Why the UK was right not to extradite Gary McKinnon Hardware and Software Information Security by happygeek Gary McKinnon, an unassuming 46 year old Londoner who suffers from Asperger'… reasons why into perspective. ![dweb-mckinnon](/attachments/small/0/dweb-mckinnon.jpg "align-right") Gary McKinnon, far from being some sinister master… to his state of health and his state of mind. Gary McKinnon may yet still face trial in the UK, but that… Gary McKinnon update: MP quits, Brown sympathises, Americans have hissy fit Hardware and Software Networking by newsguy …appeal against the Home Office backed decision to extradite Gary McKinnon on hacking charges to the US is to …of his colleagues had "expressed their sympathy for Gary McKinnon. But when the crunch came, they just went tribal…uk/debate/article-1200270/ANDREW-MacKINLAY-This-feeble-wobbling-McKinnon-bad-democracy.html?ITO=1490"]Daily Mail[/URL… Security Journalist of the Year says UK is wrong to extradite Gary McKinnon Hardware and Software Networking by happygeek Gary McKinnon is either a UFO-obsessed nerd who happens to …cyber-defences are woefully inadequate. Rather predictably, but nonetheless sadly, Gary McKinnon today lost his judicial review in London which he was…saying it is wholly inappropriate to make an example of McKinnon when serious criminals accused of financially motivated crimes remain … Gary McKinnon wins extradition reprieve for psych review Hardware and Software Networking by happygeek …avenue to prevent the extradition of self-confessed NASA Hacker Gary McKinnon had been exhausted, especially when just last week a couple…[/URL] on DaniWeb that "I seriously doubt that McKinnon could get a fair trial in the US where he… they think the book should be thrown at him and McKinnon should get 'what he deserves' which would appear to … Re: Why the UK was right not to extradite Gary McKinnon Hardware and Software Information Security by flypie You talking rubbish Wavey See [Click Here](http://www.newstatesman.com/politics/2012/10/gary-mckinnon)The US and the UK should allow each other to prosecute in their repsective courts, it would avoid the extradition problem. I'm a Scouse Geek. Thoughts on Gary McKinnon Hardware and Software Networking by GuyClapperton … been a lot of comment in the past on Gary McKinnon and his hacking into US military computers. Readers might …from this, but that doesn't necessarily make Mr. McKinnon's actions right. I do understand the obsessive nature …of Mr. McKinnon's condition. I have taken in that the National … Re: Why the UK was right not to extradite Gary McKinnon Hardware and Software Information Security by gerbil …'t notice? Or were just incapable of responding technically? Let Gary run free. I'm not sure that I'd be… Re: Security Journalist of the Year says UK is wrong to extradite Gary McKinnon Hardware and Software Networking by Dread Cthulhu … fella what killed his family and fled to England. That McKinnon committed his crime remotely should have no bearing in the… plain, old-fashion anti-American attitudes and the fact that McKinnon is a marginally sympathetic criminal. As for the complaint that… NASA hacker McKinnon promises guilty plea Hardware and Software Networking by newsguy Gary McKinnon, the British hacker who is still fighting against extradition to … his battle for justice in the UK. Apparently, lawyers representing McKinnon have told the British Crown Prosecution Service that he would…="http://www.itwire.com/content/view/20017/53/"]McKinnon[/URL] is facing charges of breaking into systems not only… Bonkers Boris, Mad McKinnon, Osama Bin-Laden, Barack Obama and Little Green Men From Mars Hardware and Software Networking by happygeek …="http://www.daniweb.com/blogs/entry2863.html"]Gary McKinnon[/URL], the [URL="http://www.itwire.com/…http://www.telegraph.co.uk/comment/columnists/borisjohnson/4348617/Gary-McKinnon-believes-in-little-green-men---but-it-doesnt-make…here in the UK. Under the heading of "Gary McKinnon believes in little green men – but it doesn't… Re: Why the UK was right not to extradite Gary McKinnon Hardware and Software Information Security by happygeek That would be an even more slippery slope methinks... Re: Why the UK was right not to extradite Gary McKinnon Hardware and Software Information Security by flypie How. Everyone seems to think that their courts are fair and unbiased so if the US Gov had brought an action under the computer misuse act in a UK court who could complain. Re: Why the UK was right not to extradite Gary McKinnon Hardware and Software Information Security by happygeek Sorry, wrong end of stick error. Actually, I agree with you there. Re: Why the UK was right not to extradite Gary McKinnon Hardware and Software Information Security by diafol Good idea, but you then have myriad countries prosecuting UK subjects on UK soil. Who's law do you enforce? English/Scottish or that other country's. I'm assuming that you could only work within the confines of 'English Law' in England and Wales. How stringent would the checks be on 'foreign' evidence? All governments would provide clean evidence, … Re: Why the UK was right not to extradite Gary McKinnon Hardware and Software Information Security by flypie The law of the country in which the court is situted. In the end what would happen is that the US State/Embassy or Gov would appoint someone to server as their DPP here and would hire Solcitors/barrister as needed. Porbabley the same ones the CPS uses. Is this what Gary was up to? Community Center by GuyClapperton …://news.bbc.co.uk/1/hi/technology/4715612.stm"]Gary McKinnon[/URL], currently in a US jail hoping to be extradited… into someone else's network. I'd much rather Mr. McKinnon had quietly informed someone that their network had a hole… anybody's property to research it. If I'd found McKinnon having forced an entry into my living room claiming he… Re: Thoughts on Gary McKinnon Hardware and Software Networking by happygeek Wanna fight? :) See [url]http://www.daniweb.com/blogs/entry4595.html[/url] Re: Thoughts on Gary McKinnon Hardware and Software Networking by GuyClapperton Outside, you! Seriously though, he's up for a trial and nothing more. This isn't a lynch mob, it's a request from a sophisticated nation of our allies who've detected a breach in their security emanating from our country. What's to disagree with? Re: Bonkers Boris, Mad McKinnon, Osama Bin-Laden, Barack Obama and Little Green Men From Mars Hardware and Software Networking by tiger86 I wrote on this a while back and did my research. I read an interview with mckinnon and he said that there was no password. I am a bit surprised that the military wouldn't add a password but then again Mckinnon most likely is telling the truth. Obama is right we need to restructure our military; I think we need one who knows what a password is!! Re: Bonkers Boris, Mad McKinnon, Osama Bin-Laden, Barack Obama and Little Green Men From Mars Hardware and Software Networking by happygeek Why would McKinnon be telling the truth? Seriously, he says he saw proof (including the names and ranks) of aliens in the US military - trouble is he didn't think to save those files so that 'proof' is handily just in his somewhat troubled head it seems. Re: Is this what Gary was up to? Community Center by DeepCut Hi Guy. Just to straighten out a couple of errors there. McKinnon is in the UK fighting extradition to the US. Also, this whole hack-into-pc break-into-house analogy doesn't stand up. I'm sure all people would agree having someone break into your home is far, far worse than having someone access your PC's hard-disk. Pentagon hacker allegedly threatened with Guantanamo Bay military tribunal Hardware and Software Networking by happygeek …;feed=technologyfull"]Observer newspaper this morning[/URL] Gary McKinnon, the British hacker accused of what US prosecutors …extradition, arguing that such an attempt at getting McKinnon to accept a plea bargain were an unlawful abuse… the Observer story, his supporters claim that if McKinnon had agreed to a deal offered during secret meetings… Swimming with Googles Digital Media Digital Marketing Search Engine Strategies by happygeek … [URL="http://www.daniweb.com/blogs/entry3877.html"]Gary McKinnon's little green men[/URL] while you explore I guess… Hacking the NASA Twitter Account Digital Media Digital Marketing by happygeek ….com/news/story231374.html"]it doesn't look like Gary McKinnon was involved[/URL], another NASA hacking accusation might ruin any… Tango Down: Anonymous #OpFreeAssange strikes Number 10 and UK Justice Dept Hardware and Software Information Security by happygeek … 'Draconian surveillance proposals' and, interestingly, also the extradition cases of Gary McKinnon and Richard O'Dwyer. All of the government websites are… Re: Is this what Gary was up to? Community Center by kanaku @deepcut But if that hard-disk belongs to the US government, I'd say that my house is worth infinitesimally less than the hard disk. Besides, for people who base their lives on a computer (like most of the people in this forum), hackers are as much of a problem as housebreakers. Wouldn't you agree? Re: British Police Get Go-Ahead to Hack Home Computers Digital Media Digital Marketing Search Engine Strategies by Justin Ryan … an international incident. If they're luck is anything like Gary McKinnon's, they'll be on their way to an espionage… Re: Pentagon hacker allegedly threatened with Guantanamo Bay military tribunal Hardware and Software Networking by Maulth Phew, that's some crazy stuff right there. Re: Hacking the NASA Twitter Account Digital Media Digital Marketing by CatRambo It would have been even better if they were selling something like real estate on the Moon. ;) Re: Hacking the NASA Twitter Account Digital Media Digital Marketing by happygeek Yeah, don't you just hate hackers/spammers with no sense of humour? :)