20 Topics

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Member Avatar for jonsan32

I want several dates at the top of each page of a 365 page document, but I don't want to plug them in manually. Attached is a segment of the dates I have in a document, and another attachment showing how the Mac document looks. I'm trying to avoid a …

Member Avatar for drzmbs
Member Avatar for Doogledude123

Alright so I'm coding a Quadratic Equation Solver to help with my Math Class. However the teacher requires each calculation to be written out. I have the solver working, however I'm not sure where to start when it comes to printing each step. I know I will need to `System.out.println()` …

Member Avatar for JamesCherrill
Member Avatar for Roily Lucky
Member Avatar for ddanbe
Member Avatar for ddanbe

Complex numbers are seldom used in daily life, altough you could say that every real number is complex, but with the imaginary part equal to zero. And btw. "complex" is a bit of a misnomer, perhaps we should call them "easies", because often they make it easier to perform certain …

Member Avatar for ddanbe
Member Avatar for requimrar

Hi guys. First of all, I am aware that there is a somewhat similar thread over here. However, it was never really answered and the code given was obscure (I don't like copying stuff anyway) Either way... I want to balance a chemical equation. However, I don't need help on …

Member Avatar for bguild
Member Avatar for GeneClaude

I won't be asking for a source code yet. What I need to figure out is the process of a certain Math problem with the equation that seemed to be impossible to be converted to source code. Here it goes: **A certain waveform is 0 volts for time less than …

Member Avatar for Ancient Dragon
Member Avatar for Rubinder singh

I need a code which can solve the equations like this :- 56*78+(78/8) In this we know that brackets must be solved first and then divide/multiply and then add/subtract. So, i need a code for solving this kind of equations which contains multiple operators in single line. Thnks :)

Member Avatar for Rouf mir
Member Avatar for KatseasSAvvas

Hi, I'm trying to find a way to solve this equation with two unknowns using Python: [QUOTE](a * b) = (x * c) + (y * d) + e [/QUOTE] Where a, b, c, d and e are all floating numbers provided by the user and x and y are …

Member Avatar for TrustyTony
Member Avatar for Sommy

Hello...just started learning C and i'm trying to write a program that solves quadratic equations...but every time i compile and run it and enter the 3 variables it crashes. I kept on looking but didn't find anything wrong with it...help? :P [CODE]#include <stdio.h> main(){ int a,b,c; float x1,x2; printf("Please enter …

Member Avatar for MonsieurPointer
Member Avatar for apals

MY problem is related to entry of research data. The researchformula is entered into a textbox alongwith other usual form entries like title,subject,startdate etc. The formula consists of alzebra, trignometric, otherfunctions etc. Example [CODE] [B]x = 12; y = 24 + tit[x] + mixer[x]; z = x + sin(x) + …

Member Avatar for apals
Member Avatar for thecoolman5

hi, I am trying to make a variable equation solver using DEV-C++. I just need to know how to get C++ to solve an equation inputed by the user. So you input something like 1+1 and i need it to solve the problem and output the answer. heres an example: …

Member Avatar for eddiecrosby
Member Avatar for DoubleTapThat

Wrote this for my college open evening just to give prospective students a taste of python. added a little "information" section just to bulk it out a bit (this section is slightly messy i know). Not sure if it works in command line, definitely works in IDLE but the command …

Member Avatar for TrustyTony
Member Avatar for thecoolman5

hi, i am using DEV-C++ and i have two problems with this code: [CODE]#include<iostream> #include<string> #include<sstream> using namespace std; int main (char argc) { string n1; getline(cin,n1); int len; len = n1.length(); int len1 = -2; int len2 = -1; for(int t = len; t>0; t--) { len1 = len1 …

Member Avatar for thecoolman5
Member Avatar for michaelzip

Hi. Can you help me how to balance a chemical equation using linear algebra. I know how to do it on a piece of paper using the usual method of balancing. I just don't get the principle how to do it on the other method. Please give me a step …

Member Avatar for michaelzip
Member Avatar for Venku Tur'Mukan

Hey, everybody, I'm a newbie at Python (2.7.1), and new to DaniWeb as well. and the apparent simplicity of Python got me interested in programming (seriously, the only thing before this was HTML). Anyway... I was taking a test and thought that after I was finished I could make an …

Member Avatar for vegaseat
Member Avatar for deviliq

Hello there! :) How should i solve for x in this equation: p*e^-x + q*sin(x) + r*cos(x) + s*tan(x) + t*x^2 + u = 0 with the user to input the values of p,q,r,s,t and u. i'm thinking of looping from 0.0001 until i-dont-know-what and then testing each value of …

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Member Avatar for steventaal

I have written this for my math class, as it saved me an accumulated time of three hours over a week of homework that involved the quads. I a posting it here for anyone who wants to use, modify or otherwise use to go ahead and do so. Standard Quadratic …

Member Avatar for anuragcoder
Member Avatar for James19142
Member Avatar for mrnutty
Member Avatar for einjelle

Hi guys.. I am currenly coding a program which outputs the next state table for flip flop circuits. I have already finished the the generator for one type of flip flop, and I have 3 more to go.. So far, my arithmetic parser is working good but I suddenly remembered …

Member Avatar for ddanbe

[TEX]Solve an equation of the form Ax^2 + Bx + C = 0.[/TEX] The class is commented, but if you have any questions don't be affraid to ask. You may exercise this class in a console application with the following snippet : [CODE]QuadraticEquation z = new QuadraticEquation(1, 3, 3); z.Solve(); …


The End.