Censorship or Silliness? Community Center by Catweazle With the ‘Hot Coffeegate’ scandal video game censorship has hit front page. Diversity in video games is under … slather’ for content distribution, and am a firm believer in censorship ratings, I think the current debate is way out of… Re: Censorship or Silliness? Community Center by jwenting … the industry to the point of total government control and censorship which must be a big disappointment for them seeing as… Re: Censorship Community Center Meta DaniWeb by Biker920 … closed is closed to all activity. 1 down vote for censorship. Later--- U.S. Military Bans Medal of Honor's Sale From Its Bases--Has Censorship Gone Too Far? Community Center Geeks' Lounge by Glass_Joe … question: when does the line between tasteful discretion and egregious censorship get drawn in the sand far beyond its means? Ignoring… be an end to the ridiculousness that is video game censorship? Is this to say that because of Japan’s bombing… Anonymity and Censorship: what people really think on Safer Internet Day Hardware and Software Information Security by happygeek … be opt-in. Although I admit that this kind of censorship debate is always going to be contentious, I would have… with can the dangers start to be mitigated. Filtering and censorship at the ISP level is like cutting off not only… Re: U.S. Military Bans Medal of Honor's Sale From Its Bases--Has Censorship Gone Too Far? Community Center Geeks' Lounge by Agilemind … people to keep troop moral etc.. you need propaganda and censorship. 2) Video games do not make people go out an… Re: U.S. Military Bans Medal of Honor's Sale From Its Bases--Has Censorship Gone Too Far? Community Center Geeks' Lounge by bigstorm Good. The mind can be incredibly delicate. I am shocked that it took this long for the military to make it an issue. To use the term Censorship gives creativity a bad name. This is more a case of not respecting a serious issue. China reveals weapons of mass PC censorship Hardware and Software Linux and Unix by happygeek … that the Chinese authorities are turning their weapons of mass censorship on all citizens. It seems that as from next month… Iranians Using Twitter to Evade Government Censorship Digital Media Digital Marketing by slfisher [I]"The Net interprets censorship as damage and routes around it." [URL="http://… Will Google pull out of Italy over new censorship row? Digital Media Digital Marketing Search Engine Strategies by happygeek … emerging and important online market and less to do with censorship after all. As I may have mentioned before, it is… Re: Censorship or Silliness? Community Center by Toulinwoek Come on, guys. We live in a very reactionary society, and generally many people's reactions (when they finally happen) are out of proportion to the real problem. A lot of video games have been distastefully violent, crass and/or sexual for a while now, and even though this particular example might be more extreme than others, it's really no more … Censorship Community Center Meta DaniWeb by Salem Not only does bugger all get done about students posting crappy "do my homework NOW" posts. [url]http://www.daniweb.com/forums/thread268437.html[/url] and [url]http://www.daniweb.com/forums/thread265286.html[/url] We can't even discuss ways to challenge their behaviour. [url]http://www.daniweb.com/forums/thread267094.html[/url] … Re: Censorship Community Center Meta DaniWeb by BestJewSinceJC I agree with you, mainly, but what did that 'hijack' thread have to do with people who don't show effort on homework assignments? I thought the whole 'hijack' thing was about threads that had gotten split or something like that. Guess I'm out of the loop... Re: Censorship Community Center Meta DaniWeb by WaltP Hijack thread? He never mentioned hijack thread. Hijacking has nothing to do with this thread except it deals with new members not bothering to follow rules. Re: Censorship Community Center Meta DaniWeb by WaltP That'll teach you to be enthusiastic... :icon_twisted: Re: Censorship Community Center Meta DaniWeb by Biker920 [QUOTE=WaltP;1162553]That'll teach you to be enthusiastic... :icon_twisted:[/QUOTE] My bad. I mistook a feed back forum as a place to post an opinion of a discussed subject, sorry. Later--- Censorship or Silliness, Part II Community Center by Catweazle In my [url=http://www.daniweb.com/blogs/entry276.html]previous article[/url] on this topic I made mention that.... [quote] Undue violence and gore in video games is of course a worthy topic of debate. But that debate MUST be conducted in a mature and considered fashion. There is no evidence whatsoever which conclusively demonstrates that video … Re: Censorship or Silliness, Part II Community Center by chris99 Concerning 'Modding' the disney online game Toontown Online has the right idea. You can select names from 4 part listing processes eg: Professor Snappy JingleHarper but if you want to type a name, it goes through a submission process that rejects the name if inappropriate. They should do that with the level editors, to keep the player-made … Re: U.S. Military Bans Medal of Honor's Sale From Its Bases--Has Censorship Gone Too Far? Community Center Geeks' Lounge by Ancient Dragon As a retired 23 year veteran I have to agree that the game should be banned from every store in the USA. The game is an insult to every American who died in wartime. If I see a copy of it I'm afraid I will have to burn it in front of the store that sells it. >>The U.S. military is overstepping its bounds here drastically, something it … Re: U.S. Military Bans Medal of Honor's Sale From Its Bases--Has Censorship Gone Too Far? Community Center Geeks' Lounge by VernonDozier I have to admit that I used to play a decent amount of Grand Theft Auto and its variants. I'll also confess that, while I normally play the part of a G.I. in video games, I've occasionally played on the Nazi side. Playing for the Taliban side seems a bit too far for me to go (I guess it's just too current and hence too real), but really, what's … Re: U.S. Military Bans Medal of Honor's Sale From Its Bases--Has Censorship Gone Too Far? Community Center Geeks' Lounge by Glass_Joe I wholeheartedly disagree with you, Dragon. My point wasn't that the military doesn't have the right to ban this game. It was that men and women in the armed forces are dying for our freedoms of choice when they aren't even afforded any for themselves. Now they're going to intervene with which forms of entertainment media our soldiers choose to… Re: U.S. Military Bans Medal of Honor's Sale From Its Bases--Has Censorship Gone Too Far? Community Center Geeks' Lounge by tiger86 I am so glad Ancient Dragon was here to defend those who serve and have served in the military. My dad,my uncle, my grandfather, my great-grandfather, my great-great grandfather all served in the military. I am so glad that the government banned the game from being sold on the base. I think that this level should be banned altogether, but it is … Re: U.S. Military Bans Medal of Honor's Sale From Its Bases--Has Censorship Gone Too Far? Community Center Geeks' Lounge by Nick Evan [B]>>Letting people play as the Taliban might give them the wrong impression.[/B] I've played GTA and I haven't run over any hookers, cops or children with my car yet. I've played counter-strike as a terrorist, but I have never felt the need to take a bunch of people hostage, or rig a bomb somewhere. I have also played Mario Bros and I … Re: U.S. Military Bans Medal of Honor's Sale From Its Bases--Has Censorship Gone Too Far? Community Center Geeks' Lounge by Glass_Joe [QUOTE=tiger86;1329294]I am so glad Ancient Dragon was here to defend those who serve and have served in the military. My dad,my uncle, my grandfather, my great-grandfather, my great-great grandfather all served in the military. I am so glad that the government banned the game from being sold on the base. I think that this level should be banned … Re: U.S. Military Bans Medal of Honor's Sale From Its Bases--Has Censorship Gone Too Far? Community Center Geeks' Lounge by tiger86 [QUOTE=;][/QUOTE] I'll say it again: this game is wrong on so many levels. The human mind, especially the teenager mind is very impressionable. This game should be banned or at the bare minimum have everyone be over 18 & carded & sign sometype of legal agreement. I am sure some stores will refuse to carry it while others see the … Re: U.S. Military Bans Medal of Honor's Sale From Its Bases--Has Censorship Gone Too Far? Community Center Geeks' Lounge by Glass_Joe [QUOTE=tiger86;1329353]I'll say it again: this game is wrong on so many levels. The human mind, especially the teenager mind is very impressionable. This game should be banned or at the bare minimum have everyone be over 18 & carded & sign sometype of legal agreement. I am sure some stores will refuse to carry it while others see the … Re: U.S. Military Bans Medal of Honor's Sale From Its Bases--Has Censorship Gone Too Far? Community Center Geeks' Lounge by mjhurdle I think that we all may be making a bigger deal of this than it is. As the story states, there is no prohibition against owning the game. I served in the military and spent over a year in Afghanistan. I personally saw a person lose his leg when a RPG hit his 7-ton. I have no problem with allowing military members to play this game if that is what … Re: U.S. Military Bans Medal of Honor's Sale From Its Bases--Has Censorship Gone Too Far? Community Center Geeks' Lounge by tiger86 [QUOTE=;][/QUOTE] Okay, first off I've never played Medal of Honor. I have played Halo online. I was quite tired last night when I made my second post. I know that games like Halo and GTA depict violence, but what seperates them from this new level of medal of honor is that (1 the versions of Halo online that I played weren't set in any era. I … Re: U.S. Military Bans Medal of Honor's Sale From Its Bases--Has Censorship Gone Too Far? Community Center Geeks' Lounge by Agilemind Anyone noticed the Irony yet? The best recruitment tool the US army has every had is an online computer game where you play a US soldier and shoot terrorists etc... they pay real soldiers to play and befriend the other players and recruit them. Course the military should realize by making such a fuss over this game it is just going to guarantee… Re: U.S. Military Bans Medal of Honor's Sale From Its Bases--Has Censorship Gone Too Far? Community Center Geeks' Lounge by Ancient Dragon >>Course the military should realize by making such a fuss over this game it is just going to guarantee it will be a success It does seem to work that way with anything that is banned whether it is drugs, alcohol, movies, books, games, guns, etc. I don't know about other countries but in USA banning something seems to produce a backlash …