4 Topics

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Sample Input: 20 10 2 5 2 Sample Output: 2 Explanation: An amount of 20 could be made in 2 ways: 10*2 10*1 + 5*2 I want to find out the number of ways a particular amount can be made with given coins.In the sample input 20 is the amount …

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Member Avatar for aphide

Every day on his way home, little Billy passes by his great aunt Clara Mitchum's house. Generally he stops in for a chat with his aunt and sometimes he asks for some lollies. When he does, she generally gives him some, but then adds now don't be asking for any …

Member Avatar for WaltP
Member Avatar for jssutton11

Hi, I wrote a code to solve the knapsack 0-1 problem by dynamic programming. At a certain point, around 30 max capacity, the code stops adding new values based on the incrementing max capacity and item values. I have no idea why, it finds the correct solution until the max …

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Member Avatar for scholar

Hello friends, I have a dynamic programming problem and would like to discuss it here.The problem goes as Given an integer array A[0....i] convert it to an array of strictly increasing numbers. The operations allowed are 1)Decrease an element by amount x: cost of operation=x 2)Delete an element k: cost …

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The End.