Sirius XM is Serious Trouble Community Center by Brian.oco … under. “Bankruptcy could put pressure on Charles Ergen's EchoStar Corp., which reportedly owns a substantial amount of Sirius XM…Mel Karmazin now has second thoughts about signing anything with EchoStar. Does Karmazan really think that Chapter 11 is his …best deal? Or, is he playing Echostar like a drum, hoping to beat a better deal out… Retail Sales Rise; Update on Sirius XM Digital Media Digital Marketing by Brian.oco … radio giant was going under, and that negotiations between EchoStar and Sirius XM had fallen through. But the news… today offers Sirius a ray of hope, not from EchoStar, but from another satellite technology giant – Direct TV.…a foregone conclusion as of yesterday), and also keep EchoStar at bay from any hostile takeover. According to The… dropshadow effect with PIL Programming Software Development by piasek … would like get this effect using PIL: [url][/url] i have this code but… Patent on Streaming Porn Tossed Out Digital Media Digital Marketing by slfisher … Internet radio stations and leading satellite and cable companies such Echostar, DirectTV, Time Warner Cable, and CSC Holdings, Inc., has had… Re: Blind Input Programming Software Development by glindhot [code] program echostar; uses Crt; const EnterKey = ord(13); var Entry :char; SecretMessage :… Re: Patent on Streaming Porn Tossed Out Digital Media Digital Marketing by MktgRob I have seen similar actions attempted by companies in terms of supposedly trademarked terms. One company I have worked with received a letter from a law firm that threatened them with a possible cease and decisit order if they did not stop using a specific term or paid an annual fee to keep using it. It turned out to be a fishing trip to generate…