27 Topics

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Member Avatar for XxAaronxX

Hey Guys, Ive been having a bit of trouble with a program which rolls dice for the game risk. Ive been able to implement number of dice choice selection for both attacker and defender, and to get them to roll the results. The part I am trying to implement now …

Member Avatar for XxAaronxX
Member Avatar for Doogledude123

Alright, so I am simulating a rice roll 100 times, repeatedly. It's getting some whack numbers for some reason, I can't find the problem in code. I have done some printing of the different variables and it seems fine, but I know theres something wrong. package com.github.geodox.dicerollingstats.main; import java.util.Arrays; import …

Member Avatar for Doogledude123
Member Avatar for ralph.d.abernathy.1

Hello everyone! So I wrote a program that simulates a dice game, almost like the game of Craps. I want to turn this normal console app into a dialogue based MFC. So I would create a button labeled "Roll" and the window would show two die being rolled. Here is …

Member Avatar for ktsangop
Member Avatar for xxwikkixx

Hey everyone just to refresh my memory and practice some programming I decided to make the dice program here is my code: #include <iostream> #include <ctime> using namespace std; int main() { int input; int random; cout << " VIRTUAL DICE 1.0" << endl; cout << "Enter 1 to roll …

Member Avatar for theguitarist
Member Avatar for jeets1892

Hello, Please take a look at the below code - #include<iostream> #include<ctime> // for the time() function #include<cstdlib> // for the srand() and rand() functions using namespace std; int compInput; int userInput; int die1 = 0; int die2 = 0; int Dice () { // set the seed srand(time(0)); // …

Member Avatar for jeets1892
Member Avatar for toluwanimibosun

could you help write a c++ program da allows 10 players to play the game of dice and displaying the winner with highest score

Member Avatar for Lucaci Andrew
Member Avatar for Angel78

So I have been working on this dice roller for a while but am stuck. My form looks like this, a comboBox1 where you can pick numberOfSides on the dice, a textbox1 where you type the numberOfTimes it shall roll the selected dice, a button1 and a richTextBox1 to display …

Member Avatar for PatSharbaugh
Member Avatar for dirzy

Hi I have a problem with dice game. So I have a dice game , but I want to see the picture of the dice every time the player throws the dice not only the number.. I dont know how to make it, do I need to rewrite the random …

Member Avatar for Mitja Bonca
Member Avatar for belle_tenor

I am fairly new to C++ programming and have been working on an assignment for my C++ class that involves writing a dice rolling program (rolls 2 dice). The program is to get a random seed number and a desired number of rolls from the user, keep track of the …

Member Avatar for WaltP
Member Avatar for rfrapp

I'm writing a program that rolls a die a number of times that the user enters, and counts up each time a one, two, three, and so on is rolled. Right now, it only prints out zero's. Any guidance would be appreciated! Here's my code: [CODE] // dice.cpp : Defines …

Member Avatar for WaltP
Member Avatar for JavaPrograms

The issue with my program is that it does not calculate how many times the specific value has occurred. I believe that I have everything in place, but I'm not sure to as why it wouldn't work. Any help and/or feedback is kindly appreciated. Thanks! Ok, so basically this program …

Member Avatar for bibiki
Member Avatar for cookiejarvus

I'm working on a program for class that uses the method Math.random( ) to generate random integers between 1 and 6. Then generate ten-thousand numbers between 1 and 6. Then calculate the number of 1 that has appeared, the number of 2 that has appeared, and so on. The final …

Member Avatar for teo236
Member Avatar for IcyFire

I have an assignment to make a craps game in c. The program i wrote runs but it always ends before it should. I think that the while loops in main have a problem but im not exactly sure wat the problem is because ive reviewed this code over and …

Member Avatar for IcyFire
Member Avatar for thechicken

hi, im trying to create a program that records the amount of times a number was rolled using input from the user. currently it is only printing 1 number and i need it to print 6. i am only beginning to study java so im lacking knowledge a bit. any …

Member Avatar for WolfShield
Member Avatar for ashley808

I've never felt like a total moron until I took a Computer Science class. I'm trying to create a program that rolls a pair of standard 6 sided dice 10,000 times and outputs how many times doubles show up, using a "while" loop. I think what I'm trying to do …

Member Avatar for JamesCherrill
Member Avatar for aspirewire

I want it to say "You are correct!" when the number they guess matches the random roll but it just keeps saying this when I type in 6 as my guess, how do I fix it? This is what I wrote in the main: [CODE] int num; int die; cout …

Member Avatar for WaltP
Member Avatar for singh_soorma94

I was making a windows form project. in the project the user inputs the number of dice rolls he wants(2 dice will be rolled) and then i am suppose to give the number of times each number happened and the percent of times each number happened. The only problem is …

Member Avatar for singh_soorma94
Member Avatar for vishal1949

I am trying to make a program in which the user is prompted to input a number(max length of 4 digits), and then the program shall produce the number of outcomes of a two dice roll meaning that 1 roll includes two die. The outcomes could be 2-12 and I …

Member Avatar for ddanbe
Member Avatar for gema002

Hi you all! I hope someone here will help me, i have workt with my java-program for 14 hours and i cant get it right. Im sure im on the right way but i cant get i all right. ok.. first i have to create a dice-class that generates random …

Member Avatar for stultuske
Member Avatar for TrustyTony
Member Avatar for soneal777

I am using Visual Studio 2010 and C#. I am having problems making my three dice generate different random numbers. All of the dice roll at the same time. I have pictures of dice that I want to pull up for each of 3 dice according to what random number …

Member Avatar for soneal777
Member Avatar for agons

Hey everyone, Im working on a few java programs for a class and this one i can't seem to find an answer anywhere for. I need to write a program that roll's a dice, which is simple, then i have to have it roll the dice 20 times. Also simple. …

Member Avatar for polk230
Member Avatar for Oregand

Hey guys, im just learning how to use methods but I really cant seem to understand them. We have a question where we have to write a program for the following game. There is a little known dice game which is played with a pair of dice and has the …

Member Avatar for Oregand
Member Avatar for gatehrdy

[B]Hello, I am new to programming. I am trying to make a dice game called 10,000. Here is the outline or pseudo code. it kind of works. It will roll and keep score, but sometimes it will roll multiple times. [/B] pick a player player one or player two player …

Member Avatar for griswolf
Member Avatar for zreed

I need to code a program for my friend and it has been giving me some difficulties. This needs to have two classes, one called Tester and another called Game. And the data in the Game class needs to be pulled to the tester class after the calculations are finished. …

Member Avatar for CrazyDieter
Member Avatar for FreakNFlow

I am in need of some help. I need a program that will play the game Three's Free. You roll six dice. 3's are equal to 0. Every turn you take away one of the dice, so every time you roll you take away one die. If you don't roll …

Member Avatar for WaltP
Member Avatar for Rurik16

I'm creating a game where the goal is to roll two dice and if you get a 7 or 11 you win 10 points, otherwise you lose 5. You start with 100 points. I have everything set up so far but I don't know how to keep the program going …

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The End.