Re: Do you participate in any other communities? Community Center Geeks' Lounge by midnightbastet Reddit, warrior forum, site point, currency dynamics forum and I guess that is all. Mostly it is or technical forums or forex. Just trying to understand that niche better that is all. Site point is a good ui/ux design forum btw so worth I guess to check! Re: Does Tools give 100% correct answers? Digital Media Digital Marketing Search Engine Strategies by rproffitt How accurate must the answers be (in regard to the topic at hand)? Sometimes folk succumb to the Nirvana or Perfect Solution Fallacy. However if we're dealing with currency, we demand to account for every penny. For the topic at hand, close enough is close enough. Currency converter shows weird numbers Programming Web Development by bwallace …_currency_api_get_desc($currency_to)) { $msg = "currency: Invalid currency_to=$to"; return FALSE;… $result['message']= 'success'; } else { $msg = 'currency: fgets failed'; $result['status'] = FALSE; $result['message']… Currency Coverter C Program that reads data from *.txt files Programming Software Development by mprabuw … char curr[10]; double buying; double selling; }CURRENCY; [/CODE] contains: -------------------------------------------------- DATE | currency | buying rate | selling rate *not stated in …); double rs=(Try.selling*amount);*/ if ((prabuinputfile = fopen("currency.txt", "r")) == NULL) /* if no… Currency on the right side Programming Web Development by didi00 …\""; if ($cy_id == $sc_currency) { $currency .= " selected"; } $currency .= ">$cy_code</option>\r\n&…width="150" class="label">Currency</td> <td class="content…" class="box"> <?php echo $currency; ?> </select> </td> &… Re: Currency Coverter C Program that reads data from *.txt files Programming Software Development by mprabuw … the program, read the data into an array of your CURRENCY structure and you are done with the file. Then you…, in each line, there is date | currency | buying rate | selling rate date for string currency for string buying rate for double selling… Re: Currency Exchange Program Programming Software Development by javaNooblet … { JOptionPane.showMessageDialog(null,"Welcome to the Modest International Currency Exchange Services!", "Modest International",1); readRates…nMP (Mexican Peso) \nEU (Euro) " + "\nEnter the currency code:", "Modest International", JOptionPane.QUESTION_MESSAGE); if(choice… Re: Currency on the right side Programming Web Development by didi00 … is the place where the currency is "defined": [code] $currency = ''; while ($row = dbFetchAssoc($result)) { extract($row); $currency .= "<option value…=\"$cy_id\""; if ($cy_id == $sc_currency) { $currency .= " selected"; } $currency .= ">$cy_code</option>\r\n"… Re: Currency on the right side Programming Web Development by almostbob it may be something as simple as [code=php]if($shopconfig['currency']=="€"||$shopconfig['currency']=="other currency with a preference for after") { return number_format($amount) . $shopConfig['currency']; } else { return $shopConfig['currency'] . number_format($amount);}[/code] Re: Currency Coverter C Program that reads data from *.txt files Programming Software Development by mprabuw … use 'if else if' function to check the date and currency. The problem is, there will be so many 'if else… if' statement there, since there are 2 dates and 15 currency. Probably, at least, there will be 17 'if else if… Re: Currency on the right side Programming Web Development by didi00 … the file where the price connects with the currency. Line 61 [code] <?php header …; $sc_email, 'sendOrderEmail' => $sc_order_email, 'shippingCost' => $sc_shipping_cost, 'currency' => $cy_symbol); } else { $shopConfig = array('name' => '',… Re: Currency on the right side Programming Web Development by diafol [CODE]return $shopConfig['currency'] . number_format($amount);[/CODE] That looks like it. OK should be …. so based on AB's: [CODE]return ($shopConfig['currency'] == '€') ? number_format($amount) . $shopConfig['currency'] : $shopConfig['currency'] . number_format($amount);[/CODE] Depends how the euro symbols… Re: Currency Coverter C Program that reads data from *.txt files Programming Software Development by WaltP You do NOT need [iCODE]fseek()[/iCODE]. At the beginning of the program, read the data into an array of your CURRENCY structure and you are done with the file. Then you can process all the data you want. Re: Currency Coverter C Program that reads data from *.txt files Programming Software Development by mprabuw … know it's not efficient.. It's because when the currency.txt structure is changed, it won't be able to… Currency Conversion Programming Software Development by Matt89 …RIGHT); } /** * About the Programmer and Currency Converter. */ private void showAbout() { JOptionPane.…Programmer: Matthew Donoghue " + CONTROL, "Currency Converter Help", JOptionPane.INFORMATION_MESSAGE); } /** * … Currency Exchange Program Programming Software Development by javaNooblet …{ JOptionPane.showMessageDialog(null,"Welcome to the Modest International Currency Exchange Services!", "Modest International",1); …nMP (Mexican Peso) \nEU (Euro) " + "\nEnter the currency code:", "Modest International", JOptionPane.QUESTION_MESSAGE); } /*void; … Re: Currency on the right side Programming Web Development by didi00 … you as a code is the ONLY file where the currency is "declared". On the other files, the… Re: Currency on the right side Programming Web Development by didi00 Well I solved it. The only thing that I did was, I switched the places of the variables on line 64. Instead of [code] return $shopConfig['currency'] . number_format($amount); [/code] I made it [code] return number_format($amount) . $shopConfig['currency']; [/code] Guess sometimes the stupid ideas work:-) Thanks for the support guys!:-) Re: Currency Exchange Program Programming Software Development by javaNooblet …IOException { JOptionPane.showMessageDialog(null,"Welcome to the Modest International Currency Exchange Services!", "Modest International",1); readRates…(); System.out.println("input currency: " + inputCurrency()); System.out.println("input amount: "… Re: Currency Exchange Program Programming Software Development by javaNooblet …IOException { JOptionPane.showMessageDialog(null,"Welcome to the Modest International Currency Exchange Services!", "Modest International",1); readRates… { JOptionPane.showMessageDialog(null,"Welcome to the Modest International Currency Exchange Services!", "Modest International",1); readRates… Re: Currency Exchange Program Programming Software Development by javaNooblet …IOException { JOptionPane.showMessageDialog(null,"Welcome to the Modest International Currency Exchange Services!", "Modest International",1); readRates…code = 'e'; }else{ JOptionPane.showMessageDialog(null,"Please enter correct currency code.", "Modest International",1); while(newTransaction()==0… Re: Currency Exchange Program Programming Software Development by javaNooblet …{ JOptionPane.showMessageDialog(null,"Welcome to the Modest International Currency Exchange Services!", "Modest International",1); readRates… = 'e'; }else{ JOptionPane.showMessageDialog(null,"Please enter correct currency code.", "Modest International",1); //newTransaction(); /*while(… Re: Currency Exchange Program Programming Software Development by javaNooblet …{ JOptionPane.showMessageDialog(null,"Welcome to the Modest International Currency Exchange Services!", "Modest International",1); readRates… = 'e'; }else{ JOptionPane.showMessageDialog(null,"Please enter correct currency code.", "Modest International",1); //newTransaction(); /*while(… Re: Currency on the right side Programming Web Development by diafol I'm confused, where in the page do you want the '$' to show? Which tags or php line is responsible for showing the currency symbol? Re: Currency on the right side Programming Web Development by diafol …. I've seen some suggest using BIGINT. How about? [B]currency table[/B] currency_id (auto) currency_name (US Dollar, UK Pound, Egyptian… Re: Currency on the right side Programming Web Development by didi00 The thing is, if the currency was only a $, I can kinda swallow that. But with €, it really irritates me when the symbol is on the left. It just doesn't look right. I've also read somewhere that there is something like :RIGHT, :LEFT that can be added, I just can't find where I read that. Re: Currency on the right side Programming Web Development by diafol [QUOTE]:RIGHT, :LEFT [/QUOTE] Is this for plaincart ? Or php in general. You've given v.little info here for us to go on. I can't see how the currency symbol will be displayed - have you included that info in the php? Sorry, can't see it. Re: Currency on the right side Programming Web Development by diafol Yeah well, the only thing your code does is place the currencies in a dropdown so the user can decide on his default currency. Is that right? So, we are none the wiser. Have a look at the display pages, THEN post back. Re: Currency on the right side Programming Web Development by didi00 It didn't worked. The only thing that this did was adding a ; between the price and the currency like this $;10 Re: Currency Exchange Program Programming Software Development by javaNooblet …* opens a JOptionPane input window to obtain the currency code from the user; * if the input …Peso) \nEU (Euro) " + "\nEnter the currency code:", "Modest International", JOptionPane.QUESTION_MESSAGE); if(…*opens a JOptionPane input window to obtain the currency amount *from the user; if the input …