41 Topics

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Member Avatar for mayyubiradar

Hello All, I have searched every forum and google etc but nothing directed me in right path. Requirement: I am using a COM object which can be initialized only once. But, when I try with webapi the first run goes fine and the rest fails as the COM object does …

Member Avatar for pritaeas
Member Avatar for Elixir42

Hi, When I initialise then access the `g_spMyLog` shared pointer, from within the `CSingleton::CreateLog` member function, it works ok. Accessing the SP from the static member function of `CSingleton::Create()` causes an `access violation` in the original project and an abort in this sample project displayed below. In the original project …

Member Avatar for Elixir42
Member Avatar for diggdirectory

which include: Search demand User intent Competition Budget Timeframe Goals Profitability Scalability click here for details : http://searchenginewatch.com/article/2325344/8-Deciding-Factors-that-Influence-SEO-Keyword-Prioritization

Member Avatar for Kelly Burby
Member Avatar for junallan.sampiano

Hello Guys, Please help me how to pass a variable to a multiple projects in VB.NET like on VB6. The variables are user ID, user Name, Server Name and server database. In VB6 it can be used on multiple projects while on VB.Net is I don't have any idea. I …

Member Avatar for ryanjayson
Member Avatar for CoolAtt

Hi All, I want to get all the IPs of the A RECORDS for **mail.google.com**. The aim is to deny access to these IPs. I learnt that mail.google.com has several IPs. I did the following steps: 1. whois google.com 2. I got the following as its DOMAIN SERVERS: ns3.google.com ns2.google.com …

Member Avatar for CimmerianX
Member Avatar for t_thakar

Hi I was taught not to use global variables and one of my friend is using global variable for database handle for his website... could you please explain if there is an issue if he uses global variable for database handle? he is using it to access database from anywhere …

Member Avatar for veedeoo
Member Avatar for Patrick_3

I would like to have a file in my project which contains variables for use by all classes. I this possible to accomplish efficiently. I have heard that using a module with static varibles could work.

Member Avatar for Reverend Jim
Member Avatar for eburlea

Hi all. I have a grid table and I need to set globally 2 kind of values for **emptyrecords**: 1. 'Nothing to display from the DB' -> if no data is retrieved from mysql 2. 'No data matches the search' -> after using search and nothing matched. Till now I …

Member Avatar for paulkd
Member Avatar for Suzie999

I'm having a bit of a problem with how to code something. Here is how it is in my head. I want a function which is not part of a class to access members of that class, so I want to make the class global. I have done this with …

Member Avatar for Suzie999
Member Avatar for pwolf

I'm new to c# programming, and I am a little stuck on how to make a variable available across multiple forms. I read that i should make a public static class, however, my code is as follows: private void btnLogin_Click(object sender, EventArgs e) { accountNo = txtBoxAccntNo.Text; valid = validate(); …

Member Avatar for ddanbe
Member Avatar for vikuseth

Programe #1 inside file.h class File { public: static const int var = 9; }; inside main.cpp #include <iostream> #include "file.h" using namespace std; int main() { File f; cout << f.var; return 0; } Programe #2 inside file.h int Globalvar ; class File { public: static const int var …

Member Avatar for mike_2000_17
Member Avatar for RockJake28

I have tons of files in this project as I am programming an ARM board. Making a tilt snake game where the snake is controlled by an accelerometer. I am using a timer interupt (handled by timer0.c) to toggle a boolean variable `extern bool toMakeFood;` stored in "includes.h" that tells …

Member Avatar for deceptikon
Member Avatar for dancks

Based off some stuff from my last thread I tried to write a search results page using maximum 3 parameters. I used a couple of function to try and get everything organized. One: sort_mysql_results has no defined parameters so I can put in as many parameters as needed. The code …

Member Avatar for dancks
Member Avatar for MeSam0804

hi, I am recently very curious to know how I can make a connection between two computers which are not in a local network. I googled a lot but there are always solutions for local IPs Now I know that I should make a server and a client to send …

Member Avatar for MeSam0804
Member Avatar for drumichael87

I am developing in WordPress plugins and I would like to know.if someone could guide Me with this issue. I would like to know what's the easier method.of declaring a global variable that I can use. As of now I am not using classes, mostly because i'm not sure how …

Member Avatar for drumichael87
Member Avatar for memomk

hey all I've searched all over the web and i didn't get a solution! what should i do to take the text from the 'urlT' line edit? is there another way? Nameerror "global name 'self' is not defined" whats wrong with it? [CODE] from PyQt4 import QtCore, QtGui class Ui_MainWindow(object): …

Member Avatar for memomk
Member Avatar for athulram

My site needs a way to know whether a user is an admin or not in multiple pages. So is it safe to store whether a user is an admin or not in session variable? Or is there a better alternative (Maybe another superglobal variable?), It will only hold a …

Member Avatar for BenzZz
Member Avatar for sc0tty

I am new to python and cant figure out what I am doing wrong with the global variables. Here is an example of the problem I am having. number = 0 def test(): global number number = raw_input("Please type a number.") def prints(): global number if number2 != 1: print …

Member Avatar for sc0tty
Member Avatar for Labdabeta

I was working on a project when I thought that maybe a ::. operator would look funny in some code. Just for fun I typed that into the global scope area like this: [CODE]::. int main() { //etc...[/CODE] and my code completion software said too many results to display. My …

Member Avatar for Labdabeta
Member Avatar for Mike_

I am attempting to create a global temp table to be used between two sessions being called from a webservice. When I attempt to access the temp table from the second session it can not be found. The reason I am using a global temp table is because the initial …

Member Avatar for thines01
Member Avatar for Jean Declaix

In the following code : [COde]#!/usr/bin/python # -*- coding: iso-8859-1 -*- import Tkinter import os import threading class Fil (threading.Thread): def __init__ (self): threading.Thread.__init__ (self) print "Init Fil" def f1 (self): print 'f1' #app().ecrit(1) class App(Tkinter.Tk): def __init__(self,parent): Tkinter.Tk.__init__(self,parent) print "Init App" self.initialize() ping() def initialize(self): self.grid() self.bouton1L = Tkinter.Label(text="-", …

Member Avatar for Jean Declaix
Member Avatar for Amiet Mhaske

Hello guys, I am new to vb programming. Can anyone tell me how to access command button of one form onto another? I have one mdiParent form on which i have command button "PRINT" and "Add New Client", I want to disable Print button, when i clicked on "Add New …

Member Avatar for Amiet Mhaske
Member Avatar for tanha

Hello everyone, I am creating UDF using CREATE FUNCTION statement. The question is how can I make them globally accessible to all the databases, rather than specific database? Regards,

Member Avatar for smantscheff
Member Avatar for Nachodsk

[CODE]class Personaje(object): def __init__(self,vida,posicion,velocidad): vida = None posicion = None velocidad = None recibir_ataque = None def recibir_ataque(vida): recibir_ataque in range(1,100) vida - recibir_ataque print "La vida actual del personaje es de", vida, " Luego de haber recibido", recibir_ataque, " de dano" def excepcionVida(vida): if vida <= 0: print "El …

Member Avatar for SgtMe
Member Avatar for jakethepython

I am new to python and am making a program with the wxpython module and no matter what I try I get a NameError: global name 'outp' is not defined?? Can someone help? Here is the code, it is fairly complex: [CODE]import wx class jake(wx.Frame): def func1(self,event): global foo foo+="1" …

Member Avatar for woooee
Member Avatar for rakwel10

Im creating a time-base site wherein the timestamp should rely on the global time and not to my PC's time (because it can be out-dated somethimes). How can I do that?

Member Avatar for cereal
Member Avatar for Tchibo

Hello, 1. I have the following script: function selectThis(id){ var locationstring = "process.php?value=" + id; ///// locationstring += "&bs=" + $('#bs_' + id).attr("selectedIndex"); locationstring += "&ad=" + $('#ad_' + id).attr("selectedIndex"); locationstring += "&ns=" + $('#ns_' + id).attr("selectedIndex"); locationstring += "&wt=" + $('#wt_' + id).attr("selectedIndex"); locationstring += "&in=" + $('#in_' + …

Member Avatar for Troy III
Member Avatar for Jake110

ok so im making a windows forms application in microsoft visual C# 2010. this is how i got it to change form: [CODE]page_2 page2 = new page_2(); page2.Visible = true; this.Visible = false; page2.SetDesktopLocation(50, 50);[/CODE] the form its on is page_1 and its going to page_2. this works fine, the …

Member Avatar for Jake110
Member Avatar for gk2010

Hi all, I am hoping that the DaniWeb community might be willing to assist me in my research efforts. I am a researcher based in University College Cork (Ireland) and I am involved in a research study on the subject of software development in global virtual teams. As part of …

Member Avatar for jwenting
Member Avatar for Acids

I am a total noob at php and I am creating a basic wordpress plugin for a site. I have a function [CODE]function My_Function_2() { ?> [/CODE] Then I have an input inside a div coming from an options page: [CODE]<form method="post" action="options.php"> <?php wp_nonce_field('update-options'); ?> Define Box height <table …

Member Avatar for ko ko

The End.