Re: How to enable gpedit on Windows 10 & 11 Hardware and Software Microsoft Windows by Lethabo The Windows 11 update KB5023706 led to intermittent BSODs for many users. Despite Microsoft's troubleshooting suggestions, including switching to a metered Wi-Fi connection and pausing updates, some found relief by uninstalling the update. To prevent its automatic reinstallation on Windows Home systems, users can enable the Group Policy Editor … Re: How to enable gpedit on Windows 10 & 11 Hardware and Software Microsoft Windows by Reverend Jim I understand this script does not work in all cases. If not you can try Policy Plus which is available on GitHub and MajorGeeks. Re: Death to the PC, is it true? Community Center by Ancient Dragon Death of PC? Well, probably in 100 or so years from now after something better has been invented and accepted in business to replace the PC. Re: Death to the PC, is it true? Community Center by mauconline Death to the PC? It must be a joke or something! I personally don't think its possible for a long time to come. The advert was just trying to create some propaganda to make people click. Re: Death to the PC, is it true? Community Center by Agapelove68 …] Originally Posted by PSAWICK829 Maybe quantum computing will be the death of the PC since it seems to be a technology… system. That is why I was concerned with that message; Death to the PC's; but knew better not to click… Re: Death to the PC, is it true? Community Center by Agapelove68 … the PC, is it true? [QUOTE]Originally Posted by Mauconline Death to the PC? It must be a joke or something… wanted to be certain that this was not the case. Death to the PC. Thank you again Mauconline :) Re: Death penalty for spammers Hardware and Software by nordmann … be any point in attempting to spam. As for the death penalty for spammers, that would be totally ineffective in stopping… them. The death penalty has been demonstrated through decades of law enforcement studies… Re: Death to the PC, is it true? Community Center by Agapelove68 … Pc, is it true? [QUOTE]Originally Posted by Ancient Dragon Death of PC? Well, probably in 100 or so years from… Death penalty for spammers Hardware and Software by happygeek … going down the spam-vigilante route, or bringing in the death penalty for spamming scumbags, the problem will remain. Yes, anti… Death of a Giant: Ed Roberts Hardware and Software Microsoft Windows by khess … doctor, his lifelong dream. He lived in Georgia until his death on April 1, 2010. Many who knew Roberts, including Bill… Death to the PC, is it true? Community Center by Agapelove68 … Web two days ago, I found an advertisement stating, "Death to the PC" I believe I was at a… Re: Death to the PC, is it true? Community Center by PCSAWICK829 Maybe quantum computing will be the death of the PC since it seems to be a technology that will radically change the PC industry.. if that made any sense. Re: Death to the PC, is it true? Community Center by Agapelove68 RE: RE: Death to the PC, is it true? Thank you Ancient Dragon, … Re: Death to the PC, is it true? Community Center by Agapelove68 RE: RE: Death to the PC is it true? It is past 1:00, I've got to run. I'll put this question down somewhere else. I shouldn't give out reputation points until, I know that what one says works first. Lessons learned. :) Re: New Life after Death Theories Community Center Geeks' Lounge by Reverend Jim Death doesn't have a point. Things just wear out. Evolution … Re: New Life after Death Theories Community Center Geeks' Lounge by Ketsuekiame > Death doesn't have a point. Things just wear out. > … Group of Death Simulation Programming Software Development by daniel88 …groupTotal = 0; // holds total for number of death groups of overall simulation int deathGroup = 0; //…pop_back(); } if(groupTotal > 8) // threshold for group of death { deathGroup++; } } group.assign(box, box + 32); } … Re: Group of Death Simulation Programming Software Development by StuXYZ …index]; } if(groupTotal > 8) // threshold for group of death { deathGroup++; } } } [/code] (b) Now there is a…an extra group of deathGroup for EACH group of death that is found, ie. you test 10000 … 8 groups and find about 10000 groups of death. THAT does not test the hypothesis. You want… Re: Group of Death Simulation Programming Software Development by StuXYZ …]>1); if(groupTotal > 2) // threshold for group of death { deathGroup++; break; } } } [/code] Note that care has …for the host. In this case, a group of death is a near certainty, e.g. if the host…inquiry asked the question what if a group of death is that 2 teams with a rating over 2 … Facebook founder facing death penalty Digital Media Digital Marketing by happygeek …"]reports are emerging[/URL] …to inflame an already highly flammable situation following the death threats against South Park cartoon creators who dared to… Christians or Buddhists planting bombs or calling for the death of the cartoonists. At some point, surely, there… Re: Group of Death Simulation Programming Software Development by daniel88 … course, wrong - I am working out how many groups of death are generated, rather than whether or not a group of… death is present in any particular world cup (set of eight … Re: Facebook founder facing death penalty Digital Media Digital Marketing by ghdfans2010 …"]reports are emerging[/URL] …to inflame an already highly flammable situation following the death threats against South Park cartoon creators who dared … Christians or Buddhists planting bombs or calling for the death of the cartoonists. At some point, surely, there… Re: Is death penalty right? Community Center Geeks' Lounge by VernonDozier … dies and retracts the testimony. >> Death Row to me is not closure, just a …not sure. We have hundreds of people on Death Row in California. It seems like the only…Parole case. If you got rid of the Death Penalty, you'd have tons of trials that…Life Without Parole sentence unless there was a Death Penalty if they lost the trial. I don… Re: Group of Death Simulation Programming Software Development by Crak … is chosen for each group so that "group of death" scenarios dont occur too many times... so the probability… Re: Group of Death Simulation Programming Software Development by StuXYZ …, then we had a 44% chance of a group of death. In the case that the host is a Re: Group of Death Simulation Programming Software Development by daniel88 StuXYZ, thanks for weighing on the issue! So what you are saying is that the probability of a Group of Death is dependent on the strength of the host nation? Michael Jackson sparks celebrity death hoax epidemic Hardware and Software Networking by happygeek …/daveyw/2009/06/28/that-michael-jackson-effect/"]death of Michael Jackson[/URL] hit the Internet than the…from Sophos "The fake story of Britney's death was posted to her Twitter followers via the TwitPic service…Twitter and TwitPic are said to have got the current death hoax situation under control, with messages withdrawn and security … Re: Is death penalty right? Community Center Geeks' Lounge by Agilemind … the testimony. [/QUOTE] Actually in places without the death penalty life imprisonment inmates do get their cases revisited. …USA is because everyone is too busy with the death row inmates. And mistakes happen whether or not we…;Dangerous Offender" status as a replacement for the death penalty (life in prison no chance of parole + burden… Re: Is death penalty right? Community Center Geeks' Lounge by VernonDozier … innocent, I reckon you should WANT the death penalty. You're much more likely to get …part of San Quentin. They were all on Death Row, but still came pretty close to … aggression. Some of them have been on Death Row for close to thirty years and they…close to being executed. Why bother having a death penalty if you'e not going to execute people… Re: Is death penalty right? Community Center Geeks' Lounge by Agilemind …killers. Also since very few places have both the death penalty and an open respectable legal system any statistic…: In the USA since 1973: 138 people on death row were released after evidence was found proving their …year source: [url][/url] 9 people excecuted but new evidence puts …