Re: Favorite All Time Games Community Center Geeks' Lounge by Chaky COD and MOH both get their ass kicked by Battlefield 2. Re: Can anyone help me decide? Hardware and Software Linux and Unix by DimaYasny COD doesn't work under cedega or wine. sorry mate Re: *One Word Game* Community Center Geeks' Lounge by kanaku cod. (the fish hehe) Re: What's your favorite computer game? Community Center Geeks' Lounge by mrnutty COD. period. php cod for drapdown list Programming Web Development by arsala211 how we select data from database in drapdowlist and then delete the date(thrugh php cod) Help me out Please!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Programming by Sameer_6 …=fvfee; return y; } } void logistics(int city,int w,int cod,int log) { int l,choice1, choice2,logfee; switch(log) { case… {cerr<<"Wrong Choice!!"; exit(0)}; } switch(cod){ {case 1: logfee+=; break; case 2: logfee+=0; break; … Failing to get the unique code from the file! Pls Help! Programming by Sameer_6 …;; exit(0);break; } } float logistics(int city,float w,int cod,int log) { //Expenditures ef; switch(log) { case 1: if…cerr<<"Wrong Choice!!"; exit(0);} */ if(cod==1){codfee=0;} else {codfee=0;} break; case 2: … Program functions not working Programming by Sameer_6 … }return eb.fvfee; } float logistics(int city,float w,int cod,int log) { Expenditures ef; int choice1, choice2,logfee; float l…getch(); } int main() {clrscr(); float w,l,b,h; int cod,city,log,category,wb,sp; Expenditures ex; cout<<… Tic Tac Toe difficulty Programming Software Development by atom_1993 … String matrix[][]=new String [3][3]; static int cod; public static void matrix_initialization() { int i,j…)); System.out.print("Your Number : "); cod=Integer.parseInt(br.readLine()); } catch (Exception e)… Get Dynamic value in phpexcel Programming Web Development by ravi142 …street1'].' '.$order_row['suburb']; $customer_address = $order_row['suburb']; $COD = $order_row['COD']; $payment_method = $order_row['payment_method']; if($payment_method=="Split"…'){ //Customer pays by PayPal, so COD does not include 6% surcharge $COD = $COD/1.06; } $cash_from = $… How to capture insert/delete in dropdownlist with multi datasources Programming Web Development by aspgasket …server" selectcommand="SELECT Date, CustomerName, CustomerNumber, COD, Pickup, Weightrange FROM HoldingDock" insertcommand="INSERT… SET Date=@Date, CustomerName=@CustomerName, CustomerNumber=@CustomerNumber, COD=@COD, Pickup=@Pickup, Weightrange=@Weightrange WHERE OrderID=@OrderID"… Re: JTable delete row Programming Software Development by Buffalo101 …){ this.enunt=enunt; } public void setcod(int cod){ this.cod=cod; } public void settip(int tip){ this.tip=…public clasaIntrebare(String Enunt, int Tip, int Cod, String Raspuns1, String Raspuns2, String Raspuns3){ cod= Cod; // ID used=0; tip= Tip… XPath "And" operator. Programming Software Development by GabrielZiden …lt;coordenadoria> <disciplina class="X" cod="AM123"> ...blablabla </disciplina>… <disciplina class="X" cod="AM123"> ...blablabla </disciplina> &…. I can choose a Discipline by its Cod, or its Cod+Class. using the following code, i can… JTable delete row Programming Software Development by Buffalo101 …(i).getenunt(); tip=listaIntrebari.get(i).gettip();; cod=listaIntrebari.get(i).getcod(); var1=listaIntrebari.get(i…1) corect=3; model1.addRow(new Object[]{enunt, tip, cod, var1, var2, var3, corect}); i++; } model1.… Search BST without the indexed value... Programming Software Development by Nexgr …with the following code... [CODE]void BinarySearchTree::find(string cod, tree_node* tree, tree_node* target, tree_node* parent,…} else { if(tree->left) find(cod,tree->left,target,parent,found); if(tree-&…gt;right) find(cod,tree->right,target,parent,found); } }… Re: Search BST without the indexed value... Programming Software Development by Nexgr …is this happen ? [CODE]void BinarySearchTree::find(string cod, tree_node* tree, tree_node*& target, tree_node*&… { [B] if(tree->left!=NULL) find(cod,tree->left,target,parent,found); //Executes[/B]… if(tree->right!=NULL) find(cod,tree->right,target,parent,found); //Not execute … Trouble with a specific function Programming Web Development by jakizak …quot;picframe").src = "/frames/cod-liver-oil_pic.html"; document.getElementById("….getElementById("picframe").src = "/frames/cod-liver-oil_pic.html"; document.getElementById("blurbframe&…quot;).src = "/frames/cod-liver-oil_blurb.html"; } }; [/CODE] … Register in course Programming Web Development by PF2G …ÇÃO: <br/> <?PHP $cc=$_GET['cod']; $sql_prog = "SELECT prog_curso FROM cursos WHERE cod_curso="…is_logged()) { ?> <form action="inscreve.php?cod=<?php echo $cc ?>" method="post… Problem with cin and gets Programming Software Development by isaacjun16 …<cmath> using namespace std; struct person { int cod; char name[40], cid[15]; }client[100]; main() …Enter code: "; cin>>client[c].cod; cout<<"Enter name: ";… the code of the client (client[c].cod) it skips right away to ask for the… Re: XPath "And" operator. Programming Software Development by dknochen To select by class and cod attributes: [CODE]String path = "//coordenadoria/disciplina[@cod='"+disc+"' and @class='"+turma+"']";[/CODE] ERROR OPENING A FILE IN c Programming Software Development by xIXZeroIXx … } printf("\n"); // cod=ir/1000; // dir=ir%1000;…division dir_datos=ir%1000; switch(cod)//esta correctamente evaluado { case … AbstractTableModel Programming Software Development by TonSingle …BufferedReader(new FileReader(new File("UniVeiculo.txt"))); cod=br.readLine(); while(cod!=null){ car.Marca=mark; car.Modelo=model; … carro.add(car); JTable tabela = new JTable(new ModeloTabela(carro)); cod=br.readLine(); mark=br.readLine(); year=br.readLine();color=br… Re: Search BST without the indexed value... Programming Software Development by Narue target and parent need to be references as well (or pointers to pointers) if you're using them as output parameters: [code] void find(string cod, tree_node* tree, tree_node*& target, tree_node*& parent, bool& found); [/code] Minigolf Community Center Geeks' Lounge by Dani … used to play on family vacations in Florida and Cape Cod. Among my favorites were Pirates Cove (both the ones…[URL=""]Cape Cod [/URL]and [URL="… Golf, Lightning Falls, and Thunder Falls, all in Cape Cod. I'm trying desperately to find some nice aerial shots… First chance exception 0xC0000005 ACCESS_VIOLATION Programming Software Development by Teeb …. [CODE]vector<double> Place::addMark(Arbre *mark, double cod) { vector<double> conjCodis; Arbre tokAux = *mark; map<…*> (&((*pos).first)); conjCodis = marcatges[*mark]; marcatges[*mark].push_back(cod); } else { marcatges[*mark].push_back(cod); } return conjCodis; }[/CODE] CSS positioning problems Digital Media UI / UX Design by Alexancho …;div id="header"> <!-- Definition of a cod for building the top part of the header --> <….jpg"/> </div> <!-- End of a cod for building the top part of the header --> <…;!-- Definition of cod for building the middle part of the header --> <… iFrame makes all Divs below it disappear Digital Media UI / UX Design by Marzo …href="" class="cod" target="_blank"></a>… width:150px; height:57px; margin-bottom:10px; } a.cod { margin-left:auto; margin-right:auto; width:77px; height…:57px; background-image:url(../images/cod.png); display:block; float:left; } a.halo { … gost problem reading file Programming Software Development by gmadeira …While (Not arq_origem.EndOfStream) strArray = linhaAtual.Split(",") cod = strArray(1) desc = strArray(2) periodo = strArray(…(9) volume = strArray(10) interest = strArray(11) linhaescrever = cod & ";" & desc & ";"… Blank Screen on Step 2 of the Checkout Process Programming Web Development by gonidelux … depends on the payment method // if the payment method is COD then show the // success page but when paypal is selected… // send the order details to paypal if ($_POST['hidPaymentMethod'] == 'cod') { header('Location: success.php'); exit; } else { $includeFile = 'paypal/payment.php… Re: Converting J2me apps to blackberry apps Programming Mobile Development by peter_budo …with RIM JDE and it will create a COD file in your project folder or you can try…/Java-Development/How-to-convert-JAR-FILE-to-COD-file-using-Ant-Build/td-p/881239"]…How to convert JAR FILE to COD file using Ant Build[/URL] [URL="http…com/t5/Java-Development/Eclipse-PLugin-Creating-a-cod-File/td-p/78422"]Eclipse PLugin - Creating…