Re: Islam and Logic Community Center Geeks' Lounge by abrarsyed …the proof in this regard lies in the name of islam. islam means to follow/to surrender. first thing that all … created this whole universe. who created the universe flawless. islam,by its name, means to follow the commandments of that… justice and is completely logical... the three basics of islam- bleif in oneness of good,bleif in prophets and … Re: Islam and Logic Community Center Geeks' Lounge by mike_2000_17 …i m a muslim and i truly beleive that islam is the only logical religion. I beg to …differ, "islam and logic" is a pretty bad topic … in this regard lies in the name of islam. A name cannot be a proof of anything… I would call "flawless". > islam,by its name, means to follow the commandments of… Re: Islam and Logic Community Center Geeks' Lounge by Hani1991 …that fights them regardless of its religion. However, Islam prohibits Muslims from wronging innocent people, regardless of their…Muslim leaders. Tolerance is an essential part of Islam, and Islam doesn't need to have such a term… (metaphorically speaking). There's no single statement in Islam that contradics with science or logic. "Desparate … Re: Islam and Logic Community Center Geeks' Lounge by mike_2000_17 …to believe something, you could force someone to convert to Islam and have him do all the rituals (prayers, Ramadan… everywhere, kill them all, fight until death, and until Islam rules everywhere, and so on..). In addition to that, …start preaching peace in your own terms. > 4- Islam orders Muslims to believe in all the Prophets, including Jesus… Re: Islam and Logic Community Center Geeks' Lounge by mike_2000_17 …(hopefully of natural causes..;) > Who said that Islam only orders people to search for books?? I mentioned …. [Here is a more lengthy debunking]( it this crazy &…conventions of war, including many important documents that predate Islam, as well as independent conventions in other countries. … Islam and Logic Community Center Geeks' Lounge by Hani1991 … Here are some facts that you may wonder about: 1- Islam encourages and orders Muslims to read and learn and discover…. The first word that was sent to the Prophet of Islam, Muhammad, was "Read!". There are also many … though most of the leaders and people are Muslims. 4- Islam orders Muslims to believe in all the Prophets, including Jesus… Re: Islam and Logic Community Center Geeks' Lounge by mike_2000_17 …interpretation). Your burden is the following: To establish that Islam is true: - Show that all statements in the … yielded the expected results (ideal society, or whatever Islam says it should yield). Which is necessary to ensure…e., empirical evidence that it works. To establish that Islam is non-violent, well, once you have established that… Re: Islam and Logic Community Center Geeks' Lounge by M.Waqas Aslam … innocent. 4-avoid alcohol 5-stay away from voilence. 6-Islam is against rape. 7-respect women . . . etc there are …uncount able things are there in islam , are you agree with me that these things are good…organization . this does not prove that every muslim is terrorist , islam said if you kill a single human who is innocent… Re: Islam and Logic Community Center Geeks' Lounge by M.Waqas Aslam …1990-2000, approximately 12.5 million more people converted to Islam than to Christianity” (Guinness World Records 2003, pg … added) According to Reader’s digest Almanic year book Islam grew by 235% in 50 years between 1934-1984…“The second-largest religion in the world after Christianity, Islam is also the fastest-growing religion. In the United… Re: Islam and Logic Community Center Geeks' Lounge by Reverend Jim …teachings I never claimed otherwise. We are discussing Islam and the Qur'an. The validity of the…>5-stay away from voilence. >6-Islam is against rape. >7-respect women 1 …can be found within any religion. > islam said if you kill a single human who …but irrelevant to this discussion as to whether Islam is a religion of peace or that the… Re: Islam and Logic Community Center Geeks' Lounge by Reverend Jim … my reading (which includes sections from the Q'uran) Islam is not a religion of peace and tolerance. While it… true that there have been periods in history where Islam was far more tolerant of other religions than others …were of Islam, at its core, Islam is fundamentally an intolerant religion. Have you ever… Re: Islam and Logic Community Center Geeks' Lounge by Reverend Jim … the facts then attack the person. >Many principles in Islam do not apply at all to other religions. Can you… addressed? >I'm only showing you the facts about Islam that Muslim scholars know and teach. No. You are stating… of infidels apparently. >"First of all, saying "Islam is a religion of peace" already puts you in… Re: Islam and Logic Community Center Geeks' Lounge by syedazadhb … speech and help the listeners understand the right message ameen Islam and Logic is a very good topic I appreciate you… will not see even a single error in ISLAM....! Concept Of God In Islam: If a person proposes that he has got… in a human being there we find no such conficts............ Islam is one and the only way to God , One and… Re: Islam and Logic Community Center Geeks' Lounge by M.Waqas Aslam … and i want to show my point of view about islam and quran as you and others are doing here. and… .so i think many people out here want to prove islam and quran wrong. and i am trying to show them… that islam and quran are wrong , islam and quran not preaching voilence. Regards Re: Islam and Logic Community Center Geeks' Lounge by Reverend Jim …the surrounding verses. >and that is the reason today islam is the fastes growing religion ,many populer people accept… a previous post I gave chapter and verse showing that Islam contains sections advocating violence. Based on that, how can …you still maintain that Islam, as laid out in the Qur'an is a religion… Re: Islam and Logic Community Center Geeks' Lounge by mike_2000_17 …old girl, am I innocent? Or am I "fighting Islam", and thus, punishable by death? Innocence is a … ancient babylonian text from two and a half millenia before Islam, what does that tell you about "divine inspiration&…divorced of any religious doctrines. Long story short, only in Islam do people still claim their religious law to be all… Re: Islam and Logic Community Center Geeks' Lounge by mike_2000_17 … theories, which one will you believe? - Do you believe that Islam, as laid out in the Qur'an preaches a creed… and non-believers? If yes, what? - If no, then is Islam a religion of peace? If yes, how so? If no…, then what differentiates Islam from a fanatical and totalitarian creed such as Nazism? Re: Islam and Logic Community Center Geeks' Lounge by Reverend Jim … few power over the group. As far as I know, Islam is the only religion that still uses the threat of… the one who created this thread and named it "Islam and Logic". He accused the media of spreading false… facts about Islam when in fact we showed that the OP was guilty… Re: Islam and Logic Community Center Geeks' Lounge by CriticalError Re: Islam and Logic Community Center Geeks' Lounge by Reverend Jim … the OP for lying about the "facts" behind Islam, then again about his supposed use of logic to justify… belief in Islam. He can believe what he wants. My point is that… Re: Islam and Logic Community Center Geeks' Lounge by abrarsyed … wrong. and it is true i beleive. meaning of word islam: islam: is an arabic word that mean to follow/submit your… Re: Islam and Logic Community Center Geeks' Lounge by CriticalError … beliefs. Now to the topic there is nothing wrong with Islam people will always hate one another, no Muslim is a… Re: Islam and Logic Community Center Geeks' Lounge by CriticalError Another point I find odd about Islam is that a lot of Western Media are against it but then a lot of people convert especailly WOMEN it is also fastest-growing religion so saying it is evil and getting thousands of people converting a year is weird....... Re: Islam and Logic Community Center Geeks' Lounge by CriticalError … was on about how western people a lot convert to Islam not the high birthrates in Muslim countries, and before I… Re: Islam and Logic Community Center Geeks' Lounge by Reverend Jim > I was on about how western people a lot convert to Islam Got any figures to go with that claim ? Re: Islam and Logic Community Center Geeks' Lounge by Reverend Jim … extraordinary proof. There is none. >the three basics of islam- bleif in oneness of good,bleif in prophets and bleif… Re: Islam and Logic Community Center Geeks' Lounge by ivan.vodisek Sorry, i guess my last post couldn't be labeled as observation of Islam related to other religions. Sorry, Jim, i cant go on on this thread. My believes, U know. Re: Islam and Logic Community Center Geeks' Lounge by Reverend Jim > Sorry, i guess my last post couldn't be labeled as observation of Islam related to other religions. Sorry, Jim, i cant go on on this thread. My believes, U know. I understand. Your religion doesn't allow you to use reason and logic. It expects only blind obedience. Don't worry about it. Your religion is not unique in that respect. Re: Islam and Logic Community Center Geeks' Lounge by syedazadhb …-quran-gods-word-part-7&catid=76:queries-on-islam-may-2011) [Quran and Modern SCience](… Re: Islam and Logic Community Center Geeks' Lounge by Reverend Jim … up the proof for yourself". The OP claimed that Islam is a religion of peace. I gave evidence (by quoting…