11 Topics

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Member Avatar for cynfudi

the value of length is seven, word in file is hello, chosen_letter can be any that user guesses. chosen_letter is char ofcourse. my problem is when we type in character 'l' for chosen_letter and it only counts it once. also, the if-loop in the second while loop doesnt work. please …

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Member Avatar for кодирование

First of all, just registered and this forum looks great! PROBLEM: My program which I wrote in Code::Blocks, has compiled fine and has worked fine, but when I run the outputted file called (BINDED.exe) it shows a very quick console window then closes, I think this is due to the …

Member Avatar for georgeduroa
Member Avatar for nyuszi

Hi i need a little help. i want to read a multi array from a file but code blocks said a lots of error and i dont know whats the problem. can u help me? [ICODE]#include <iostream> #include <cstdlib> #include <math.h> #include <fstream> #include <sstream> using namespace std; int maxn=100; …

Member Avatar for nyuszi
Member Avatar for rutwvu

I am currently working on a project where we must read in a file and then print it back type justified. There must also be a specific number of characters per line based upon user Input with the extra characters being distributed spaces. I am reading in each character from …

Member Avatar for Ancient Dragon
Member Avatar for melkai

Hello, Working on my final project for a Java Class and have become stumped on the final leg of the code. We are supposed to create a program to add a record, remove a record, display a record, and list all records. The records must be written to a file. …

Member Avatar for stevanity
Member Avatar for vijayca

Hi All, I am facing problem with MapViewOfFile. Microsoft function MapViewOfFile() which reads part of file and returns start address of that content. This function needs some other info which is provided by functions like CreateFile, CreateFileMapping etc. UnMapViewOfFile is to close the view. I am using MapViewOfFile() to read …

Member Avatar for Chuckleluck

So I want to make a text-based game that has different maps, displayed in ASCII art-style. I've been tinkering with fstream, and I wrote up this code: [CODE]#include <iostream> using namespace std; #include <fstream> int main() { ifstream indata; int i; int j; int k; char grid[9][9]; char letter; indata.open("grid.txt"); …

Member Avatar for Chuckleluck
Member Avatar for boywonda1

hey all.. I'm [U]new[/U] to VB.net and i wanted to find out how i could load the names of files(in a specified dir) into a combobox? I knw i should have posted code..but i only have an idea as to what should happen. correct me where i'm wrong. 1. get …

Member Avatar for lolafuertes
Member Avatar for DerrickC

I have written the following program. It collects inventory information and stores it in a file. I need to write a separate program that will access that file and give me the totals of the information stored in it ie. (quantity,wholesalecost,retailcost). What I'm specifically having trouble with is how to …

Member Avatar for DerrickC
Member Avatar for adixovi

Hi, this is a clue game in prolog. [B][U]I'm posting it to thank everyone that takes the time to post and help people, like me.[/U][/B] The program is spanish, cause in from México, but it's a clue game. Features: Write and read *.txt files, and use their content to compare …

Member Avatar for weasel7711

I wrote a program to analyze a log file for a machine that my company repairs. The program that runs the machine spits output into a text file (.log) and my program will analyze it and return the results of different calculations to the user. The log file idealy looks …

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The End.