Re: Why SEO is Important for the Website? Digital Media Digital Marketing Search Engine Strategies by myresellerhome SEO helps us boost the visibility of our website, which increases our consumer reach and sales. I think the most important fact is the page's loading speed. Work on it. Key Insights from Google's Search Algorithm Leak Community Center by Johannes C. …, InStyle, Lifewire, Investopedia, Southern Living,*, and many more. Consumer society has conditioned a fair part of the population to… Consumer Electronics Should Give Holiday Season a Jolt Community Center by Brian.oco …latest proof comes from a study done by the Consumer Electronics Association. Its latest annual holiday buyers survey…48.1 billion in fourth quarter sales". “Consumer electronics will be the shining star of holiday retail…represents 46 percent of total fourth quarter revenue for consumer electronics. Total fourth quarter sales will reach $48.… Consumer electronics revenue to hit $700 billion by 2009 Hardware and Software Linux and Unix by happygeek …a staggering $700 billion by next year. In its Worldwide Consumer Electronics Sales & Forecast report, the CEA says that… for as much as 15 percent of all global consumer electronics revenue by 2009. Which leaves it trailing only…, and they account for around 20 percent of all consumer electronic sales during 2008 CEA predicts. DVD players should… Consumer Producer problem in python Programming Software Development by chanchalrawat I am writing a code of the consumer producer problem in python , so far I am almost ready … + i wallet.append(obj) time.sleep(1) lock.release() def consumer(): lock.acquire() for i in range(10): obj = obj - i… Re: Consumer Producer problem in python Programming Software Development by Gribouillis I agree with slate. You want a solution, but you didn't even describe the problem that you want to solve. Invoking the 'consumer producer problem' is far too abstract. Didn't you copy and paste code that you don't understand from the internet ? Consumer Spyware Initiative - Releases SPYWARE INTRUSION Report Hardware and Software Information Security by ! ! …. The findings come in a report from the newly formed Consumer Spyware Initiative, a joint effort by Dell and the non… Consumer Friendly Downloads launced by Yahoo Digital Media Digital Marketing Search Engine Strategies by ! ! … Internet portals Yahoo and AOL would certify downloadable software as consumer-friendly and non-invasive. [/color] [color=navy]Under the program… Consumer Forum Programming Web Development by coervivekmca hey friends how are you?I need to develop a web consumer forum,will u please tell me how can i develop it using j2ee??? Re: Consumer - Producer example Programming Software Development by ~s.o.s~ … you want a bounded queue (one with capacity) for producer consumer, use a [LinkedBlockingQueue](… whereas `take` on an empty queue will block that particular consumer. Perfect for your use case IMO. Re: Consumer - Producer example Programming Software Development by ~s.o.s~ … fixed amount of time. Let's say you make the consumer thread sleep for 100ms waiting for data. What happens if… support blocking natively. So if you have to implement producer-consumer for it, you'll have to do the hard work… Producer/Consumer problem.. Programming Software Development by hansel13 …. [B]The Consumer Thread[/B] Create 5 consumer threads. Each consumer thread should read…= AAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAA CONSUMER: 141192 CONSUMER: 141192 CONSUMER: 141192 CONSUMER: 141192 … Re: Producer/Consumer problem.. Programming Software Development by funter …thread_data{ int thread_number; char *thread_type; }; struct thread_data *producer, *consumer; struct product{ int id; int life; struct timeval timestamp; …for number of threads producer = new struct thread_data[producerThreadCount]; consumer = new struct thread_data[consumerThreadCount]; srand (seed); gettimeofday(&… Re: Producer/Consumer problem.. Programming Software Development by hansel13 … sem_post(&full); [/CODE] CONSUMER: [CODE] sem_wait(&full); …Myfile: ccccccc CONSUMER: 143320 CONSUMER: 143320 CONSUMER: 143320 CONSUMER: 143320 CONSUMER: 143320 buffer… Producer Consumer IPC circular queue Programming Software Development by marc.punzirudu …; char *shmPtr; void initialize(); void producer(); void consumer(); main() { /* Open file */ fp= fopen("… accordingly*/ if (fork()==0) { /* Child becomes the consumer */ consumer(); /* Child quits after consuming 26 characters */ exit(0);… Re: Producer/Consumer problem.. Programming Software Development by hansel13 Also ignore some of the output to the left, some of it is just for debugging. The main thing is that only buffer[0] is ever being used. buffer1, 2, 3, and 4 never even get touched! also notice at the top right of the output, the consumer threads start right away. I'm not sure exactly how that should output, but I don't believe that's correct... Re: Producer/Consumer problem.. Programming Software Development by abhimanipal When you create the consumer thread, check the function call. The last parameter is s . It should be &i Re: Producer Consumer IPC circular queue Programming Software Development by marc.punzirudu … char *shmPtr; void initialize(); void producer(); void consumer(); int main() { /* Initialize shared memory and semaphores…accordingly*/ if (fork()==0) { /* Child becomes the consumer */ consumer(); exit(0); } else { /* Parent becomes the … Top Consumer Technology Trends for 2008 Community Center by Brian.oco … the high-definition experience,” adds Rubin, director, consumer technology industry analysis, at the NPD Group. “… the rapidly changing technology product landscape creates new consumer segments, retailers and manufacturers are transforming their businesses…in the first months of 2008, the consumer technology market should be a prickly one for… Who Knew? Super Bowl to the Consumer Technology Marketplace Rescue Community Center by Brian.oco …Super Bowl, which is apparently a big driver in consumer technology sales. That could provide a short-term … high-definition television (HDTV) units, according to the Consumer Electronics Association and the Sports Video Group. It's … the years -- and that's good news for consumer goods technology manufacturers and the retailers that sell such … implementation of semaphores to sovle producer/consumer Programming Software Development by CPT …} } class Entity { public enum EntityType { Producer, Consumer }; private EntityType eType; private Semaphore emptyCount;//we keep track,…consumers[i] = new Entity(Entity.EntityType.Consumer,emptyCount,fullCount,useQueue,elemQueue); Thread th = … Top Consumer Technologies in 2010? Think Digital, High-Def Hardware and Software by Brian.oco … televisions (HDTVs), and home networks will be the consumer technologies that grow the fastest over the next five …. The analysis covers five-year forecasts for 15 consumer technologies. Let's take a look at the … Forrester Report does isoldate potential areas of growth for consumer technology companies. For that reason alone, such companies … Producer-Consumer issue Programming Software Development by dinamit3 …Consumatorul a primit: 7 -Here from where the consumer gets the number ??? Producatorul a pus: 7 -…where the producer puts the number,after the consumer has got it already Producatorul a pus: …Consumatorul a primit: 9 Here are the classes : Consumer: class Consumator extends Thread { private Buffer buffer; … Producer Consumer Implementation using ExecutorService Programming Software Development by nikolaos ….put(data); Thread.sleep(100); } catch (InterruptedException e) { } } } private class Consumer implements Runnable { int datatake; @Override public void run() { try { datatake… Re: Producer-Consumer issue Programming Software Development by bguild …buffer it notifies all waiting threads. Suppose that your consumer was waiting and now wakes up. Your producer …immediately leaves its synchronized block, which gives the consumer a chance to run because it needs to synchronize…option for what might happen. The next step for the consumer is set `available = false`, notify anyone who is… producer consumer simulation Programming Software Development by kavi_90 … program works perfectly in the area that producer and consumer access the shared memory mutually but when i give the… after creating the shared memory ,when i run the consumer it is also not waiting... Actually,at one point …lt;n); a=shmdt(data); b=shmctl(sid,IPC_RMID,0); } /*CONSUMER*/ #include"pro_cons.h" main() { int *data,sid… Re: Producer Consumer Implementation using ExecutorService Programming Software Development by nikolaos …Producer(i, cdl)); executorServiceThreadPool.addThread(new Consumer(cdl)); } Thread.sleep(200); …stop.countDown(); } } } private class Consumer implements Runnable { int datatake; private final … Producer and Consumer Programming Software Development by vavazoom … consumers for an operating systems class. Each producer and each consumer will be its own thread. The producers will generate records… will be stored in a global buffer, in which the consumer will then access to use the data. I am having… original plan was to create a Producer class and a Consumer class and simulate the threads, but we are told now… Re: Producer Consumer Implementation using ExecutorService Programming Software Development by JamesCherrill … semaphore or wait/notify synchronisation to ensure the producer and consumer threads have executed before printing the results - a CountDownLatch would… Single Producer 10 consumer(Parallel consumption) Problem Programming Software Development by Sandeep_16 … file. Message format in that file should be , [Consumer Name][<<date and Time it consumes the message… (util logging) to a log file (say prod-consumer.log) too other than the common file where you … When procedure sends a message and notify all consumers Consumer consumed the message Number of consumers consumed the new…