add an item it has its atomic number saved incorrectly: [CODE] if (m_theTable.ElementHasData(atomicNum … - 1).Print(); [/CODE] Personally i would leave Atomic number as it should be in every part of your… (the number - 1) -(output)What is the atomic number you would like to add? -(user enters) 100… Function 'initgraph' should have a prototype Programming Software Development by Prashant45 …alpha- particle scattering experiment led to the discovery of atomic nucleus.\n"; ob15<<"\n2.Rutherford…shells with discrete energy around the nucleus. If the atomic shells are complete, then the atom will be … particle scattering experiment led to the\n discovery of atomic nucleus.\n"; cout<<"\n2.Rutherford… Re: Why won't my array remember any data I pass to it? Programming Software Development by ddanbe … in a new element you ask for an atomic number and print out atomic number - 1. As Ryshad said, only use minus… you access your array of elements. Look over all your atomic numbers and leave -1 out when needed. Re: Can someone please elaborate? Programming Software Development by mike_2000_17 …++11 code: #include <future> #include <atomic> #include <vector> #include <iostream&… again a consequence of the operations not being **atomic**. There is a possibility (however remote) that even…a set of functions for specific and typical atomic operations. Atomic operations are mainly used for kernel-level code… Prolog Symbolic Calc Programming Software Development by Cy137 …(V,2)). d(exp(U,C),X,R):-atomic(C),C\=X,d(U,X,A),R=mul…,-sin(W))). d(exp(C,X),X,R):-atomic(C),C=E,d(W,X,Z),R=C…*exp(W). %%%%%%INTEGRATION EQUATIONS%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% in(A,X,R):-atomic(A),free_of(A,X),R=mul(A,X). in(…,2),2). in(exp(X,A),X,R):-atomic(A),R=div(exp(X,add(A,1)),add…exp(e,X). in(exp(A,X),X,R):-atomic(A),R=div(exp(A,X),ln(A)). …