calculate carbon footprint program Programming Software Development by Violet_82 …I was thinking to use: For a car: carbon footprint = ((averageYearlyMiles * AverageMPG) * 9kg/gallon) ….com/nature-and-environment/carbon-footprint-calculator.aspx#axzz2WOzrsqNS) For a house: carbon footprint = monthly electricity kWh … For a bike carbon footprint = miles * 34 (takes 34… Re: calculate carbon footprint program Programming Software Development by Violet_82 … interface CarbonFootprint{ double getCarbonFootprint();//calculates the carbon footprint }//end of interface BIke: /*Bike.… error: cannot find symbol "Carbon footprint is ", categories.getCarbonFootprint()); ^ symbol: method… Re: calculate carbon footprint program Programming Software Development by Lucaci Andrew … analysis is required). 2. Since you have to compute the carbon footprint of each of those objects, and you have the formulas… Re: calculate carbon footprint program Programming Software Development by Violet_82 …$ javac *.java error: cannot find symbol "Carbon footprint is ", categories.getCarbonFootprint()); ^ symbol: method getCarbonFootprint() location: variable categories… Re: calculate carbon footprint program Programming Software Development by Violet_82 …("%s \n%s: %.2f\n", categories.toString(), "Carbon footprint is ", categories.getCarbonFootprint()); }//end for loop }//end of main… Re: calculate carbon footprint program Programming Software Development by Violet_82 …;, "Details for ", currentObject.getClass().getName(), currentObject.toString(), "Carbon footprint is ", currentObject.getCarbonFootprint()); }//end for loop thanks for your… Crisis with co2 footprint program Programming Software Development by gibson.nathan … alot of information and use it to calculate a persons carbon footprint based on a list of things that are in the….out.println("| Gas | Electricity | Waste | Recycling | New Bulbs | CO2 Footprint |"); } }[/CODE] Re: calculate carbon footprint program Programming Software Development by JamesCherrill Since you don't actually do anything with those classes it doesn't matter what attributes they have, so maybe this example is a bit *too* simple? Do you still have your code for two or more console-based games (tictactoe, hangman, scissors/paper/rock or whatever)?. If so it may be interesting to package those as classes into a simgle games console… Re: calculate carbon footprint program Programming Software Development by Violet_82 JamesCherrill, it would be a really really good idea but unfortunately I only have the tic tac toe and judging from a quick look at my computer I don't think I have developed any other game in java unfortunately. Also if it wasn't for the fact that I have to crack on with the theory I would almost be tempted to attempt one or two more games, but I … Re: calculate carbon footprint program Programming Software Development by JamesCherrill Lists use methods to add and access elements, not the [] notation. eg `categories.add(new Bike(200.00));` Check the ArrayList API documentation for all the methods you can use. Re: calculate carbon footprint program Programming Software Development by JamesCherrill categories is an Object of type ArrayList, and ArrayLists do not have a getCarbonFootprint() method. You must get one or more actual CarbonFootprint objects from tyhe list, then use it/them to call CarbonFootprint's getCarbonFootprint() method. eg ArrayList<String> strings = ..... strings.toLowerCase(); // ERROR = ArrayLists do not… Re: calculate carbon footprint program Programming Software Development by scudzilla Use categories.get(#) to get individual elements of the arraylist. Use a for each loop to get all elements of the arraylist. Use one or the other, not both (usually, that is). JamesCherrill was just showing you both at the same time just to compare. Anyway, inside your for loop, lines 11 and 12, since you assigned each element of categories to … Re: calculate carbon footprint program Programming Software Development by JamesCherrill > I don't understand what difference it makes if I get an object from the list and use it to call the method (the object still doesn't have that particular method assigned to it Not so! You declare categories like this: `ArrayList<CarbonFootprint> categories` ie categories is an ArrayList containing only CarbonFootprint objects (… Re: Crisis with co2 footprint program Programming Software Development by gibson.nathan …methods on it[code]CO2Footprint footprint = new CO2Footprint(); double[] glassReduct = footprint.calcGlassReductions();[/code][/QUOTE] i… { public static void main(String[] args){ CO2Footprint footprint = new CO2Footprint(); //declaration of variables int [] … Re: Crisis with co2 footprint program Programming Software Development by Ezzaral So now you can create a CO2Footprint object and call methods on it[code]CO2Footprint footprint = new CO2Footprint(); double[] glassReduct = footprint.calcGlassReductions();[/code] Re: Crisis with co2 footprint program Programming Software Development by gibson.nathan …. Create a minimum of five different objects. 8. Your CO2 footprint should account for the following: • annual estimate of gasoline used… Oxford University reveals remote working reduces global warming Hardware and Software by newsguy … the Environment – The Role of Teleworking in Reducing Carbon Emissions" report which was undertaken by Oxford University… clear: Working from home really can help reduce our carbon footprint as a country - if we manage it correctly,”…enable workers to work from home to reduce their carbon footprint. It also shows that the concerns of employers… rootmap help??urgent plz.. Programming Web Development by sarithak …"> <div id="member_C02Label">carbon footprint: <strong id="member_CO2Value"></strong&…id="member_CO2Info" title="find out more about carbon footprint">more emissions info</a> <…span class="info">on carbon emissions</span> </div> </div… Epson zaps the green lobby with return and recycle lasers Hardware and Software Linux and Unix by newsguy … that all users of Epson laser printers can reduce their carbon footprint if they wish so to do. The new scheme allows… cut the energy required during the manufacturing process, reducing the carbon footprint of products that are manufactured from the cartridge materials in… MyEclipse Maker Spends Green to Go Green Community Center by EddieC … today that it is working toward a near-zero carbon footprint and wants other Java tool companies to do the same…Genuitec claims to prevent more than 70 metric tons of carbon dioxide from entering the atmosphere per year. Here's … enough donations to offset 202,961 metric tons of carbon dioxide emission and has purchased 204,999 metric tons … AI + Micro Transactions + Big Data = A Perfect Dystopia? Community Center by Johannes C. … of daily services based on your perceived societal value or carbon footprint. * **Microtransaction Systems**: As our world moves towards a more digital… manage resources more effectively, leading to a reduction in our carbon footprint. To navigate the path towards a utopian, rather than a… Re: Epson zaps the green lobby with return and recycle lasers Hardware and Software Linux and Unix by UrbanKhoja …'s nice Epson are taking the incitive to lower their carbon footprint but they really should be clearer with the facts. Most… Preserve Polar Bears, Don't Use Google During Copenhagen Week Digital Media Digital Marketing Search Engine Strategies by happygeek …, according to Ecosia at least, produces that same amount of carbon dioxide when making one search as a light bulb does… argument has always been that they actually leave a bigger carbon footprint as in effect people are using Google and another search… Google Makes 20 Year Wind Energy Deal Programming Computer Science by Niki_Fears … company[/URL] since they announced their commitment to become a carbon neutral enterprise back in 2007. Now, they have made a… to buy Renewable Energy Credits to help offset their own carbon footprint. They will begin purchasing from the wind farm on July… HP EliteBook 8440w MobileWorkstation Hardware and Software Hardware Mobile and Wearables by WASDted …. Most I.T. pros don’t really care about their carbon footprint but it’s nice to know no penguins were harmed… building this laptop. How about saving some time, money and carbon impact by reducing your travel needs? This notebook comes pre… Re: Preserve Polar Bears, Don't Use Google During Copenhagen Week Digital Media Digital Marketing Search Engine Strategies by MktgRob … many private planes and limos that they will leave a carbon footprint the size of a small nation. Today a political action… The rewritable printer Hardware and Software Linux and Unix by happygeek … pages per minute. No doubt this will reduce the overall carbon footprint of the printer, but whether this will equate to real… Re: The rewritable printer Hardware and Software Linux and Unix by jwenting … their special printer in combination with their special paper. "Carbon footprint" is complete bollocks, an invention by treehugging politicians with… Black Google not as green as painted Digital Media Digital Marketing Search Engine Strategies by happygeek … money will be used to plant trees and offset the carbon footprint created by recreating a Google search engine on a separate… The black Google is back, and this time it's official Digital Media Digital Marketing Search Engine Strategies by happygeek … couple of hours instead, to make up the difference in carbon footprint terms for Google going black all day today then…