12 Topics

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Member Avatar for bprosic

This code works but I don't know how to dismantle this "sausage" code. async function showAllFilters(qry, arrayParams) { // params is [] let result; try { result = await db.query(qry, arrayParams); } catch (error) { console.log("showAllFilters error: "); console.error(error); } return result; } router.get('/', function (req, res) { // localhost:5000/api/filter …

Member Avatar for maxhowells7
Member Avatar for Niloofar24

Hello! Can you give me an example of Button widget in Kivy language? I can creat the button but don't know how to use it's callback. I mean how can i set a command for the Button in Kivy?

Member Avatar for M_12
Member Avatar for owenransen

It seems to me that the Audio object can not be easily played inside a JavaScript callback when running on a mobile device. The code below shows an onload function which, on a PC, plays the sound when the web page is loaded, but on Android phones plays nothing. My …

Member Avatar for owenransen
Member Avatar for cereal

Hello, I've an array with different type of values: int, null, strings, arrays. I'm trying to remove nulls and empty strings, but I want to save ints, even when it equals to zero, so I tried with `array_filter()`, by default it will remove `0`, `''` and `null`, but by applying …

Member Avatar for cereal
Member Avatar for Vingklippt

**<iframe width="608" frameborder="0" id="mainframe" name="mainframe" onload="$(this).height($(this).contents().height());" src="mindex/forratt.php" scrolling="no" /></iframe>** So I have written this code to automatically adjust the iframe to its content and it works fine. The thing is that when I access a page with a lower height, the height from the previous page stays put. I want …

Member Avatar for Vingklippt
Member Avatar for daino

Heyall. I'm trying to use the sqlite3_exec function and am having trouble with the callback feature. I've placed my code below. I realise the callback function provides and argument void *data and the sqlite3_exec function provides a const char *data variable. That is where I'm getting the error. I've searched …

Member Avatar for Ancient Dragon
Member Avatar for tingwong

Hello everyone, I have a little question regarding a project for my class. We are making a tower defense game with ants and zombies objects for our project. My question is with this piece of code provided to us. /** * Callback invoked when the player attempts to recruit an …

Member Avatar for tingwong
Member Avatar for infrapt

I have a a few callback functions. i need to register them as a list. And callback all the registered functions in a main after a certain task is done. I am new to callback functions. Please shed some insight on this xcallback(register_callbackfunctions); ycallback(register_callbackfunctions); register_callbackfunctions()//not too sure what goes in …

Member Avatar for infrapt
Member Avatar for smile1

I have the following code where I have several small problems. I have included some comments as I can't seem to get my 'pop up menu' button to work in order to retrieve the number of columns requested by the user. I then need to be able to get the …

Member Avatar for woooee
Member Avatar for ShinyEdge

Hi, I have a problem with jquery callback. The callback is executed before the fadeIn animation is completed. What im trying to do is, I want to replace an existing image with a new image and resize the new image to a specific size. [CODE] var filepath = "images/test.jpg"; $('#imagewrap').css('background-image', …

Member Avatar for ShinyEdge
Member Avatar for Stefano Mtangoo

Hi, I'm making an MVC pattern based app and I though I would learn the principles first. I have reached a stage I need to connect the three elements. When Controller receives user action It calls right model. Now I need to register callback function so that when Model is …

Member Avatar for Stefano Mtangoo
Member Avatar for Mahesha999

Hi I am coding for cross-page posting using PostBackUrl property of the button on Page1. But the Button when clicked does not postbacks to the target page, simply flashes up Page1. When digged inside the html resource of the page1, I found the WebResource.axd file as a script holder When …


The End.