408 Topics

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Member Avatar for abhi10kumar

I am working in C#, I am displaying records in a DataGridview. Now, I need to edit a Record into a new small window upon selection of a record. Edit should be done on Button Click. Deletion can also done in same way (only through coding MS Access/ADO).. Please help …

Member Avatar for Momerath
Member Avatar for EddieN1

I have a DataGridView control and I want to know if the user has changed any data in the row when they leave one row and go to another row. Here's what I've done... In the Form Class I defined a Before and After row image as follows: Dim rwBefRow …

Member Avatar for EddieN1
Member Avatar for mahdi68

in my application i show database table in a datagridview , now i want to modify and change some records and save this changes on database , how can i do this ? thanks

Member Avatar for Mitja Bonca
Member Avatar for scias23

Has anyone here tried putting a combobox to a bound datagridview? The selected value of the combobox will depend on the value of the corresponding column in the database. I have a datagridview. When the user clicks the edit button, the application fetches the records from the database and binds …

Member Avatar for scias23
Member Avatar for judithSampathwa

¬Hi there, I have a quaetion in datagrid view. In datagridview I have add a constaint and if the user didn’t meet the reuirment I add an error text. Which shown below [CODE] if (c == 2) { MessageBox.Show("Cannot select the file name","Message",MessageBoxButtons.OK,MessageBoxIcon.Warning); dgvForm.Rows[e.RowIndex].ErrorText = "Cannot select the file name"; …

Member Avatar for judithSampathwa
Member Avatar for jlivvers

Hi, I have a c# windows form app that hanldes memberships. When the user click "new member" a second form pops up where the user can enter in the new data using the details view. When complete the user saves and closes this second form, returning to the original form …

Member Avatar for jlivvers
Member Avatar for genext.brite

I'm using Datagridview in Windows application in C#. I've bound the datagridview with a table.Now on run time when the user inserts new row and presses up or down button,that row should automatically be inserted into database and if its not a new row then nothing should happen. Some1 suggested …

Member Avatar for jlivvers

Hi, in my project I need to allow the user (admin user) to have the ability to run custom queries on the database. Ive done this pretty simply whwer the user enters their query and the reults are set to a datagridview. It would also be great however to allow …

Member Avatar for sandeepparekh9
Member Avatar for CrankyMero

Hello Everyone, I'm still new at programming, and im having problems with the project i was assign, so im supposed to make like a retail store POS, where i look for the articule and add how much did they take and the price. [B]SORRY IF ITS IN SPANISH[/B] So this …

Member Avatar for CrankyMero
Member Avatar for genext.brite

Hello everyone, I have bound a datagridview with a table, And put a checkbox on each row .And an Insert button at the bottom. On clicking the button ,the Checked rows are to be inserted in the table. When I do that it gives an error as 'Can not Insert …

Member Avatar for judithSampathwa

hi there, i had a question regarding this before as well. i have a datagridview and it has three combo boxes, with one with form name and the other with employee name and the other just a selection. what i want to do is to make the form name combo …

Member Avatar for judithSampathwa
Member Avatar for xiankaylle

Hi Good Day I am a newly programmer and I am a Working Student I hope you guys can help me with my problem. My Employer want's me to create a program that will auto distribute accounts. Structure: 1,300 Endorsement 300,000K up considered as high balance assuming that 300 of …

Member Avatar for xiankaylle
Member Avatar for Dragon840215

Hi Guys / Gals I am new to programming and am having some trouble with my code to update my data from a datagridview wich is bound to a datatable. all works fine until the update proccess is started. The programs updates all my rows (x amount) on the datagridview …

Member Avatar for Dragon840215
Member Avatar for johntricolor

hi guys.. i just wonder how to refresh when using data gridview,i mean direct refresh coz i've to close program/stop debug and debuging again to refresh it.

Member Avatar for devi.....
Member Avatar for jlivvers

Hi, is there an accepted emthod to print a selected row in a datagridview? I've done some reading and gotten as far as printing a page via the printform but I wondered can you drill down into certain rows or certain datagridviews? thanks,

Member Avatar for Mitja Bonca
Member Avatar for anqe_tb

Hi All, I've looked everywhere and cannot find a reason for this. I'm essentially try ing to loop through every row in a datagridview, and trying to remove the entire row, if a certain cell's value matches another value. Please find the code below. This is working, however is skipping …

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Member Avatar for ktimov1

In my C# winforms project I have a DataGridView which is displaying a View of two SQL tables. Is there a workaround for Updating the View from the DataGridView. Using a Save button on my form, At first I assumed I could update the View like this: [CODE]this.DataSet.EndInit(); this.ViewTableAdapter.Update(this.DataSet.View);[/CODE] Did …

Member Avatar for Mitja Bonca
Member Avatar for sheirali

Hello, I have a very strange issue and am not sure why it is happening or how to prevent it. Envionment: .NET Framework 3.5 WinForm application C# VS2008 Pro Issue: I have a WinForm containing a TabControl which has a custom usercontrol on two of its TabPage. The usercontrol i …

Member Avatar for judithSampathwa

Hi there, I have a question in a datagridview in C# desktop application, In one interface ha have a datagridview which has a textboxcolumn and a calendar control column, what I want to do is when the user is start typing a value in the datagridview text box column the …

Member Avatar for judithSampathwa
Member Avatar for groberts1980

I have a DataGridView control that is bound to a DataTable, and I am using the DataTable to add rows to the DataGridView. I am not using a database in any way, but need to add data to the DataTable/DataGridView using code alone. I need to replace certain columns with …

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Member Avatar for Learning_Curve

[B]Intent:[/B] I'm trying to create a simple GUI application (VB Desktop) that will allow me to modify an XML file's nodes which contains the program settings and table definitions for an application. The GUI application's datagridview contains three columns: colA, colB, colC. ColA should be the direct value from an …

Member Avatar for Learning_Curve
Member Avatar for judithSampathwa

Hi there, I have a question regarding datagridview, I add data to the datagridview in an interface and all the validation for the datagridview cell is in the datagridview cell validating event for the datagridview. I display the data of the is datagridview in another interface and make the cells …

Member Avatar for Geekitygeek
Member Avatar for judithSampathwa

Hi there, I have a question in datagrid view , hwat I want is when a user edits a datagridview cell in a row in the datagridview I want to check a check box in the same row, how can I do this and what is the event that I …

Member Avatar for Geekitygeek
Member Avatar for kingster113

I'm having trouble trying to update or delete records from my database. Basically, I have a datagridview(DGV) in my form and the following is what I wanna do. The user could directly change/edit the values in the DGV and just click the update button to update the database. And the …

Member Avatar for zulhimi89

If there any solution on how to choose specific column..what is the code?? i'm using VB.Net [CODE] If e.Row.RowType = DataControlRowType.DataRow Then Dim CellValue As Decimal = Convert.ToDecimal(e.Row.Cells(4).Text) If CellValue < 5.0 Then e.Row.Cells(4).BackColor = Drawing.Color.Orange End If End If [/CODE]

Member Avatar for zulhimi89
Member Avatar for judithSampathwa

hey i have a datagridview and i am validating 3 columns, the user has to enter data in to those 3 columns, [CODE] else if ((!string.IsNullOrEmpty(dgvActions.Rows[dgvAAddR - 1].Cells[0].Value.ToString())) && (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(dgvActions.Rows[dgvAAddR - 1].Cells[1].Value.ToString())) && (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(dgvActions.Rows[dgvAAddR - 1].Cells[2].Value.ToString()))) [/CODE] when the user hasn't entered any value in one of this cells there …

Member Avatar for Nyight
Member Avatar for judithSampathwa

hi there, i have a datagridview and i am validating the datagridview cell in the cell validating event, but when i type the data and prss tab the error message comes and the next cell is being selected. my code is [CODE] dgvSubContractor.Rows[e.RowIndex].Cells[e.ColumnIndex].Selected = true; [/CODE] why does it go …

Member Avatar for judithSampathwa
Member Avatar for JOSheaIV

Okay so I feel stupid for asking this and I feel like i am overlooking something, but how do retrieve the value of a datagridview cell as an int. I have used this code to change the column to type int [CODE]dataGridView1.Columns[0].CellTemplate.ValueType = typeof(int);[/CODE] I haven't really had a chance …

Member Avatar for Geekitygeek
Member Avatar for judithSampathwa

Hey I have a question in datagridview resize columns in visual studio C#. I made the datagridview “AllowUserToResizeColumn” false from the properties window in the interface. But when I run the project, some of the columns can be resized Why is this. How can I make all the columns to …

Member Avatar for judithSampathwa

hey, i am using a datagrid view calender column in a form, i add all the details of it to the database.(such as the due date as 08/20/2010) and then when i come and open it in the next day try to edit it, it gives an error saying "Argument …

Member Avatar for Geekitygeek

The End.