Execution Control for Embedded Python Interpreter Programming Software Development by soccermiles … as follows... What I need is control over when execution happens. More specifically, I would like to use a… program. I would like to be able to resume execution in the python interpreter later, from the same place …(The Python documentation doesn't mention anything specifically designed for execution control, but if there is something I could use, … Execution speed of C++ programs Programming Software Development by Audette … the gcc compiler. Can anyone tell me, is thespeed of execution of the final .exe file dependant on the compiler? e… it does change, which will give a faster execution speed? Also, will the execution speen change if I compile the code in… Re: Execution speed of C++ programs Programming Software Development by Nick Evan …=Audette;863158] Can anyone tell me, is thespeed of execution of the final .exe file dependant on the compiler? e…And if it does change, which will give a faster execution speed? [/quote] Depends on what code you're trying …rule' to go by. [QUOTE=Audette;863158] Also, will the execution speen change if I compile the code in Linux instead… Re: Execution speed of C++ programs Programming Software Development by GDICommander … in Code::Blocks. And, as always, the speed of the execution mainly depends on what you do in the program. Are… Execution flow control (pause/restart) Programming Software Development by koffrig … I am trying to achieve is pause/play control of execution of a certain algorithm. In other words, I want to… intended for resource sharing rather than controlling the flow of execution. Could anyone direct me to a place to start, or… Re: Execution flow control (pause/restart) Programming Software Development by TrustyTony You could divide the job in small enough pieces and check for parameter change and pause after each piece. You should separate parameter entering in separate thread so it stays active during execution. Re: execution plans and index creation help Programming Databases by hericles An execution plan is a description of how the database is going … performing queries are going wrong. You don't create an execution plan yourself, just to be clear, it's handled completely… Execution time(plz Help) Programming Software Development by warangalboy Hello, How can i find the execution time of a script. help me . Re: Execution time(plz Help) Programming Software Development by warangalboy … need to pass the script an argument to find the execution time Re: Execution time(plz Help) Programming Software Development by shanenin … sleep 1 echo $SECONDS #this final line echos the total execution time of the script(in seconds) [/code] Execution time Programming Software Development by ultra vires I wanted to calcualte the execution time of Bubble sort or for that matter any loop . i tried using the clock funtion in c but it gives me 0 seconds for even 10000 elemnts being in the list :sad: . Re: Execution time Programming Software Development by ultra vires [QUOTE=Bench]unless you're running a prehistoric computer, 10000 is nothing :) you want to be thinking in terms of millions if you wish to obtain a calculatable time difference.[/QUOTE] But when i include a printf statement in the code the execution time inc to like .4 sec and i guess printf doest take a lot of processing :| Execution jumps over code. Programming Software Development by AKJo Hello, My problem is the execution jumps over a lot of code. In my example it … Re: Execution jumps over code. Programming Software Development by AKJo … tests: 1. Took away the "if" sentence. The execution jumped over the complete routine, to end;, then BACK to… Re: Execution jumps over code. Programming Software Development by delphiman [QUOTE=AKJo;764396]Hello, My problem is the execution jumps over a lot of code. In my example it … execution time Programming Software Development by proj Cud u pls pls help in writing a java code to find execution time of application programs like word??? Re: execution time Programming Software Development by zortec … = System.currentTimeMillis(); System.out.println("Total elapsed time in execution of method callMethod() is :"+ (endTime-startTime)); } public void callMethod… Execution problem Programming Software Development by Violet_82 Hi there, I am experiencing a problem during the program execution. Here is the program: [CODE]#include <iostream> using … Re: Execution problem Programming Software Development by Violet_82 … 4, any other result the program doesn't finish its execution in the terminal. I read the tutorial, but in some… execution time Programming Software Development by eman 22 How can i get th execution time ?? I tried to use library <time.h> [CODE] clock_t tStart = clock(); //put here my code double executionTime=(clock() - tStart)/CLOCKS_PER_SEC; [/CODE] here the excution time always zero. so what's the error here?? Re: execution time Programming Software Development by DavidB … a work out. Then you should know for sure that execution is taking [I]some[/I] time. If the result is… Execution of the command requires an open and available connection. Programming Web Development by fawadkhalil … goes down. I notice below error in event management [QUOTE]Execution of the command requires an open and available connection. The… execution time for msp430 Programming Software Development by protestor Hi, I use an msp430f16 and I want to calculate the execution time of a code (in milliseconds) any idea? thanks Re: execution time for msp430 Programming Software Development by gusano79 …, I use an msp430f16 and I want to calculate the execution time of a code (in milliseconds) any idea? thanks[/QUOTE… execution plans and index creation help Programming Databases by Emily_3 Please explain to me what execution plans and index creation is in Oracle SQL. An example would be great also. Thank you!! Re: Execution priority question Programming Software Development by csurfer ….And I think you are getting confused the order of execution is : [code=c] printf("Enter Your Age: "); // Executes… Stopping a very time consuming class method's execution on tomcat server using JSP. Programming Web Development by nihardhruva … Stop button, my browser will stop responding, but the execution of the method will still continue on my Tomcat Server…. Now, because, this method execution requires very heavy memory as well as it takes very…a stop button of browser, it should also stop the execution of that method on my remote tomcat server. Can … How to check VB.NET Programm Code performance/execution/standards ? Programming Software Development by dotnetguy2k8 … want to check its [COLOR="Red"]1.performance,execution time,is it coded in standards etc..,? 2.how we…)-is this memory is normal or ? - how to calculate the execution speed or other kind of performance in code like is… there are many logic but which one is fast,speed execution logic ? I have questions like this.Is there any free… Need a function 2 "PAUSE" and "RESUME" execution of a prg Programming Software Development by Ritesht93 … these buttons....they must do d functions at tym of execution.....i.e if i click pause......the game or rather… be PAUSED.....n if i resume.....the game(i.e execution) must start from where i paused......is there any system… function to pause and resume...at tym of execution....if so plzzz let me kno....:-/.... [B]THANKS IN ADVANCE… xmlDoc.onload problem, sequence of execution for Firefox Programming Web Development by Dennis_Phils Hi everyone, I'm having problem with the sequence of execution for xml.onload. It works fine if your not passing … based on the parameter passed. In IE, the sequence of execution is that, First LoadXML is executed and calls on to…. There's no problem here. In Firefox, the sequence of execution is that, First LoadXML is executed and calls on to…