Fucntions to calculate cirle Programming Software Development by mrar85 im' confuse with this function...how do i call one function so it can be used in another function?? [ICODE]#include <iostream> #include <cmath> using namespace std; double pi=3.1416; double getinput(); double distance(double,double,double,double); double radian(double); double circumferences(double); double area(double… Re: Fucntions to calculate cirle Programming Software Development by Fbody Hmmm... This comes across as more of a general question about function use, not a question about using functions to calculate values related to a circle. Therefore, I'm going to reply with a little different slant than is perhaps suggested by your thread title. In C++, every operator you use is some sort of function that gets called to perform … Re: Fucntions to calculate cirle Programming Software Development by mrar85 i understand that. but what i want to do is, call a function within a function, for example : [CODE]double distance(double x1,double x2,double y1, double y2) { double dist; dist = sqrt(pow(x2-x1,2)+pow(y2-y1,2)); return dist; } double radian(double rad) { rad=distance(x1,x2,y1,y2); return rad; }[/CODE] why … Re: Fucntions to calculate cirle Programming Software Development by Fbody [QUOTE=mrar85;1384255]i understand that. but what i want to do is, call a function within a function, for example : [CODE]double distance(double x1,double x2,double y1, double y2) { double dist; dist = sqrt(pow(x2-x1,2)+pow(y2-y1,2)); return dist; } double radian(double rad) { rad=distance(x1,x2,y1,y2);… Re: Fucntions to calculate cirle Programming Software Development by mrar85 so what you mean is like this: [CODE]//in calcRadian function double calcRadian(double x1,double x2,double y1,double y2) { double rad; rad=distance(x1,x2,y1,y2); return rad; } //in main fucntion int main() { double x1,x2,y1,y2; double rad; cout<<"Please enter center point of a circle : "… Re: Fucntions to calculate cirle Programming Software Development by Fbody >>so what is this scoping rules? im really curious Look back through the section in your notes/book concerning functions. I would be extremely surprised if you didn't already cover this. Otherwise, [URL="http://www.cplusplus.com/doc/tutorial/functions/"]read this[/URL]. Re: Fucntions to calculate cirle Programming Software Development by mrar85 aha...now i understand...thnx fbody... What is the best language to use to use to create a menu for mobile phone???? Programming Computer Science by nelly_1005 … connected to a SQL databse which holds the names of fucntions...what programming language can i use to actaully create the… Windows and Overlapped Serial Port Communications Programming Software Development by vengefulemus … functions. Am simply trying to have both read and write fucntions as overlapped IO using these functions and completion routines. At… struct array and enum problems Programming Software Development by jhdobbins … just one .h and one .cpp.... so trying to convert fucntions back to my .h I received tons of errors. Hopefully… My Take..... Digital Media Digital Marketing by techniner … you have something unique .. it will work AWESOME! The main fucntions of it that it does NOT try and "tirck… Parameter lists for fucntion pointers?? Programming Software Development by caltiger …)(const void* , const void*); If there are another pair of fucntions defined as : void f1(int*, int* ); void f2(int*, int… Help With Python Programming Software Development by Tommy_101 … that case, I could then run all the variables, the fucntions, etc... If anyone could tell me how I could do… what is wrong with my stupid program!? Programming Software Development by CPPRULZ … a class declaration, englishweight_def.cpp which defines the public member fucntions, and EW_driver which uses the class to calculate what to… How to use this function FillList ($sql, $selected=0) Programming Web Development by jay_412 …); } else { $result = mysql_affected_rows(); } return $result; } // The parse, Bind and DoProc fucntions are intended for executing sql with bind variables // In this… C equivalnet Assembly Programming Software Development by Gaiety … done when converting to assembly. i have some idea with fucntions when ever a function is called . 1.push the arguments… Two Problems with Dev C++ Programming Software Development by mohammad1982 … add other files to the project). When I modify the fucntions and I run the project, the result is the same… drawing in pascal Programming Software Development by josh48 im trying to draw a box using gotoxy and fucntions. this is what i have at the moment, but dont … Advice/opinions on usage of c++ Programming Software Development by Kanoisa … how it could actually prevent bugs better than my overloaded fucntions id be happy to hear about it. [U]what id… organizing my code Programming Software Development by crimes … in classes. i havent dipped into classes yet.. mostly just fucntions and loops so far. does anyone know of a good… C++ Checkbook balancing program Programming Software Development by br0wnm4n … = 1; do // Using the do-while loop to call the fucntions. { askUser(balance); addMoney(withdrawals, deposits, total); OutputData(balance, withdrawals, deposits… modern alternatives of abswrite() in c++ Programming Software Development by cent91 hello everyone. i read about the functions abswrite() or absread() etc, but these fucntions are not supported in modern compilers. i would like to know what are the modern alternatives of these functions in c++?? btw i am using visual studio 2010 and rad studio xe. new/delete with classes within each other Programming Software Development by Unidennn … newA; a::b newC; a::b::c newC; //to call fucntions newA.blah newB.blah newC.blah } //but i neeed to… opencv with qt using c++ Programming Software Development by ravi_14 … to include libraries and build paths,when i use **C fucntions of opencv** the program works fine but when i use… How to show error messages Programming Web Development by UK-1991 … : mainfolder>includes>functions.php (Where all of my fucntions are currently stored in) mainfolder>index.php where I… unable to get DeferWindowPos to make correct z order Programming Software Development by cppgangster …-deferwindowpos) unable to understand how to use it correctly the fucntions. Does anyone know what is wrong with my code? Thanks… help witih fucntions Programming Web Development by azegurb Hi all, I have taken simple CMS script from internet but there are such things that i dont understand them below is the code [CODE]<?php //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // Class: DbConnector // Purpose: Connect to a database, MySQL version … Re: help witih fucntions Programming Web Development by alanwdaniweb [QUOTE]and here what does it mean & symbol and creating array PHP Syntax (Toggle Plain Text) 1. array(&$this[/QUOTE] I believe this is a way to convert the array contents to binary form. The following two pages might have the details you need: [URL="http://us2.php.net/manual/en/language.operators.bitwise.php"]http://us2.php.… Re: help witih fucntions Programming Web Development by azegurb thank you for attention. i looked at the pages you have suggested, but i didnt find anythink like my example. if possible can you explain it on my example Re: help witih fucntions Programming Web Development by alanwdaniweb I believe what it does is this: Takes the variable, $this, and converts the value to binary code. So, for example, if the value assigned to $this ends up being 25, the value is converted to the binary equivalent, 11001. This value is an argument passed to the 'close' function, which is supposed to run after other processing completes (as instructed…