Retrieval Augmented Generation with Claude 3.5 Sonnet Programming Computer Science by usmanmalik57 …("user", "{input}") ]) output_parser = StrOutputParser() chain = prompt | llm | output_parser result = chain.invoke( {"assistant": "You are a…()` function that takes a query as input, invokes the retrieval chain, and prints the answer. ``` def generate_response(query): response = … With Rapid Tech Advancement, Beware the Pitfalls of Centralization Community Center by Johannes C. … hypothetical global network of cafeterias relying on a singular distribution chain, where one point of failure could leave all kids without… Thinking to write a simple "AI app" tutorial , should I do it ? Community Center Geeks' Lounge by jkon … there there will be a link back to the tutorials chain. The name of it "Chat with Quotes" Do… Re: Thinking to write a simple "AI app" tutorial , should I do it ? Community Center Geeks' Lounge by Reverend Jim I'd definitely follow that. My older son does a fair bit of AI work and he exclusively uses Python with Pytorch. I would strongly recommend that over C++. Also, if you aren't familiar with Jupyter notebooks I suggest you have a look - I found that vscode was the interface that was the easiest to set up and use. Re: Thinking to write a simple "AI app" tutorial , should I do it ? Community Center Geeks' Lounge by jkon Hello , I have started writing it ( in my free time ) but it is a little difficult because I want it to be safe but also for someone that doesn't know a lot about Python. So I have to start from what pyenv is and why you should use virtual environments in Python. Less than half a year ago , I have written Python here and there in my life (or more… Re: Thinking to write a simple "AI app" tutorial , should I do it ? Community Center Geeks' Lounge by Dani I would absolutely love, of course, if you could write a tutorial, or series of tutorials, on how to use LLM without a ChatGPT API. I did not even realize that there were open source LLMs available these days!! (Perhaps I'm just behind the times?) Yes, just create a tutorial draft and then you can manage it from the [Editorial Workshop](https://… Chain of Responsibility Programming Software Development by solomon_13000 … com.chain; public interface Chain { void setNext(Chain chain); void process(int number); } package com.chain; public class ProcessNegative implements Chain{ private Chain chain; public void setNext(Chain chain){ this.chain = chain Re: Chain of Responsibility Programming Software Development by JamesCherrill ... but anyway, c3 is the end of the chain, you didn't define a "next" for it, so on line 39 chain will be null... -> exception! Re: Chain of Responsibility Programming Software Development by solomon_13000 You are right that c2 is the end of the chain. So I defined a next for it and it works. Thanks. chain associated Programming Software Development by jecris …code with this?... Write a program to find the chain associated with any given number. Start with the given positive… integer. This is the first number in the chain. Sort the digits (of the base 10 number) … 83952 98532 - 23589 = 74943 Length until repeat: 8 Length of chain: 4 Example 2: Enter an integer: 893 983 - 389 = … DNA CHAIN Programming Software Development by Belfina …!): "); longDNA = readLine("-Insert the second DNA chain(correct this time please!): "); shortDNA= shortDNA.toUpperCase(); longDNA…!): "); longDNA = readLine("-Insert the second DNA chain(correct this time please!): "); shortDNA= shortDNA.toUpperCase(); longDNA… Re: DNA CHAIN Programming Software Development by Belfina … erased the part I was "translating" the first chain. The missing code is here, but the program is still… Finding longest number chain with hailstone algorithm Programming Software Development by Yoink I have to write a program that will print the chain of a number using a hailstone function, as well as … thing that wont work is the length of the longest chain section at the bottom of my main. [CODE] MIN = 1… values\n" print "\n\tL - Find the Longest chain\n" print "\n\tQ - Quit\n\n"… Hooks and the Hook Chain Programming Software Development by inamabilis … hook will be added to the start of the hook chain? And it follows that if another application initiated it's… hook it would be added above me in the hook chain? What I want to know is if it is possible… (i.e. always has to pass the data down the chain using CallNextHookEx) in the hook chain. Hope this makes sense. Thanks Re: Finding longest number chain with hailstone algorithm Programming Software Development by Yoink I want to find both the longest chain, and the number that produces that longest chain in any given range of numbers. Re: Finding longest number chain with hailstone algorithm Programming Software Development by Yoink … values\n" print "\n\tL - Find the Longest chain\n" print "\n\tQ - Quit\n\n"…(num) MAXNUM = num print ("\n%d has the longest chain of %d\n") % (MAXNUM, MAXLEN) main() [/CODE… Re: Finding longest number chain with hailstone algorithm Programming Software Development by woooee …(num) MAXNUM = num print ("\n%d has the longest chain of %d\n") % (MAXNUM, MAXLEN) [/code] The maxLenth function… Need Criticism on my E-R Diagram for Video Rental Chain Programming Databases by edw211 …at university. I am attempting the apparently notorious video chain database project. Below are the project specifications: "…Consider the operations of a video sales and rental chain. Such a company purchases videos from vendors and … customers. All customers are members of the video chain. Members are required to return rented videos by… Re: Hooks and the Hook Chain Programming Software Development by inamabilis Presumably i cant find out where abouts in the hook chain i am either? Re: Pascal - Matrix Chain Multiplication Programming Software Development by Muttley …possibilities: 1. i didn't understood the whole matrix chain multiplication 2. or u didn't understood my question my…, which in pseudo code looks like this: [CODE]Matrix-Chain-Multiply(A,s1,i,j) if j > i …then x = Matrix-Chain-Multiply(A,s1,i,s1[i,j]); y = Matrix…-Chain-Multiply(A,s1,s1[i,j]+1,j); return… How do i calculate the frequency of elements in a chain node. Programming Software Development by mus_203 … method that will calculate the frequency of elements in a chain data structure. Here's an example of what the method… and by using the get method of the chain class to return each matching element. But I'm sure… Daisy chain w/ mac and linksys Hardware and Software Networking by goodnitegraci I am trying to daisy chain a linksys wireless router with an airport base (not extreme). … to turn! Additional (perhaps useless) information: I have to daisy chain because I couldn't join the established linksys network the… matrix-chain multiplication Programming Software Development by tulip6 … find the optimal parenthesization of a matrix-chain product, then perform the optimal matrix -chain multiply 4 a sequence of matrices, but… Re: matrix-chain multiplication Programming Software Development by iamthwee >programme that find the optimal parenthesization of a matrix-chain product Try reading this:- [url]…Matrix_chain_multiplication[/url] >then perform the optimal matrix -chain multiply 4 a sequence of matrices Multiplication would go something… test chain Programming Software Development by boujibabe … take in score that are 0 to 100 me test chain goes someting like this [code] //check for valid data if… could I have no idea why i'm thinking the chain is too long any other ideas? Daisy-Chain Performance Digital Media Digital Marketing by keepbusy … use 6 ad networks in conjunction through a "daisy-chain," but I'm worried this will cause performance issues…. Is there a better approach? Does a long daisy-chain cause performance issues? The order I am looking at: Intergi… Re: Need Criticism on my E-R Diagram for Video Rental Chain Programming Databases by edw211 … of Forrest Gump spread out among a nation-wide video chain. If I have only a VIDEO entity like this: VIDEO… Re: Need Criticism on my E-R Diagram for Video Rental Chain Programming Databases by griswolf … it is pretty easy to be sure you have a chain of connection between any related entity, no matter how remote… OCR - Chain Code Algorithm Programming Software Development by nithyananthanaiker … project on OCR. I will have to come up with chain-code algorithm as the recognizer. Any of you guys have… googled much but I could not find a Java-based 'Chain-code algo for OCR' to develop on. I hope any… Re: matrix-chain multiplication Programming Software Development by kh_mukid Given an array of 10 elements, sort the data from index 2 to 6 using insertion sort algorithm. Write the c/c++ code for Matrix Chain Multiplication Algorithm for at least 5 matrixes. please solve this in c code.