35 Topics

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Member Avatar for madawa123

Hi guys, I hv the two coordinates of the map. Top left : 37 44 55.49S 144 52 30.73E bottom right: 37 47 54.43S 144 57 59.54E my map is a rectangle with 500width 800height. I want to get the mouse pointer in terms of lat long in degrees and …

Member Avatar for peter_budo
Member Avatar for awie10007

Scanning from a laser line and usb cam V Python fill up memory to 1.6G and crash the system Smaller Scan works fine is there a better plotting module or a way of getting past V Python memory block? The plot must happen in color xyz rgb. [CODE]import thread import …

Member Avatar for jd_davis

Greetings, I've been given a challenge to build a simple game for my daughter. The idea is that you smash the spacebar, and a ball drops into the game, goes down some ramps, and lands at the bottom. Being a newbie programmer, this is becoming a challenge. I decided to …

Member Avatar for ddanbe
Member Avatar for esy928

Greetings! I'm almost finished in creating a geometry wars like game (except that you cant move =P ). For the last few days I've been stuck doing the diagonal movement of the bullets. I wish someone could help me =D here's the constructor of the bullet class x & y …

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Member Avatar for Diamonddrake

I need to be able to take a point on an image and convert it into a point relative to a picturebox with the pictureSizeMode set to zoom here is the code that the picturebox uses to scale and center the image [CODE] Size size = this.image.Size; float num = …

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The End.