11 Topics

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Member Avatar for alonso.jasl

Hello everyone, I'm not sure whether this post belongs here. The thing is that I want to do a Page reload from my java code running on the server. After pressing a button, I wish for the page to do an automatic reload. So, inside the class file, I have …

Member Avatar for durrat

hey i am new to gwt and i am doing an project on java and gwt and stuck in one part i want to create a reminder that is like user enters date and time and at that time a pop up should be displayed reminding user of his event.can …

Member Avatar for durrat
Member Avatar for lili.edryana

Hello everybody! Has anyone here used GXT to build web application? I just want to know how did you handle breadcrumb? How you create it?

Member Avatar for Dean_Grobler

Hello there, I'm busy working on a project using GWT and Sencha GXT libraries. I have come to this stage that I now have to populate a tree with data received from an XML file... I have no idea how to do this, I've gone through the javaDocs but it …

Member Avatar for RicardoE
Member Avatar for Dean_Grobler

Ellew! Attached I have an example of my form written in GXT (EXT GWT). On the image you will see a red line I drew where I would like to put in a line feed just to make the layout look a bit less cramped. Does anyone have an idea …

Member Avatar for stavros141

Hello there, I am trying to make a sample website just to learn the basics, I already have a log in window and a home page but I want to add a featur in which users can sign up for it. My first option wuld be to use SQL but …

Member Avatar for stavros141
Member Avatar for paddy8788

Hi, I am developing a web-based application with Google Web Toolkit. In addition to the web-based application, I also have a desktop Java application to monitor data on the local machine. However, I want to use GWT RPC to make procedure call to the remote server, but I have tried …

Member Avatar for Melow

So i had to do the following assignment in GWT: 1.Implement a selection/de-selection component as described below: The selected item in the first list goes into the second list and is removed from the first list when the >> button is pressed. The selected item in the second list goes …

Member Avatar for vponnoju

Hello All, I am not sure, if this is the right place to post this query. If not, please redirect me. Here is the brief explanation of I have a web application (GWT application) project in Eclipse. I have a server side code which interacts with LDAP directory for some …

Member Avatar for vponnoju
Member Avatar for samurai_alexis

I'm working on a project which implements google Maps. Now I have to choose between GWT or JavaScript as a programming platform. I'm wondering which is faster when accessing the data to be used to initialise the maps from a remote server? Any ideas?

Member Avatar for anony
Member Avatar for EddieC

With all the libraries available that have emerged, Java and Ajax applications practically build themselves these days. This week Java tool maker Instantiations added support for Ext GWT to [url=http://www.instantiations.com/gwtdesigner/]GWT Designer 7.2[/url], the latest version of its Eclipse-based drag-and-drop GUI-building environment that can be had for as little as $5 …


The End.