$.getJSON Not Retrieving Data Programming Web Development by Collossus …quot;:"0"} What am I missing from the $.getJSON call? getstatistics.php: $query="SELECT Page, URL,… $row = mysql_fetch_assoc( $result ) ) { $array[] = $row; } echo json_encode($array); JQuery: $.getJSON('getstatistics.php', function(data) { $.each(data, function(index, value) { $('#paragraphtochange… Re: $.getJSON Not Retrieving Data Programming Web Development by pritaeas I think getJSON checks if the PHP script has the correct JSON header, which you did not set. Re: getJSON odd callback Programming Web Development by Tinnin …'t have evil intent, it's still blocked). works with getJSON. Not a major concern for me to use that so… How to make use of the $.getJSON returned value in JQUery Programming Web Development by arunajasmine …values from my controller side [CODE] var getformid; $.getJSON("http://localhost/FormBuilder/index.php/forms/getFormEntry", function… above code, the inner alert that is inside $.getJSON gives me the correct value as 75 But the outer…t we make use of the getformid available outside $.getJSON .Please suggest me.SInce i want to make … Re: How to make use of the $.getJSON returned value in JQUery Programming Web Development by ShawnCplus …values from my controller side [CODE] var getformid; $.getJSON("http://localhost/FormBuilder/index.php/forms/getFormEntry", function… above code, the inner alert that is inside $.getJSON gives me the correct value as 75 But the outer…t we make use of the getformid available outside $.getJSON .Please suggest me.SInce i want to make … Re: How to make use of the $.getJSON returned value in JQUery Programming Web Development by Airshow … [URL="http://docs.jquery.com/Ajax/jQuery.getJSON"]jQuery Documentation for jQuery.getJson[/URL] confirms it : "Note: Keep in…, then it needs to be stimutated (or enabled) within jQuery.getJson's callback function. Statements outside the callback function [I]may… Call PHP script from getJSON Programming Web Development by Tinnin …: echo "Hello, World!"; die(); My getJSON bit: <script src="http://ajax.googleapis.com…gt; $(document).ready(function(){ $("#ValidateButton").click(function(){ $.getJSON("php/Validate.php",function(result){ alert(result); }); });… Re: Call PHP script from getJSON Programming Web Development by JorgeM …;script> $(document).ready(function(){ $("#ValidateButton").click(function(){ $.getJSON("test.php",function(result){ alert(result); }); }); }); </script… Re: JSONP & getJSON Problem Programming Web Development by Airshow ….ajax()" with only a scant reference under "jQuery.getJSON()". For me, the only scenario that makes sense where… a $.getJSON() call works for same-domain but not for cross-domain… Re: JSONP & getJSON Problem Programming Web Development by Airshow eawade, Suggest you move away from $.getJSON() and use $.ajax() instead. $.getJSON() is a shorthand method. $.ajax() gives you full control, including … Hyperlink in getJson Twitter Programming Web Development by benhowdle89 ….com/1/statuses/user_timeline/'+username+'.'+format+'?callback=?'; // make the url $.getJSON(url,function(tweet){ // get the tweets $("#twitter-posts"… JSONP & getJSON Problem Programming Web Development by eawade …=abc&num=1&format=json&callback=?"; $.getJSON(timeService, function(data) { $('showdata').html("<p>ulore… I have problem when using getJSON Programming Web Development by ita_info …; && $('#t13').val()!="" ){ $('#error').hide(); $('#startex').show(); $.getJSON("insertmaster.php?ran="+Math.random(),{t1:$('#t1').val… Re: I have problem when using getJSON Programming Web Development by AleMonteiro … ( hasError ) { $startex.hide(); $error.show(); return; } $error.hide(); $startex.show(); $.getJSON("insertmaster.php?ran="+Math.random(), jsonData, function(data… If jQuery.ajax error, load jQuery.getJSON Programming Web Development by RobotFX ….location.href = 'http://en.example.com'; } }, error: function(location) { jQuery.getJSON('http://freegeoip.net/json/', function(location) { if (location.country_code == 'ID… spinner in $.getJSON Programming Web Development by Priti_P … to show spinner while processing below data. // SHOW SPIINER HERE $.getJSON("./php/fetch_record.php",{Record_id: Schedule_id, ajax: 'true'}, function… Re: Problem with getJson in asp.net and c# Programming Web Development by pritaeas …(ResponseFormat = ResponseFormat.Json)] public List<YourClass> GetJson() { return your_result_list_here; } MVC: public JsonResult GetJson() { return Json(your_result_list_here, JsonRequestBehavior.AllowGet); } WebApi: public… getJSON odd callback Programming Web Development by Tinnin I am running this on my local: <script> $(document).ready(function() { $("#validateButton").click(function() { var forename = $("#Name").val(); var surname = $("#Surname").val(); var dob = $("#… Re: getJSON odd callback Programming Web Development by vsmash First up, you would probably save yourself some work by using var parameters = $("yourformid").serialize(); Second: Your host server php is behaving differently to your local dev so you would probably want to categorise this issue under php rather than js/dhtml. Start debugging by making your validate button submit the form … Re: getJSON odd callback Programming Web Development by Tinnin Thanks vsmash. I'll give that a go and see what happens. The data isn't coming from a database though. It is hardcoded in the php script currently. It is the same script running on local and host. Re: getJSON odd callback Programming Web Development by iamthwee Assuming you are using the same script on localhost and host server and all other things being equal- script on localhost works so you say. Vsmash is spot on. You hosting config is different maybe a different version of PHP which is one such cause, htaccess files could be another. Perhaps you didn't copy the script over properly... Or someone … Re: getJSON odd callback Programming Web Development by Tinnin But when I run the php script on its own I get the correct output, to the screen (i.e, the json_encoded array). It's only when passing via the JQuery that it goes loopy :S Re: Call PHP script from getJSON Programming Web Development by JorgeM I'm not a php developer, but my first thought is that your php script is generating HTML. The script needs to send back data in json format... A quick search online has led me to the json_encode() method. For example.. echo json_encode($data); I'm going to look into this a bit more.. Re: Call PHP script from getJSON Programming Web Development by Tinnin Brilliant. Thanks. I really need to work on my js stuff. I neglect it too much. Re: JSONP & getJSON Problem Programming Web Development by eawade Hello Airshow, first and foremost thankyou for the information. It was useful, as I was able to properly encode the data into JSONP on the serverside. That being said, I'm still having the same issue. It is totally strange, to be honest. I can neither retrieve and display the results via cross-domain OR on the same domain. I'm wondering if there is… Re: I have problem when using getJSON Programming Web Development by ita_info Thanks dear ...... but what is the difference between my code and your ?????? is your code solve the problem >>>> and how Re: I have problem when using getJSON Programming Web Development by ita_info I mean .... where is the bug in my code Re: I have problem when using getJSON Programming Web Development by AleMonteiro ita, I'm really not sure. When I see a ugly code with bugs, I think it's easiest to remake the code. Cause normally it's solves the problem, and even if it doesn't, it'll be much simplier to debug it. But I really don't know the bug in your code, I didn't find any by looking at it. Re: If jQuery.ajax error, load jQuery.getJSON Programming Web Development by Patrick Thomas This may not be the answer your looking for but i would fire off both requests and use the first one that responded correctly. Re: If jQuery.ajax error, load jQuery.getJSON Programming Web Development by [NOPE]FOREVER there is no such thing as an ajax.jquery function