32 Unanswered Topics

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Member Avatar for Monrach

Getting an empty drop-down list by the following code. Trying to fetch names from the department table. Using an oracle Database... <label for="department">Department</label> <select class="form-control" name="deptname" id="deptname"> <option selected disabled></option> <?php $dbUser = "..."; $dbPass = "..."; $dbConn = "(DESCRIPTION = (ADDRESS = (PROTOCOL=TCP)(HOST=...)(PORT=1521))(CONNECT_DATA=(SID=...)))"; $conn = oci_connect($dbUser, $dbPass, $dbConn); $sql …

Member Avatar for dsimonovski1

I am using easyUI datagrid component and I'm trying to add bootstrap dropdown menu in a datagrid cell. The problem is when I click the dropdown button, the menu doesn't show. When moving the menu outside the cell, or remove the cell 'datagrid-cell' class, it works fine. No console errors …

Member Avatar for 2014learner

How can a table be updated in HTML with Dreamweaver using ASP on a dropdown functionality? I can only have the table bring in a table with the pageID of 1 and will not change when dropdown changes. How do I start the programming of getting every record with a …

Member Avatar for dimitris.dimitri.73

Dear forum , i am facing a problem when i try to populate my combobox item from a dropdownlist in html. my code is the following which executes witount errors: Private Sub Button1_Click(sender As System.Object, e As System.EventArgs) Handles Button1.Click Dim I As Integer = 0 Dim NAME As String …

Member Avatar for gkumaravel

Hi, I want to run php function using jquery ajax, Task is i have two dropdown(html select) **Filter_by_class.php** <form action="filter.php" method="POST" id="filter_students_form"> <div class="field"> <label for="stud_class_filter" class="cbx-lbl lbl-width">Select Class</label> <span class="dbl-dote">:</span> <select name="studclass_filter" id="stud_class_filter"> <option value="">-- SELECT STUDENT CLASS --</option> <?php if ($getStudentClass = $db->query("SELECT * FROM classes")) { if …

Member Avatar for edgar222

how can I select project from dropdown then execute query catching the value of the project selected I have the follow code using AJAX and JSP pages admin.jsp <%@ page language="java" contentType="text/html; charset=ISO-8859-1" pageEncoding="ISO-8859-1"%> <%@ page import="java.sql.*"%> <!DOCTYPE html PUBLIC "-//W3C//DTD HTML 4.01 Transitional//EN" "http://www.w3.org/TR/html4/loose.dtd"> <html> <head> <meta http-equiv="Content-Type" content="text/html; …

Member Avatar for srikanth_2

https://jsfiddle.net/chintu/wmv1jkh9/ Here is the link of code in jsfiddle. I want to add dropdown menu to the furniture and fumehood section in this dropdown menu.

Member Avatar for jamesrobb

Do you know if it's possible to retrieve data from a dropdown list using bootbox? I'm at home so I don't have my code to post. Thanks.

Member Avatar for Tko_1

This is not my code/script all hardwork came from Codelair Full script located [here](http://doheth.co.uk/codelair/php-mysql/scoreboard) I really hope i posted this in the correct section because im unsure which code will work best for this. As the name for the script gives this away it is a scoreboard. allows admin to …

Member Avatar for malatamil

In this each member has 3 type of project selection. if one member has selected "regular Project" then remaining types should be displayed in dropdown for each member. But here i tried with this code.. example i have 6 members, then 6 members can have 3 type of selections.. if …

Member Avatar for Priti_P

Hello, I am using Yii framwork. What I want to do is, I have a dropdown and one button. on button click, i want to send selected value of dropdown in url. <div class='box'> Change to another Skill Type<br> // IT IS DROPDOWN WITH VALUES AND ID of this input …

Member Avatar for rchawdhari

I have one zend form.In this form i have on dropdown and blank div. In view page on dropdown change blank div fill another dropdown. I want to validate div's dropdown so that without selecting second dropdown form could not submit. Plz suggesssst any help

Member Avatar for Mian Sahib Jan

me have 5 columns and one of them i wand to bind with dropdown list and one with chek box .how it is possible plz

Member Avatar for LG Fresh

function makeSelection(icon, id) { if(!icon || !id) return; var elem = icon.elements[id]; if(!elem) return; var val = elem.options[elem.selectedIndex].id; opener.targetElement.value = val; this.close(); } this form used to select from a dropdown but i want to make it select from a click button <td>Icon1 Here<br /><input type="button" value="Select" id="1000" onclick="makeSelection(this.form, 'icon');"></td> …

Member Avatar for chris.immanuel

Hi I have a question with my code. I implemented drop down list populated from my oracle DB. So my question is, I need to populate the rest of the data into my <input type="number" min="currCutting" max="currQty" /> tag that pulled from the database according to the Head_mark selected from …

Member Avatar for afdoal

hi,,, i need question about populate table based on dropdown this my php file **kecamatan.php** <?php require 'config_db.php'; $self='kelurahan.php'; if (isset($_POST['action'])&&$_POST['action']=='edit'){ $namakelurahan = _post('namakelurahan'); if ($namakelurahan==''){ r2($self,'e','Nama kelurahan tidak boleh kosong'); } $id = _post('id'); $grp = ORM::for_table('kelurahan')->find_one($id); $grp->set('namakelurahan', $namakelurahan); $grp->save(); r2($self,'s','Perubahan data berhasil di lakukan'); } elseif (isset($_POST['action'])&&$_POST['action']=='delete'){ $trid …

Member Avatar for NitsPatel

Hello, when i click on option of dropdown box they could not select any option. Its working good in all other browsers.option coming through ajax. I have a problem in dropdown select option in IE11. see attached screenshot .Please help me someone to solve my problem. Thanks & Regards Nits

Member Avatar for pratik shukla

i am trying to insert values in my dropdown list dynamically onclick of add button such that one row should be added with new dropdown with data. i have tried many logic but didnt work. <html> <head> <script language="javascript"> function addrow(tableID) { var table = document.getElementById(tableID); var rowcount = table.rows.length; …

Member Avatar for SAMI_2

I created two dropdown which is filled with data fetched from mysql database by using the ajax and php function, Second dropdown is dependent on the first one and show relevant data. I placed both dropdown in adjacent to one another in table cell format. For the first row the …

Member Avatar for blueguy777

Update form is working perfectly, but the value of $magentname variable changing to blank without selecting drop down box value. code: <?php require 'include/database.php'; require 'include/settings.php'; $id = null; if ( !empty($_GET['id'])) { $id = $_REQUEST['id']; } if ( null==$id ) { header("Location: sub-agents-list.php"); } $mainagentid = $_POST["mainagentid"]; $pdo = …

Member Avatar for emtw

Hi, I've been working with Ruby on Rails to make a web application, but I've found something that I really cannot work out how to do with it, so it may be best if I do it manually. Basically, I've got a dropdown menu, that is populated with a list …

Member Avatar for cgull

Hello, I am trying to create dynamic dropdown lists with PHP MySQL and AJAX. When a user selects a category from the first dropdown, the subcategory dropdown should populate with all the sub categories that belong to the selected category. I am using Fuel CMS as my framework. In my …

Member Avatar for 11349

Hi All, Hope your all well Im really new to the world of JSP & AJAX, my question is, I need to retrive names from a database and present them to a user on a JSP form, but I shouldnt show any database interaction on the client end, So as …

Member Avatar for jonsan32

I want to list helpful instructions on my website for customers, specifically designed for them. I'd like for one of 16 images to appear below the 3 dropdown boxes, dependent on the values selected. The process can be instant or initiated with a submit button, but I'd like for the …

Member Avatar for aspkiddy

Hi, I have some difficulty with my 'select' In my select/menu, I display all the options come from a table (table_db_email) in my database In this table ([B]tb_code_prmtn11_email[/B]) I have two field : [B]fld_email_id fld_name_email[/B] It works here is a code [CODE]<select name="email_adress_menu" id="email_adress_menu" class="valid" onchange="submit()"> <?php echo "<option selected=\"selected\" …

Member Avatar for vandris

HI! I'm trying to make a form where a dropdown menu is populated from mysql. My code: [CODE=php]<? $link = mysql_connect('localhost', '****', '****'); if (!$link) { die('Could not connect: ' . mysql_error()); } mysql_select_db('****'); mysql_set_charset("utf8"); $query="SELECT distinct first_name FROM names_table"; $result=mysql_query($query); ?> <select name="first_name" onChange=""> <option>Choose!</option> <? while($row=mysql_fetch_array($result)) { ?> …

Member Avatar for JZM

Hey, Were I am stuck is with the jquery I have a form that is done in a form class and when an option is selected from the dynamically populated drop down menu I would like it to fill in the text boxes so they can be edited. I currently …

Member Avatar for Hakarune

So I got help from here earlier with one problem and a few more have arisen, the biggest is for some reason my checkbox and dropdown array won't store the data and when it's supposed to check to verify there is at least 1 selected of each nothing happens... To …

Member Avatar for Nth_

Hello, I am currently creating my first web program using Visual Studio 2008 (asp.net with c#) so am probably going about many things the wrong way, but it is to be expected! The issue in question: -I have a dropdownlist(ddl), which is populated from a SQLDataSource. -The text in the …

Member Avatar for kramerd

I have a complex UI with little screen real estate, so I'm trying to allow users to manage contents of a combo box using a right-click context menu. But I'm having trouble getting the combo box's drop down list to appear at the same time as the pop-up menu. I've …


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