Query timeout expired when doing update to rs Programming Web Development by erioch …]Microsoft OLE DB Provider for SQL Server error '80040e31' Query timeout expired /Users/remind.asp, line 76 [/CODE] so…quot;" randomize for ind=0 to 5 j=rnd(35) if j<26 then password=password & chr…(asc("a")+j) else password=password & chr(asc("0"… query order problem Programming Databases by eeyc Hii I Have Facing with Order problem i try to query From Table it go like this -> [code=sql]SELECT * … abo jaml habdalhaa jaber mahmoud ben saber now query all names that Start With 'J'! result need to look like this 1… Query regarding processing a particular file Programming Software Development by ajay_p5 …digit_begin = 1; } if($line =~ m/^\s/) { $i++; $j=0; $line=substr($temp,$i,$length); if($digit_begin != 1) { …10; $line=substr($temp,$i,$length); $j=0; } if($line =~ m/^\./) { $i++; $j=$j+1; $line=substr($temp,$i,$length); }… Re: query 3 tables to retrieve fields value and display table in a page Programming Databases by smantscheff job_name in table activity should be job_id. [CODE]select * from employee e, job j, activity a where e.emp_id = a.emp_id and j.job_id = a.job_id and a.date = <selected_date> /* optional: */ and e.name = <selected_name> [/CODE] But you will never learn anything from the homework of others. Re: query order problem Programming Databases by sknake …. Please use code tags when posting queries: [noparse] [code=sql] ...query here.... [/code] [/noparse] Also use this for pasting text: [noparse… J query to show only one class at a time Programming Web Development by ajay.motah hi, im having a problem using this jquery I mamanged it to g and fetch data from mysql n now i want it to disply only one class at a time on available or not available here is the js $(document).ready(function(e) { $('#txtAuction').keyup(function(){ check_availability(); }); }); function check_availability… Re: J query to show only one class at a time Programming Web Development by JorgeM If you are checking every time the keyup event fires, then at some point, I would imagine that both blocks of code in your If..else will run. So, for example, say the first time you pass through the if..then and its false, the h4.alert_error runs, and you change the display property to block. On the next keyup, its true so the h4.alert_success … Re: J query to show only one class at a time Programming Web Development by ajay.motah so can you please suggest any solution to that? tkx a lot Re: J query to show only one class at a time Programming Web Development by JorgeM Well, maybe in the success section add.. `$('h4.alert_error').css("display","none");` Then in the error section add... `$('h4.alert_success').css("display","none");` Re: J query to show only one class at a time Programming Web Development by Airshow Displaying the right message requires a fairly trivial reorganisation of the code. Another, more significant problem is that sequential ajax responses are not guaranteed to arrive back in the same order as the requests were sent. This is particularly likely when requests are issued rapidly (eg. in response to key strokes) and could result in the … J Query Problem (Add a remove button) Programming Web Development by markbautista19 My Problem is when adding the item to the cart it doesnt have a remove button, just in case the user has a wrong choice the user will only remove the items in the cart. Here is my JSFIDDLE [Click Here](http://jsfiddle.net/fmM3e/1/) This is my Add Function on the script function addProduct(name,price){ function add(){ for(var … Re: J Query Problem (Add a remove button) Programming Web Development by maltesersssss Here's an example of remove function. <!DOCTYPE html> <html> <head> <script src="http://ajax.googleapis.com/ajax/libs/jquery/1.11.1/jquery.min.js"></script> <script> $(document).ready(function(){ $("button").click(function(){ $("p").remove();… Re: Mysql Query Programming Web Development by udaydesai …->sheets[0]["cells"][$i][$j]) { $query = getIdQuery('task' , $task ); $result = $dbconn->query($query); $result_arr = $result->fetch_row… Update using Select query Programming Web Development by azareth … i need to update the row with such conditions: the query/queries i used $records = mysql_query("SELECT * FROM cot_cargovolume…j]'"; /*ERROR Report*/ if (!mysql_query($sql)) { die('Error: ' . mysql_error()); } echo "Updated - Details</br>"; } the first query Re: Update using Select query Programming Web Development by diafol … will be the same as last time (select) anyway? THe $j variable bothers me too. Say $i = 10 (after running in… your loop 10 times), then you run $j 10 times in its own loop, BUT you have: CV_contents…SQL - which probably should be $CV_contents[$j] with a set of braces around it: `{$CV_contents[$j]}` and the variable itself only has… Re: Update using Select query Programming Web Development by pritaeas Echo the query before it runs, to see what it contains. Then you can run it against your database and see what happens. help with SQL query / view / count problem.... Programming Databases by jasperjerome … am hoping someone can help me with a MS SQL query/view problem. I am creating a "name my new… littlecutie.jpg has 3 votes for "Jessica" my query would return the fields "KidId, photoFile, suggestedName, VotesCast"…. If it helps I am using MS SQL 2008. Thanks, J csv file formed after query not in proper format Programming Web Development by ankit1122 …;td>1</td><td>forankit.j@gmail.com</td><td>cpppl javapl…;td>1</td><td>forankit.j@gmail.com</td><td>cpppl javapl… unable to execute database query Programming Web Development by blueguy777 Unable to execute the sql query, only dispaying blank page. <?php require('fpdf.php'); $today=…->SetFont('Arial',''); $pdf->Cell(100, 13, date('F j, Y'), 0, 1); $pdf->SetFont('Arial', 'I'); $pdf->… Re: Loop through MySQL select results query - Not PHP, Python or any other API Programming Databases by Amaina … mysql> mysql> CALL unitpublications.build_author_list(@author_list); Query OK, 0 rows affected, 1 warning (0.00 sec…, G., Halwiindi, B., Steenbergen, G., Machiels, L., Pobee, J., Nunn, P; | +-------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------+ 1 row in set (0.00 sec… Re: help with SQL query / view / count problem.... Programming Databases by kool.net hey simply add a new field in votes table as a foreign key of kids like kid_id. then in your query u sort you results with votescast. Just think about dat........ its not a big issue ok have a gr8 day with sql Re: help with SQL query / view / count problem.... Programming Databases by kool.net your query shud b like [code=sql]select kids.kidID , kids.PhotoFile , votes.kid_id, votes.SuggestedName , votes.votescast from kids, votes where kids.KidID = votes.kid_id order by votes.votescast DESC";[/code] Re: query Programming Software Development by arunasingh …Tables(0).Rows.Count - 1 >= 0 Then For j As Integer = 0 To ds.Table0).Rows.Count - …As String = ds.Tables(0).Rows(j).Item(4) DataGridView1.Rows(DataGridView1.Rows(j).Cells(0).rowindex).Cells(5).Value …As Integer = ds.Tables(0).Rows(j).Item(1) DataGridView1.Rows(DataGridView1.Rows(j).Cells(1).RowIndex).Cells(1).Value … Duplicate Records Programming Web Development by udaydesai …->sheets[0]["cells"][$i][$j]) { $query = getIdQuery('project' , $project ); $result = $dbconn->query($query); $result_arr = $result->fetch_row(); $project_id = $result_arr[0… Select query Programming Databases by Dalli … '$stl') AND ((quantity >= 0 and utg!='J') or (quantity > 0 and utg ='J'))) UNION (SELECT pic, text, main, gr, min…'$stl') AND ((quantity >= 0 and utg!='J') or (quantity > 0 and utg ='J'))) ORDER BY nr";[/CODE] which works… time and $stl (which is a result from one other query) now is actually more results. So if before $stl was… Join query Programming Software Development by noobies … difference is they have 2 condition which 1 query for same year and another query for different year. [CODE]If (bboard = "… & " LEFT JOIN company_financial j ON (j.stock_code=i.stock_code AND j.period_id=i.period_id-1 AND j.year_id=i.year_id) " strSQL… Re: Select query Programming Databases by Dalli … ' OR (enh LIKE \''.$row['stl'].'\')'; } } [/CODE] And big query: [CODE]$query = " (SELECT pic, text, main, gr, min(nr) AS …AND ((quantity >= 0 and utg!='J') or (quantity > 0 and utg ='J')) GROUP BY gr) UNION (SELECT pic,… AND ((quantity >= 0 and utg!='J') or (quantity > 0 and utg ='J'))) UNION (SELECT pic, text, main, gr… Warning: mysql_num_rows(): supplied argument is not a valid MySQL result resource in Programming Web Development by pentest …active')"; $query .= " AND (fcountry='$tomb[1]'"; for ($j=2;$j<=$m;$j++){ $query .= " OR fcountry='$tomb[$j]'"; } $query .= ")&…quot;; $sq=mysql_query($query) or die("… Re: Join query Programming Software Development by adam_k That condition is easily achieved if you add NULL or '' for the missing columns in the query with the fewer columns Re: Select query Programming Databases by Dalli …John $resultpage = mysql_query ($querypage) or die ("Couldn’t execute query."); $rowpage = mysql_fetch_array ($resultpage); $stl = $rowpage['stl']; … LIKE '$stl') anymore (for the second, big query), i need to pick up the result from $querypage… and build a query that says (stl LIKE 101) OR (stl LIKE…