Re: Bubble sort Programming Software Development by syd919 bubble sort works by comparing one element int the data to every …,2,6,5};`, if you wanted to sort the data in ascending order using bubble sort you would compare 3 to 2 first… Re: Bubble sort Programming Software Development by syd919 bubble sort works by comparing one element in the data to every …,6,5};[/code], if you wanted to sort the data in ascending order using bubble sort you would compare 3 to 2 first… Re: Bubble sort Programming Software Development by jonsca Sort the two arrays in parallel (every move you make on … set of loops that will do the same thing. A bubble sort will be the same thing as you would do by… Re: Bubble sort help Programming Software Development by MandrewP … already mentioned, in main(), you are calling the Bubble sort function five times, and you only need to do…program, it is just unnecessarily repeating the bubble sort five times. The problem lies in your bubble sort function: [CODE]int temp , j… not your coding, like in main() or the bubble sort algorithm, but the fact that you didn't understand… Bubble Sort Help Programming Software Development by Jarrex …while (done1 == false); int i; int j; string tmp; //bubble sort for (i=0; i<counter; i++) { for (j…lt;< " " << endl; } //end bubble sort, start binary search while (done == false){ int upperbound = counter;…; }} } [/CODE] the problem is that the bubble sort causes my calories to not line up with the food… Re: bubble sort help Programming Software Development by ZZucker … want: [code=python]# follow the progression of a bubble sort def bubble_sort(list1): swap_test = False for i in … [code=python]# follow the progression of an insertion sort def insertion_sort(list1): for i in range(1, … normal circumstances, the insertion and the selection sort are at least twice as fast as the bubble sort. Bubble sort Programming Software Development by matk Hello, I found the code for bubble sort in C++. With the code below th[U][/…lt;iostream.h> void bubbleSort(int *array,int length)//Bubble sort function { int i,j; for(i=0;i<…,6,2,7,1,8}; // array to sort bubbleSort(a,10); //call to bubble sort printElements(a,10); // print elements }[/code] Bubble sort Programming Software Development by Violet_82 … there, I am trying to get my head around the bubble sort but I don't seem to get it. Now I… have a program written by somebody which performs a bubble sort and I am trying to understand it but no much…; Data[i] << "\n"; } //sort the data array using the bubble sort for (i=0; i < MAX; i++) for… bubble sort help Programming Software Development by docaholic does anybody know how to make bubble sort work in progressively smaller sizes and determine if a list … on it's first try? i've got the basic bubble sort algorithm down. i just can't figure out the rest… of it (my basic bubble sort code below) [code] def bubbleSort(list1): for j in range… Re: Bubble sort Programming Software Development by VernonDozier …it's fine here. It's just a bubble sort and you've shown effort. Here is …an implementation of the Bubble Sort. You can see the program and you … rand () % SIZE; break; } cout << "Pre-sort : "; Display (array, SIZE); bool atLeastOneSwap = true; // initialize … Re: Bubble sort Programming Software Development by VernonDozier … as a temporary variable (hence the name "temp"). Bubble Sort (and other sorts) use swapping a lot. Line 16 needs… to be INSIDE of an if statement. Bubble Sort stops when you go through ALL of the numbers and… Re: bubble sort help Programming Software Development by griefers So you don't want a bubble sort then, you would rather have a selection sort that instead you find the largest value and put it in the end. Re: Bubble sort Programming Software Development by Fbody A flag is nothing more than a variable that tells the program when an event has occurred or a condition has been met. There really isn't anything special about them. Have a look at this for more info: [url][/url] Re: Bubble sort help Programming Software Development by jon.kiparsky For the sort part: by "do bubble sort" do you mean you need help writing the code for a bubble sort, or do you… mean you have a bubble sort that you don't know how… bubble Sort help... Programming Software Development by The 1 …? I need some help with a bubble sort algorithm, i basically have to use a bubble sort to look through a number of car… Re: bubble Sort help... Programming Software Development by VernonDozier …? I need some help with a bubble sort algorithm, i basically have to use a bubble sort to look through a number of car… Bubble Sort Help Programming Software Development by d87c … OOP approach. Retrieve a data pass it to array then sort it(bubble sort) and then display in the right order like the… follow. But im stuck on the bubble sorting part. Can anyone help… Bubble sort Programming Software Development by Bri426 … do the decending order. We're supposed to use a bubble sort, and I'm not quite sure how to do this…[i]; } return 0; } [/CODE] Can someone help me construct the bubble sort in my SortArrays function? bubble sort Programming Software Development by chinee i need to call an array called team into a bubble sort that swaaps 3rd 4th ist and 2nd place in order. … good no errors there but i need to get the bubble sort to swap and print out the results. i keep getting… Bubble-Sort Programming Software Development by Vonga … I registered here. I'm currently working on this program (bubble-sort) so I looked up some example codes and I found… Bubble sort help Programming Software Development by HASHMI007 ….h" #include<iostream> using namespace std; void Bubble(int x[],int n ){ int temp , j , pass; int flag…]=x[j+1]; x[j+1]=temp; } } } } // Env\d off Bubble Sort funtion int main(){ int n=5; int a[5]={1…,2,4}; for(int i=0;i<5;i++){ Bubble(a,n); } } [/CODE] there is problem , in main Re: Bubble Sort Programming Software Development by Ancient Dragon The bubble sort is probably the very easiest sort algorithm there is. What is so difficult to understand about …<int> array; // fill array is not shown // // now sort it std::sort(array.begin(),array.end()); [/code] Re: Bubble sort help Programming Software Development by adityatandon … times ?? Calling it once will make it sort... 3)Next thing in ur bubble sort, there is no increment of pass in the… bubble sort help Programming Software Development by hwoarang69 hi, i need help with bubble sort. i am not sure what are variable j and variable sort are for? public static void bubble_sort…(int unsorted[]) { int i = 0; int j = 0; int sort = 0; while(sort == 0) { sort = 1; j++; for(i = 0; i < unsorted… Re: Bubble sort Programming Software Development by jonsca …. You have to swap the elements of the array to sort it, what you have only gets you the maximum. some… left hand side for decending. [/code] If you search for bubble sort on the net there should be sites that have animated… Bubble Sort Programming Software Development by Traicey Can anyone explain how bubble sort work or give an example or a simple code that is bubble sorting Thanx in advance Bubble Sort Help Please Programming Software Development by codenoobrebel …class that requires reading a .DAT file, performing a bubble sort according to user input using the keyboard and then writing… } int option = 0; while (option !=3){ cout <<"Sort by Business or Client?" <<endl; cout <…;<"To sort by Client, enter 1" <<endl; cout … Re: bubble sort help Programming Software Development by hwoarang69 btw i now how bubble sort works for ex: * 2 4 6 1 10 2 0 * 2 4 1 6 2 0 10 * 2 1 4 2 0 6 10 * 1 2 2 0 4 6 10 * 1 2 0 2 4 6 10 * 1 0 2 2 4 6 10 * 0 1 2 2 4 6 10 i just dont know how is the code is working Re: Bubble Sort Help Programming Software Development by Momerath [URL=""]Bubble Sort[/URL] Re: Bubble Sort Help Programming Software Development by ddanbe You can also search the C# code snippet section. It contains C# code to do a bubble sort.