fileinput confusion :( Programming Software Development by Skrell …i get at the command prompt. PLEASE help. [CODE] import fileinput, sys, string, os def main(): searchterm = sys.argv[1…;removed" else: print item print targetdir for line in fileinput.input(targetdir): num_matches = string.count(line, searchterm) if num_matches:… Re: Fileinput from files ignoring incorrect ones. Programming Software Development by TrustyTony What you catched from fileinput documentation? Re: Fileinput from files ignoring incorrect ones. Programming Software Development by TrustyTony … with bunch of Python files as arguments. You did read fileinput documentation? I use the mention that empty files are opened… (newb) fileinput.input IOError handling Programming Software Development by Skrell I am trying to use the fileinput.input() module to read in the lines from a bunch … items in the list i'm feeding fileinput,input() generates this IOError, i can get fileinput to simply continue onto the next… Re: (newb) fileinput.input IOError handling Programming Software Development by Skrell …work. Here is my code: [CODE] try: for line in fileinput.input(newlist): num_matches = string.count(line, searchterm) if num_matches:… %s on line %d." % (searchterm, num_matches, fileinput.filename(), fileinput.filelineno()) except IOError: print "There was a problem with… Re: (newb) fileinput.input IOError handling Programming Software Development by TrustyTony You must put try around the fileinput that is in try to line "5.5" and indent the print line and 7 to same level as try: (current print indention). Re: (newb) fileinput.input IOError handling Programming Software Development by TrustyTony Actually I did not realize you are using fileinput as iterator already in for line. To get hat to work I think you must wrap it in function passing IOErrors. string.count is not also good style, you should use the method of string itself: "abcd".count("a") Array Calculations Programming Software Development by ThomasII …(","c) tran.TransactionDate = fileInput(0) tran.DepoOrWith = fileInput(1) tran.TransactionAmount = fileInput(2) tran.PreviousBalance = fileInput(3) ReDim Preserve m_transSet(x) m_transSet… The class returns an error message Programming Software Development by puppykillaz …(","c) tran.TransactionDate = fileInput(0) tran.DepoOrWith = fileInput(1) tran.TransactionAmount = fileInput(2) tran.PreviousBalance = fileInput(3) ReDim Preserve m_transSet(x) m_transSet… Re: The class returns an error message Programming Software Development by puppykillaz ….Split(","c) tran.TransactionDate = fileInput(0) tran.DepoOrWith = fileInput(1) tran.TransactionAmount = fileInput(2) tran.PreviousBalance = fileInput(3) m_transSet(x) = tran listDisplay… Re: The class returns an error message Programming Software Development by Oxiegen ….Split(","c) tran.TransactionDate = fileInput(0) tran.DepoOrWith = fileInput(1) tran.TransactionAmount = fileInput(2) tran.PreviousBalance = fileInput(3) m_transSet(x) = tran listDisplay… I am using webcam for live snap, i am not getting image name Programming Web Development by ramsiva …class="fileinput fileinput-new" data-provides="fileinput"> <div class="fileinput-new thumbnail&…</div> <div class="fileinput-preview fileinput-exists thumbnail" style="max-width: 200px…lt;/span>--> <span class="fileinput-exists"> Change </span> … Re: Initilizing char var from file input Programming Software Development by Greywolf333 …gt; using namespace std; void openFile() { ifstream fileInput;"testInput.txt"); if (!fileInput.is_open()) cout << "Error. … a; cout << a; } int main() { ifstream fileInput; openFile(); accessFile(fileInput); return 0; }[/code][/QUOTE] Anything you declare inside a… Java program help!.please Programming Software Development by cbtshare … card holder"); String chname =; for (; fileInput.hasNext() ;) { String temp2 =; String temp = chname.toLowerCase(); if (temp.equals… Initilizing char var from file input Programming Software Development by myk326 …My problem seems to be with this line: fileInput >> a; Because it outputs nothing… std; void openFile() { ifstream fileInput;"testInput.txt"); if (!fileInput.is_open()) cout << &….\n" ; } void accessFile(ifstream& fileInput) { char a; fileInput >> a; cout << a… updating jlabel Programming Software Development by deerowbear …tojt.exe"; String fileInput =; String fileName = fileInput.substring(fileInput .lastIndexOf("\\"), fileInput.lastIndexOf(".")); String… textArea.updateUI(); textArea.repaint(); String[] cmd = { exe, fileInput, out, fileOutput }; Process D = r.exec(cmd); try … Re: The class returns an error message Programming Software Development by Oxiegen … Dim line As String = "" Dim fileInput() As String If NameOfAccount.Equals("Savings") …COLOR] tran = New Transaction() fileInput = line.Split(","c) tran.TransactionDate = fileInput(0) ....... [COLOR="Red&… Reading input from a File Programming Software Development by Fatima_110 …count = 00000; String symbol =; int quantity = fileInput.nextInt(); while (fileInput.hasNext()) { Stock myStock = new….getPrice()); totalValue += total; symbol =; count++; quantity = fileInput.nextInt(); count++; } output.printf("… Re: Python Phone Book Trouble!! Programming Software Development by woooee … == 2: phoneNumber.append(myString) count = count + 1 fileInput.close() [/CODE] And finally, this piece of code reads …the file twice. The myList = statement reads the entire file into myList. The… for myString in fileInput: statement reads one record at a time, except… Algorithm Problems Programming Software Development by Lord Felix …; public Life(String input, String output) { inFile = new FileInput(input); outFile = new FileOutput(output); } public void cellConstruct() … System.out.println(""); Life lifeS = new Life(fileInput,"fileout.txt"); lifeS.cellConstruct(); lifeS.execute(numberOfSteps);… How do I use methods outside of the main program? Programming Software Development by jakethesnake86 … */ string debugger::parser(char* file, int line) { ifstream fileinput;; if(!fileinput) //if the file could not be opened, print an… line and store it in the string, data { getline(fileinput, data); ++curline; } fileinput.close(); return(data); } } /*Parameters: Parsed character that could … Re: Reading input from a File Programming Software Development by Fatima_110 … loop. so my loop would be: while (fileInput.hasNext()) { String symbol =; int quantity = fileInput.nextInt(); Stock myStock = new Stock(symbol); double… Need help on FileWrite function. Programming Software Development by Buchas … TForm1::FormActivate(TObject *Sender) { AnsiString FileName; const void *FileInput = Label1->Caption;; int FileHandle; FileName = "Logs…fmOpenWrite);} else { FileHandle = FileCreate(FileName);} FileWrite(FileHandle, FileInput, sizeof(Label1->Caption)); //write smth into file … I still need help with my program!! Programming Software Development by silentcreeper …close(); } public static void main(String[] args) { File textFile; Scanner fileInput = null; Scanner fileInput2 = null; JFileChooser chooser = new JFileChooser(); // ….getSelectedFile(); // Try instantiating Scanner object with File object provided try { fileInput = new Scanner(textFile); } catch (FileNotFoundException e) { // Maybe … Re: I still need help with my program!! Programming Software Development by silentcreeper …][/B] main(String[] args) { File textFile; Scanner fileInput = [B][COLOR=#7f0055]null[/COLOR][/B]; Scanner fileInput2 …int[/COLOR][/B] numWords = [I]wordCount[/I](fileInput); System.[I][COLOR=#0000c0]out[/COLOR][/I].println…;[/COLOR]); [I]printArray[/I](uniqueArray, numEachUnique); fileInput.close(); System.[I][COLOR=#0000c0]out[/COLOR][/I… GroceryStore Simulation Java help Programming Software Development by yingfo …void readInventory(String filename) { Scanner fileInput; File inFile = new File("inventory.…dat"); try { fileInput = new Scanner(inFile); while(fileInput.hasNext()) { GroceryItem.readItem(fileInput); ++inventory; //stick… Re: GroceryStore Simulation Java help Programming Software Development by arseniew …quot;inventory.dat"); try { fileInput = new Scanner(inFile); while(fileInput.hasNext()) { //You havent got …= new GroceryItem(); // creating new item tempItem.readItem(fileInput); // filling it with data dataList[inventory] = tempItem… Python Phone Book Trouble!! Programming Software Development by idreu2go4it …\ CSCD 110 Assignments\entries.txt" fileInput = open("entries.txt", "r…") myList = count = 0 for myString in fileInput: myString = myString.strip() myString = …2: phoneNumber.append(myString) count = count + 1 fileInput.close() # Set up menu choice for looking up last… Function Returning List Programming Software Development by spacemanspiff92 [CODE]def exportTextList(fileInput, wordList): fileOpen = open(fileInput) for line in fileOpen: line = line.rstrip(&…wordList = wordList + lineList return wordList def main(): fileInput = 'PlayerNames.txt' wordList=[] exportTextList(fileInput, wordList) print wordList[/CODE] My code summary:… Read from a file then placing strings into a 2d array Programming Software Development by controlsi …", "r")) !=NULL) { while ((fileInput = fgetc(input)) != EOF) { printf("\n … ");//emove strcpy(input, word); putchar(fileInput); fillArray(word); } printf("Failure in…