Quantum Computers: Mysterious Export Bans and the Future of Encryption Community Center by Johannes C. ….org/),” an export control regime for arms and technology. This statement, though, only deepens the mystery as no detailed scientific analysis… VB60, Run-time error 3709 solution Programming Software Development by Julius_10 Resolution of error "Run-time error '3709'" at make-table from sql select statement Re: VB60, Run-time error 3709 solution Programming Software Development by Reverend Jim Are you trying to execute the query before opening the connection? I'm just guessing because you didn't post any code. Strictly speaking you didn't post a question either. Re: VB60, Run-time error 3709 solution Programming Software Development by rproffitt Our old VB6 SQL apps began failing a few years ago. We hadn't worked on those for over a decade along with decommissioning the developer kits. Turns out the company using these had moved to Windows 10 which didn't exist back when the apps were developed or put into service. We are still in negotiations about replacement apps along with … Re: Why does Dell hate Linux so much? Hardware and Software Linux and Unix by simhakidsden It's quite baffling to witness such a stark contrast in Dell's approach to promoting Ubuntu between Europe and the USA. Their inconsistent messaging only adds to the confusion for potential customers. Hopefully, Dell can streamline their marketing strategy to provide clearer information and support for Linux enthusiasts worldwide. Re: VB60, Run-time error 3709 solution Programming Software Development by mdv3441 You can still install and run VB6 in Windows 11, when installing you will get an error dealing with some data piece, you either skip or not install it. Be sure to get VB6 Service Pack 6. There are many of us still supporting and modifying VB6 programs, As far as the Error goes either the Server name is wrong or isn't yet connected like the … Re: VB60, Run-time error 3709 solution Programming Software Development by mdv3441 Sorry, not sure where you can get a copy, several showing up on Internet who knows if legit. I thought maybe you have copy, just couldn't get installed. Like I mentioned many of us have vb6 development systems. If you wish one of us could help if you have the source code to the program. Mike Re: VB60, Run-time error 3709 solution Programming Software Development by rproffitt For mdv3441. While we still have the VB6 install media and know about service pack 6 and more, it's all for naught as the key SQL component is dead now. Yes we could do a re-write but as the client won't pay for the updates they are left as-is. We're ready to move to the latest Visual Studio but VB6, dead and we can't obtain licenses from … Statement stmt syntax errror Programming Software Development by ceyesuma …= 0; i < schoolofdbTables.length; i++) { Statement stmt = null; temp = null; String temp = …table: " + temp); try { stmt = (Statement) conn.createStatement(); stmt.executeUpdate(temp); stmt.close(); bCreatedTables … Statement not being executed in source Programming Software Development by berniefitz … am currently struggling through trying to figure out why a statement in my source code isn't being executed when running…[row, 7].Value + taxableValueDifference; The first and last statement execute, but the middle statement is just skipped. Any ideas as to why… statement adding extra space Programming Software Development by shanenin … tax is: $",base_price+under_coat+stereo+air+tax[/code] this statement is not behaving in the way I think it would… Re: statement adding extra space Programming Software Development by vegaseat The comma will automatically add a space. Better use this formatted print statement: [php]print "the total price of the car with all extras and tax is: $%d" % (base_price+under_coat+stereo+air+tax) [/php] statement to open new url and close calling page. Programming Web Development by squarkman … morning. I would like to replace line 178 with a statement which would simply open a new url and close out… Re: statement to open new url and close calling page. Programming Web Development by squarkman Thanks! Wonder why it's called header. What's it got to do with a header. It's a statement that will open a url inside php. Someone said it could not be done. statement Programming Databases by carsein …'t really find the solution. Hope anyone can help. What statement should I write for this:There is a table of… statement help Programming Software Development by manutd4life Am getting problem with this update statement: Here's the code: [code=vb.net]Private Sub cmdUpdate_Click(… Re: Statement::excuteUpdate vs Statement::excuteQuery Programming Software Development by masijade …=http://java.sun.com/javase/6/docs/api/java/sql/Statement.html]api docs[/url] say [quote]Executes the given… SQL statement, which returns a single ResultSet object.[/quote] for executeQuery and… [quote]Executes the given SQL statement, which may be an INSERT, UPDATE, or DELETE… If Statement help Programming Software Development by Martin.S …<= 110 Then sCategory = 2 End If 'category three statement If txtWindSpeed.Text >= 111 Then sCategory = 3 ElseIf …lt;= 130 Then sCategory = 3 End If 'category four statement If txtWindSpeed.Text >= 131 Then sCategory = 4 ElseIf … Re: How To Add a Count Value to a Foreach Statement? Programming Web Development by JBLDW …amp; ($prod['imgsm'] != 'none.png')) {$multi_images = 1;} } // End of foreach statement. // +-- // | Define the header text. // +-- $header = $this->globals('ecom… {$header = 'Items';} } else { $header .= ' Featured Items'; } // End of if statement. $header = $this->xhtml_encode($header); $random = 'x' . $this->random_key… Java Interpreter: LET Statement Programming Software Development by jliao20 …Facile program, such as division by zero or // a RETURN statement without a corresponding GOSUB, a FatalException is // thrown. public …void execute(ProgramState state) throws FatalException; } public class LetStatement extends Statement { private char variableName; private int value; public LetStatement(char variableName… Kotlin equivalence of Java try-with-resource statement Programming Software Development by dimitrilc … is similar to the try-with-resource statement in Java to automatically close Autocloseable/Closeable …`close()` method on resources declared in its declaration statement. The resources that are declared must implement `Autocloseable… call `close()` manually because the try-with-resource statement will automatically do that for us. ## Kotlin `use… Re: How To Add a Count Value to a Foreach Statement? Programming Web Development by JBLDW …amp; ($prod['imgsm'] != 'none.png')) {$multi_images = 1;} } // End of foreach statement. // +-- // | Define the header text. // +-- $header = $this->globals('ecom… {$header = 'Items';} } else { $header .= ' Featured Items'; } // End of if statement. $header = $this->xhtml_encode($header); $random = 'x' . $this->random_key… "The method setInt(int, String) is undefined for the type Statement" Programming Web Development by grendel0 …(int, String) is undefined for the type Statement", also error occurs for setString. Any … rst=null; ResultSet rst1=null; Statement stmt=null; Statement stmt1=null; Statement stmt2=null; try{ String url="… rst=null; ResultSet rst1=null; Statement stmt=null; Statement stmt1=null; Statement stmt2=null; try{ String url="… change statement Programming Web Development by jilshi …;FROM fcprop "+ "ORDER BY fp_prop_desc "; Statement stmt_comp1=conn.createStatement(); ResultSet rset_comp1=stmt_comp1.executeQuery(sql_comp1); while(rset_comp1…"+ "WHERE fp_prop_desc = '"+property_desc+"' "; Statement stmt3 = conn.createStatement(); ResultSet rset3 = stmt3.executeQuery(sql_3); int … Re: If Statement help Programming Software Development by farooqaaa …<= 110 Then sCategory = 2 End If 'category three statement If txtWindSpeed.Text >= 111 Then sCategory = 3 ElseIf …lt;= 130 Then sCategory = 3 End If 'category four statement If txtWindSpeed.Text >= 131 Then sCategory = 4 ElseIf … Re: How To Add a Count Value to a Foreach Statement? Programming Web Development by JBLDW …; ($prod['imgsm'] != 'none.png')) {$multi_images = 1;} } // End of foreach statement. // +-- // | Define the header text. // +-- $header = $this->globals…. // +-- //print '</tr>' . $eol . $eol; } // End of foreach statement. if ($counter == 5) { // +-- // | Close the table row. // +-- print '&… Re: Java Interpreter: LET Statement Programming Software Development by jliao20 … The program counter, which specifies the line number of the // statement that will execute next. // * An array of 26 integers,… execute() methods in the Statement subclasses, to allow the execution of // a statement to change the state of…a program. For example, executing a // GOTO statement will cause the program counter to be changed. … Why is my switch statement running twice? Programming Software Development by andrewpw …;). Why is it printing this? If I put this statement before the switch statement: printf("%d\n", input) to see… what input the switch statement is getting, it shows 'n' and then the rest of… variable. If I remove the default case for the switch statement it prints "You've deposited 5 cents" two… Program trouble with if statement- my final kink! Programming Software Development by SphirosOkelli … of the whole program rests on this if statement issue... I am also struggling with a repeated… ("RS"); // this is the switch statement that determines which function to use for shirt costs if… calculaated; } // Same for this function- the if statement is not working double shirt_cost_red(double Weight,int feet,int… Re: "embedded statement cannot be a declaration or labled statement" Programming Software Development by apegram …the next line of code following the if statement is the single embedded statement of the if condition. You have commented …have your list of buttons around regardless of the if statement. If you do not have anything you want to … true, you want to either comment out the if statement entirely or provide put opening and closing brackets around the…