11 Topics

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## Introduction ## In Java, a common way to express a type that is a combination of two or more types is to just create an interface that extends the other types. The problem with this approach is that your code might be littered with interface declarations, polluting your code …

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## Introduction ## Before Java 8, methods had to throw an exception or return `null`, with neither of which approaches were perfect. Optional, OptionalInt, OptionalLong, and OptionalDouble were introduced in Java 8 to represent values that might possibly be `null`. Optionals have two internal states, **empty** or **present**. An Optional …

Member Avatar for JamesCherrill
Member Avatar for screenedcreamy

Implement a very basic scheduler for a multi-tenant solution using AWS lambda. Tenant A - Execution frequency - 5mins - calls(doMyJob - lambda function) Tenant B - Execution Frequency - 10mins - calls(doMyJob - lambda function) Tenant C - Execution Frequency - 10mins - calls(doMyJob - lambda function) This schedule …

Member Avatar for M.Waqas Aslam

Dear All , Hope everyone is fine. I have little question. We use this query normally in MSSQL select * from emp where empid in (1,2,3,4) How to write this query in lambda expression. Is there any way to perfrom above mentioned operation ? Best Regards

Member Avatar for pritaeas
Member Avatar for vegaseat
Member Avatar for ddanbe

The idea for this snippet came from vegaseat, who wrote a very nifty RPN calculator in Python, simulating a switch/case statement, something that Python is missing. See this code on page 19 in the projects for beginners thread on the Python software development forum. In my opinion, he did a …

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Member Avatar for chophouse

I'm trying to design a lambda function that returns any line in a file that begins with any digit [0-9]. The point would be to return the whole line if it does, and skip any line if it doesn't. This is for log analysis where I want all the lines …

Member Avatar for Gribouillis
Member Avatar for Sifiso21031085

a method on how to return a boolean using lambda and its conditioned by two parameters

Member Avatar for ddanbe
Member Avatar for luofeiyu

[code] from Tkinter import * fields = 'Name', 'Job', 'Pay' def fetch(event,entries): for entry in entries: print 'Input => "%s"' % entry.get() # get text print event.widget def makeform(root, fields): entries = [] for field in fields: row = Frame(root) # make a new row lab = Label(row, width=5, text=field) …

Member Avatar for Tech B
Member Avatar for JoshuaBurleson

so I recently wrote a function that sorted using the last value in a tuple. Obviously this couldn't be done simply say sorted(tuples, key=tuples[-1]) because that is not a "legal" call. However I did run across, while trying to figure out how to make things like this work, the utilization …

Member Avatar for nabla2
Member Avatar for apegram

[CODE] int[][] jaggedArray = (from line in File.ReadAllLines(fileName).Skip(1) select (from item in line.Split('\t').Skip(1) select int.Parse(item)).ToArray()).ToArray(); [/CODE] This is a crazy example. It was sparked by what is probably a homework thread on another forum here, but it is basically reading in a tab-delimitted text file, stripping out the first row …

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The End.