chunk Programming Software Development by kunal.madhak What is the meaning of chunk in c++ Re: Chunk Programming Web Development by Shanti C see this for reference: [url][/url] what kind of state in php,you said... Re: chunk Programming Software Development by mike_2000_17 The same as its English meaning: a lump of anything. As far as I know, the word has no special meaning in C++, and I would know if there was. It just means a piece of memory or code or anything. Do you have a specific context in which you read or heard the word being used? looking for an algorithm for classification of data chunk Hardware and Software Linux and Unix by sudipta.mml … for an algorithm/program that separates all of the data chunk i,e how many chunks are there. Moreover, that program… following example suppose I have three chunk of data points and one isolated point. each chunk of data are related by some… http chunk encoding questions Hardware and Software Linux and Unix by SteelSlasher … is that i do not know the specifics of how chunk encoded files are transmitted. Currently, i have got the client… to be able to retrieve the size of the first chunk but then retrieves that same piece of information if carry… Re: looking for an algorithm for classification of data chunk Hardware and Software Linux and Unix by rubberman Some context would be helpful, to know what your purpose is and what you mean by a "data chunk". Chunk Programming Web Development by Shreyasi Plase any one help me?? I have two questions: 1. Is there anything called chank in php..If yes..then what is that? 2. What are the different state in PHP. Re: Chunk Programming Web Development by Shreyasi I want to know what is called state in php...Could u please help me... Re: Multidimensional Array Chunk..?! Programming Web Development by ETbo …, thanks for your reply! Is there a quick way to chunk the arrays as well? Meaning: Let's say that we…;rows"]["key1000"] = some String. How can I chunk them into batches of, 50 arrays? So each masterArray[i… Re: i want to split arratlist of any size into chunk size if 4 Programming Software Development by deceptikon …> public static List<List<T>> Chunk<T>(this List<T> items, int… silly doubt Programming Software Development by beanboy chunk of code... [CODE] public void init(ServletConfig config) throws ServletException { … Column Count doesn't equal value count at row 1 Programming Web Development by grant.baker …($chunk,1061,10); $airportInfo[].=substr($chunk,1071,16); $airportInfo[].=substr($chunk,1087,10); $airportInfo[].=substr($chunk,1097,16); $airportInfo[].=substr($chunk,1113,10); $airportInfo[].=substr($chunk Re: Column Count doesn't equal value count at row 1 Programming Web Development by grant.baker Well, I already us mysql_real_escape_string($chunk) just prior to the code I posted earlier. That should solve any quotation problems. Any other ideas? Re: Column Count doesn't equal value count at row 1 Programming Web Development by pritaeas That's dangerous. If there are quotes somewhere and you use that function, then `$chunk` will change, causing your `substr`'s to return the wrong values. Re: Column Count doesn't equal value count at row 1 Programming Web Development by grant.baker Ah, because it adds characters to escape quotes. I hadn't thought of that. Ok, so I changed it to $airportInfo[].=mysql_real_escape_string(substr($chunk,xx,xx));, and that fixed the problem. But I don't understand why it made a difference. Can you explain a bit what causes that error and how that change corrected it? Struct syntax problem? Programming Software Development by death_oclock …*group); void groupDes(GROUP *group); void chunkCon(CHUNK *chunk); void chunkDes(CHUNK *chunk); void groupCon(GROUP *group) { group->…CHUNK *chunk) { //chunk->__parent = NULL; chunk->chunkID = (char *)malloc(4); chunk->size = 0; chunk->data = (char *)malloc(0); } void chunkDes(CHUNK *chunk) { free(chunk Re: Struct syntax problem? Programming Software Development by Dave Sinkula Possibly...?[code]typedef struct GROUP GROUP; [COLOR="Red"]/* assuming * was erroneous? */[/COLOR] typedef struct CHUNK CHUNK; [COLOR="Red"]/* assuming * was erroneous? */[/COLOR] [COLOR="Red"]typedef enum {false,true} bool;[/COLOR][/code] Re: Struct syntax problem? Programming Software Development by ssharish2005 … GROUP *props; int nProps; struct GROUP *forms; int nForms; struct CHUNK *chunks; int nChunks; }; typedef struct GROUP *GROU; typedef struct… CHUNK *CHUNK; [/code] Now change all the GROUP references to GROU. And … Re: libpng: custom chunks Programming Software Development by Jamesbch …[255]; printf("Reading custom chunk [%s] @%p (%i octets)\n", chunk->name, chunk->data, chunk->size); sprintf(fileout, … fprintf(stderr, "Error: fatal.\n"); return; } // Setting unknown-chunk callback png_set_read_user_chunk_fn(png_ptr, NULL, (png_user_chunk_ptr)read_chunk_custom); /* except for our custom… libpng: custom chunks Programming Software Development by Jamesbch … }; void readPNG(char *file); void read_chunk_custom(png_structp ptr, png_unknown_chunkp chunk); int main(int argc, char **argv); void read_chunk_custom(png_structp ptr…*/ png_set_keep_unknown_chunks(png_ptr, 1, NULL, 0); /* except for our custom chunk: */ png_set_keep_unknown_chunks(png_ptr, 2, custom_chunk, sizeof(custom_chunk)/5); /* also … Heap Corruption in DirectXCPP Program Programming Software Development by DeeperShade …sdObj(); ~sdObj(); unsigned char load(std::string const &filename); chunk getChunkInfo(int offset, unsigned char *data); void testvert(); bool scan…], 4); return tc; } bool sdObj::scan(unsigned char *data) { chunk info; int offset = 0; memcpy(&info.ID, &data… pyaudio - buffer overflow errors Programming Software Development by dlsauers …in range(0, int(RATE / chunk * RECORD_SECONDS)): data = if playback == 1: stream.…global RATE for i in range(0, int(RATE / chunk * RECORD_SECONDS)): #print "i: ", i, …(0.05) # data = # data = '\x00' * chunk if playback == 1: stream.write(data)… CORS error on c# embedded http server Programming Software Development by kubi081 …offset = size; } }; reader.readAsArrayBuffer(chunk); }; function SendChunk(chunk,end){ if(end>0) {…: false, processData: false, data: chunk }); ajaxRequest.done(function (e) {… Re: libpng: custom chunks Programming Software Development by Jamesbch …QUOTE=Glenn R-P;1277472]You aren't setting your chunk handling stuff until after png_read_update_info(), so all the chunks… to just before the png_read_end() call. Also your custom chunk reader should return an int, positive for success, negative… for error, 0 for did not recognize the chunk. See example in pngtest.c that comes with libpng.… vector destuctor Programming Software Development by qwertymk …(NULL) { if (elements > chunk) { _data.reserve(chunk); _next = new live<T>(elements - chunk, chunk); } else _data.reserve(chunk); } ~live() { if (_next) { _next… because I allocated: _next = new live<T>(elements - chunk, chunk); or is it called automatically when it becomes out of… Re: Heap Corruption in DirectXCPP Program Programming Software Development by DeeperShade … #include <stdint.h> typedef struct chunk { uint16_t ID; long size; } chunk; typedef struct vertex { float x, y, z…(); if(infile.is_open()) return false; return scan(funcObjData); } chunk sdObj::getChunkInfo(int32_t offset, vector< uint8_t >& … Re: libpng: custom chunks Programming Software Development by Glenn R-P …down to just before the png_read_end() call. Also your custom chunk reader should return an int, positive for success, negative for… error, 0 for did not recognize the chunk. See example in pngtest.c that comes with libpng. … you want to do, namely to handle an existing known chunk (tIME) as if it were unknown. In pngtest.c,… Re: Operating on partialy loaded data. Mapping Programming Software Development by JamesCherrill …doStuff(); ... } class RealChunk extends Chunk { // this is a real chunk that is fully populated with data ArrayList…proxies ... public RealChunk(int ID) { // load chunk data from database // populate chunksThisLinksTo with new ChunkProxies… Voice Chat Application help Programming Software Development by BlackPhoenix … = FORMAT, channels = CHANNELS, rate = RATE, input = True, frames_per_buffer = CHUNK) print "Recording for", RECORD_SECONDS, "seconds..." all…= wavefile.getframerate(), output = True) # read data data = wavefile.readframes(CHUNK) # play stream while data != '': stream.write(data) data = wavefile.… Re: libpng: custom chunks Programming Software Development by Glenn R-P Your problem may be due to declaring IDAT an unknown chunk. Libpng needs to see at least one IDAT chunk before it can do png_read_end() which reads any chunks after IDAT, including the IEND chunk. Glenn