Hello Everybody
I am facing some problems while processing a file containing a several lines like this :
1 1134177124.U.0 1134177124.+.613 1134177163.+.2234 1134208365.D 1134520916.U.0
I need to arrange it like this:
1 1134177124 U 0
1 1134177124 + 613
1 1134177163 + 2234
1 1134208365 D
1 1134520916 U 0
I am using this piece of code but it doesn't process the file as I want:

use warnings;
use strict;

my $iq= 'testtrack.txt';
my $id= 'op.txt';
my $b='';
my $a='';

   my $line= $_;
   my $temp=$line;
   $length = length($line);
   my $i=0;
   my $j=0;
   my $digit_begin;
   while($i <= $length)
     if($line =~ m/^\d/)
       print OUTFILE"$a\n";		
       $digit_begin = 1;
     if($line =~ m/^\s/)
       if($digit_begin != 1)
        print OUTFILE"\n$a";
    if($line =~ m/^\d{10}/)
      print OUTFILE" $b";
    if($line =~ m/^\./)
    if($line =~ m/[+DU]/)
      print OUTFILE"\t $b";


Can somebody help me with this . Thanks a lot.


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use strict;
use warnings;

while (<DATA>)
	my $line = $_;
	## Split the string use by space
	my @array = split / /, $line;

	## Process the array ( 2 element to end of the array element )
	## Replace default variable dot character into space with globally
	## Concat the array first element to defalut variable
	## Join the each element by use of new line character
	## And it to be stored into $arrange variable
	my $arrange = join "\n", map {s/\./ /g; $array[0]." $_"} @array[1..$#array];
	print "\n$arrange";

1 134177124.U.0 1134177124.+.613 1134177163.+.2234 1134208365.D 1134520916.U.0
2 134177124.U.1 1134177124.+.614 1134177163.+.2235 1134208365.E 1134520916.U.1

Thanks a lot for this. I did it myself as well but your code looks much cleaner than what I have done.
I was not aware of the map function earlier. So thanks for enlightening me , I think this function makes things quite simple.


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