405 Topics

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Member Avatar for vishalonne

Hello Every body I am standing on a cross road with a doubt which way is the correct way. As you all are seeing the image Groupbox and CheckBoxes all are dynamically created. What I am confused about If user select Sun Tue and Fri from XII2013SIF01 and Mon Tue …

Member Avatar for tinstaafl
Member Avatar for vishalonne

Hello I am making a win form application on frame work 3.5 using C#. I am creating dynamic checkboxes depending on the numbers of records in access table. After this I am also able to get the name, text and other properties of dynamically created checkboxes and I am displaying …

Member Avatar for Rothis
Member Avatar for antwan1986

Hi everyone and thanks for reading! I use JavaScript to create sets of text boxes on the fly. I also have a hidden counter in a text box on the form which I also post to my PHP script. This hidden counter is how I tell PHP how many text …

Member Avatar for com00085
Member Avatar for milkman93

Hey everyone, I want to add action listeners to JButtons that were created dynamically by an ArrayList. Here is the code for the button creation. numOfCourse = 6; courseBtnArray.add(new JButton("Course 1")); gbc.gridx = 2; for (int i = 0; i < numOfCourses; i++) { gbc.gridy++; add(courseBtnArray.get(i), gbc); courseBtnArray.add(new JButton("Course " …

Member Avatar for mKorbel
Member Avatar for while(!success)

Hey guys, Does anyone have any ideas or suggestions as to how to create a dynamic form based on a sharepoint list? By this I mean, the user would select a list and a form would be generated with the correct controls/labels based upon the column attributes in the sharepoint …

Member Avatar for Pundia

Hello! I'm trying to fill a Crystal Reports in a generic way. This is because I don't have direct access to the database, I just call a service that returns a DataTable. I'm no expert in C# or Crystal Reports, is there any way to fill a Crystal report without …

Member Avatar for milkman93

Hey Fellas, I'm working on a project where I would like, once the picture is clicked, to be displayed in a dynamic "popup" manner. Example: http://www.freshlysqueezed.ca/index.php?r=web/content&id=3 . If you click the items, the pictures pop up in a smooth and good looking way. Where I need your help is to …

Member Avatar for TonyG_cyprus
Member Avatar for Melly3

Hi, I'm working on classes with pointers. I do have a main function that calls this. This program compiles. But the input from the user isn't getting passed to the other functions. The user_input function should take the response and pass it to the create_posting then it is outputted to …

Member Avatar for RonalBertogi
Member Avatar for dendenny01

I want to designe a code at display a perticular data Example a time table of the week For instance if someone view a page on monday so it show display result of the table or data which is set to display on monday or if some one view same …

Member Avatar for dendenny01
Member Avatar for joshl_1995

Hello Community, I'm trying to dynamically add a menuitem to my context menu and add a click handler but for some reason it won't add the handler what did a do wrong? Private Sub Button1_Click(sender As Object, e As EventArgs) Handles Button1.Click For Each Line In RichTextBox1.Lines Dim NewItem As …

Member Avatar for ghincelino
Member Avatar for RT00220489

Hi, I seek your help as m stuck with an issue. I am uploading a css style file in a folder and need to provide the link to that css file in my aspx page. That is simple, but the twist is, the file name can be anything. That file …

Member Avatar for JorgeM
Member Avatar for PriteshP23

Hello All, Objective is to manage **radio button Dynamically**. One should be able to *add/delete radio button by ADD and DELETE button* in form. To make CLEAR the question, please look at the image "BUTTON". In addition, it should be displayed with updated values (*Need to manage from database side …

Member Avatar for PriteshP23
Member Avatar for isrinc

`Inline Code Example Here`I am using a pair of pthreads that call a pair of functions for ping-pong dma data transfer that are used in a loop for data transfer from an acquisition board. For a large # of waveforms, I ultimately run out of PC memory and the program …

Member Avatar for Ancient Dragon
Member Avatar for bleedsgreen33

I inherited a website here at work. The menu system uses a convoluted jquery / javascript structure. There are 8 different types of "users" for this website, from administrator to contractor or accountant, etc, and the person made 8 different versions of the menus covering nearly 80 different pages within …

Member Avatar for tokick4
Member Avatar for sundog1

Hi Guys, I've just picked up an old projcet I was working on (about 6 months ago) and trying to get my head around my own messy N00b code. I've managed to get the grid views working with links back to the tables and showing data in the correct places. …

Member Avatar for Momerath
Member Avatar for amitkumarmailid

declare and assign value to variable at runtime in C# variable names are stored in database(sql server). how can i able to declare varible with these name during runtime. after that assign value... thanks. amit

Member Avatar for Ketsuekiame
Member Avatar for Begginnerdev

After seeing quite a few posts today asking about event handlers for dynamicly created controls, I have decided to give a little example for reference. **Note that you should check [Microsoft's Documentation](http://msdn.microsoft.com/en-us/library/system.windows.forms.control.aspx#inheritanceContinued) ( or research from web ) of any control if you are struggling**

Member Avatar for xHellghostx

Okay here is the problem I am having.. I am trying to make an array based on a user input.. That means the size of the array is unknown.. Here is what the program should look like. How many expierments do you want to do? *Insert user input here* expierment …

Member Avatar for Ketsuekiame
Member Avatar for diafol

Hi All, Just to say that I've searched DW and Google extensively before posting here. Also looked at the jQuery site, but failed to find exactly what I'm looking for. Anyway here's the thing: I have a button on a form, that when it's pressed inserts some new inputs (textboxes) …

Member Avatar for diafol
Member Avatar for barnamah

Hi, I haved a form where elements in a rows can be added by clicking on "Add item". Once the item is added, use can remove that item by clickon on the "remove" link. One of the fileds in the row has integer value and I want to added the …

Member Avatar for gon1387
Member Avatar for vlkaiser

Hi, Let me preface this by saying I'm about 4 days into learning MSVC++ 2010. I just need a little program that takes in a string, puts it in an array and I'd really like it to display it on the screen as the data comes in (1089 strings per …

Member Avatar for Ancient Dragon
Member Avatar for katties

Hi I have this question about a loop that would create many numeric-value drop downs on a page. So far I have managed to populate with javascript only one per page. I am trying to make a loop that would take various id-s of the 'select' tags in html, and …

Member Avatar for katties
Member Avatar for magyarosi.botond

Hi guys. I was wondering how Cnet Downloader, and ninite.com works. Is there a backend server which compiles the exe file before every download? Is there any other way to modify something in an .exe file without recompiling? Thanks.

Member Avatar for CoilFyzx

Hello perhaps you could help me with a problem please. I wish to display a table of results using a JTable. Customarily I use a 2D Object array which is initialized with the data in a manner as follows: public Object[][] data={ {"Biology",25},{"Additional Math", 54},{"Geography",43},{"History",21},{"Spanish", 47}, {"Information Tech.",110},{"Technical Drawing",54},{"French",45},{"Physics",76},{"Chemistry",76}, {"Principles …

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Member Avatar for pratik65

hi, frnds i am making a project on Grading System of school and i am using vb.net 2010 as my front end and SqlExpress as my back end . i have a Marks_Table in my database in which user stores student marks info . i want to generate marksheet on …

Member Avatar for PriteshP23

I want to display table by default in ascendind order with dynamically changing header. Here is my code. It is displaying the rows unordered. It should be in ascending at first look and then can change by column. $order = (isset($_GET['sortCostCode']) && strcasecmp($_GET['sortCostCode'], 'desc') == 0) ? 'DESC' : 'ASC'; …

Member Avatar for PriteshP23
Member Avatar for keltik

I found this script which generates a row in a table. I additionally want it to alter the name-field of the row it generates, because the data of each newly generated row is needed to be saved into a database later. However clicking only creates a row without renaming the …

Member Avatar for cguan_77
Member Avatar for CodyM

/*I'm having trouble creating a constructor for degree and *coeffs as well as properly creating the dynamic arrays for the coefficients of the 2 polynomials a and b. I'm just concerned about getting the correct values. My textbook only gives us eamples of constructos for eamples not well related to …

Member Avatar for CodyM
Member Avatar for CodyM

So my readPoly fct assigns the values i want to my dynamic array, but when the fct send Polynomial p back to main to be assigned to a and b(fct called twice) the first value of the array is set to 0. I've output the array inside readPoly and it …

Member Avatar for CodyM
Member Avatar for TheQuestor

I need some help here. I am writing a little desktop app that monitors my ToDo database and whilst it works great when run once, it kind of freaks out when I run it from a timer. As in all the labels start repeating. Below is the entire code. Imports …

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The End.