Re: ChatGPT is Now Smarter Than 90% of the Population Community Center by meyerrluanna Hey, I really enjoyed reading your post . It’s kind of mind-blowing when you think about how far AI has come. But I also think it’s worth considering what we really mean by "smarter." AI, like ChatGPT, is amazing at processing information and spitting out answers quickly, but there’s still a lot that makes human intelligence unique like … Re: ChatGPT is Now Smarter Than 90% of the Population Community Center by jkon I really can't understand the claim that it "smarter than 90% of population". I don't have access to o1 but from what I have seen sometimes it counts correctly the r's in strawberries , is this that our benchmark ? and if so , - why ? and do we know for sure that 90% of population can't count R's ? Is there a study about it ? . Don't … Re: ChatGPT is Now Smarter Than 90% of the Population Community Center by DEEPAK_84 So sad. Re: ChatGPT is Now Smarter Than 90% of the Population Community Center by Pelorus_1 ChatGPT has demonstrated remarkable advancements in natural language processing, enabling it to understand and generate human-like responses with high accuracy. This sophistication allows it to outperform the average person in various knowledge-based tasks, making it seem smarter than 90% of the population. However, it's important to note that … Re: ChatGPT is Now Smarter Than 90% of the Population Community Center by sgtamilan It’s impressive to see how advanced AI has become! ChatGPT being smarter than 90% of the population highlights the rapid progress in technology and how it’s reshaping our interactions with information and each other. It’s a testament to the incredible work being done in the field of artificial intelligence. Looking forward to seeing how these … Re: I can't get to my javascript files from Nodejs? Programming Software Development by Sanket_17 If you're unable to access your JavaScript files from Node.js, here are some steps to troubleshoot: Check file path: Ensure the path is correct and relative to your project structure. Static file serving: If you’re using Express.js, use express.static() to serve static JavaScript files. Permissions: Verify that your JavaScript files have the … Re: ChatGPT is Now Smarter Than 90% of the Population Community Center by jkon When I took my first IQ test as a teenager, and I didn’t know anything about the assumptions you should make for those questions, I had a strong reaction: "This question is not clear, so how could the answer be? Are they kidding me? Is this an IQ test?" Afterwards, I learned what those assumptions were, and my score went up. So yes, you … Re: ChatGPT is Now Smarter Than 90% of the Population Community Center by trueframe It’s amazing to see just how advanced AI will become in the coming years! Flipper Zero Review: A Geeky Multi-Tool for Penetration Testing Community Center by Johannes C. … to discover – and I'm looking forward to the next experiment. ChatGPT is Now Smarter Than 90% of the Population Community Center by Johannes C. … are just 2 Rs in 'strawberry.' To conduct my own experiment, I presented o1 with a moral dilemma. Not so long… Re: Fine-Tuning OpenAI Whisper Model for Audio Classification in PyTorch Programming Computer Science by Duane_4 This is an interesting and useful post. I believe there is a typo in the 7th code block relating to train/val/test split. The second line should read: val_df, test_df = train_test_split(temp_df, test_size=0.5, random_state=42) The whole point of temp_df in the first line was to separate out 30% for val/test; the second line splits that to … Re: Fine-Tuning OpenAI Whisper Model for Audio Classification in PyTorch Programming Computer Science by meyerrluanna The post gives a really clear, step-by-step guide on how to fine-tune the OpenAI Whisper model for audio classification. Its great how it covers everything from preparing the dataset to using tools for feature extraction and model training .This is definitely worth checking out, The explanations are practical, and the code snippets make it easy to … An experiment in online publishing Hardware and Software macOS by newscop [B]An innovative experiment in publishing by a doctor in Mumbai has sparked off … 20 people and also does a lot of outsourcing. This experiment flies in the face of the traditional wisdom that if… The "Mojave Experiment" - My "Microsoft Experience" Hardware and Software Microsoft Windows by Thinka I first heard about the Mojave Experiment indirectly through Daniweb, whilst reading a [URL="http://www.… used to. Which brings me right back to the Mojave Experiment. I think it is definitely a good marketing idea from… Google's Failed Experiment to Become Bing Digital Media Digital Marketing Search Engine Strategies by Techwriter10 … match Bing for whatever reason. So we have the picture experiment. [B]Google's Motivation[/B] Marissa Mayer [URL="http…;cid=RSSfeed_IWK_News"]pulling out of the one day of experiment[/URL], apparently because an explanation that was supposed to appear… GitHub experiment. Community Center Geeks' Lounge by NardCake I was bored today so I started this little experiment... So basically it's a Git repository on GitHub and … repo which includes rules and such: I'm excited to see how much stuff will happen… Database experiment advice Programming Databases by kinbo Hi! I am currently learning databases and I have been ask to do a database experiment. To be honest I do not really understand it properly even after making some research about it. Can you explain me what exactly is a database experiment? and give me some project ideas please. Help science & your favorite charity by participating in online experiment Programming Web Development by Lukas1 … the University of Zurich, Switzerland, and developed a web application experiment for investigating ways to improve code review. If you have… **javascript** knowledge, please help us in this **20 – 30 minutes** experiment by using the desktop version of a browser: [Click Here… Re: GitHub experiment. Community Center Geeks' Lounge by NardCake **pritaeas** it is a social experiment. Anyone can put anything they want on the repo, doesn't even really have to have meaning, I'm just curious to see what will happen. (nothing yet) New Experiment Messin With Programming Software Development by joebenjamin Im tring an experiment that will generate 7000 integer random numbers and save them … wxPython DrawRectangle Experiment Programming Software Development by vegaseat In this experiment we call the paint event and establish a device context … reading a column from text Programming Software Development by abhilam EXPERIMENT : KSAS1201 SG CLIMAT CHANGE DATA PATH : C:\DSSAT45\Sorghum\ TREATMENT … Experiment:Blog in english and spanish 50% Digital Media Digital Marketing Search Engine Strategies by Track I created a blog with all post in english and spanish, but google indexed it as spanish page. I'm investigating the cause. Does google see the language that I use in google webmaster tools page when I sent my sitemap? Does google see the country of owner of the domain in whois? In the whois of the domain the country is spain. Re: Experiment:Blog in english and spanish 50% Digital Media Digital Marketing Search Engine Strategies by Watt That is pretty interesting. I have never encountered that before. Your guess is as good as mine. They could be looking at the WHOIS or considering the density of Spanish words on the page, Google might be assuming your audience would be Spanish speaking visitors and classified you as such. Let me ask you, is this a problem for you? Who is your … Re: Experiment:Blog in english and spanish 50% Digital Media Digital Marketing Search Engine Strategies by stymiee Those meta tags do nothing for Google or for any major search engine. Experiment with crontab commands in safety - Cron Sandbox Hardware and Software Linux and Unix by dksyte For most of us, setting up a new cron job is not something we do every day. So we can easily forget the details. Cron Sandbox at HxPI offers an opportunity to play with the crontab scheduling commands in safety. Type in the 'm h D M Dw' parameters and see a calendar of future job execution times/dates. [url][/url] Experiment with union, need explanation for result Programming Software Development by hypernova Hi all!! See the following code: #include <stdio.h> int main() { union a { int i; char ch[2]; }; union a u;[0]=1;[1]=0; printf("%d %d %d\n",[0],[1],u.i); getch(); return 0;… Re: Experiment with union, need explanation for result Programming Software Development by gerard4143 How are your integers stored? Big or small endian? Also, are your integers 2 or 4 bytes? Re: Experiment with union, need explanation for result Programming Software Development by gerard4143 Try something like below: #include <stdio.h> int main() { size_t i = 0; union a { int i; char ch[sizeof(int)]; }; union a u; for (i = 0; i < sizeof(int); ++i) { if (i == 0)[i] = 1; else[i] = 0; }… Re: Experiment with union, need explanation for result Programming Software Development by hypernova Awwwwwwwwww!!!!!!! I understand. The byte 3 and byte 4 are not zeros as I assumed, they must be garbage. I assumed they would be all zeros because of the rule "if you initialize one member of a structure, others are initialized to 0 automatically". I thought this applied to unions also. I added:[2]=0; and[3]=0; and it…