Re: how to save content added on the fly with jquery Programming Web Development by diafol … if you're just working off the one machine, however, localstorage can be cleared :(. For any robust permanence you'll need… Re: suggestions please Programming Web Development by diafol localstorage is nice, however, it isn't supported by all browsers: Maybe jQuery has a plugin. //EDIT Looks like a fallback for no support. Personally, I'd use a session, but hey nice to have a play. Re: How does PHP know cookies set by JavaScript? Programming Web Development by diafol localStorage is not the same as cookies. Cookies (HTTP cookies) whether … Re: How does PHP know cookies set by JavaScript? Programming Web Development by Aeonix > localStorage is not the same as cookies But the quote you … localStorage returns 'undefined' in deleted values in input and textarea Programming Web Development by gentlemedia … form where I save the data in a cookie with localStorage. This all works fine, but If clear (just deleting with…;/textarea> </div> </form> The jQuery/localStorage to save and return the data: $(function() { $.each($('.stored'), function… Re: localStorage returns 'undefined' in deleted values in input and textarea Programming Web Development by gentlemedia … and textarea fields: $('.stored').on('keyup focusout', function() { localStorage[$(this).attr('name')] = $(this).val(); }); $('select').on('change',… function() { localStorage[$(this).attr('name')] = $(this).find('option:selected').val(); }); I… Re: localStorage returns 'undefined' in deleted values in input and textarea Programming Web Development by gentlemedia It's solved. Not sure what I was thinking by using `||` instead of just the`,` to combine them. $('.stored').change(function() { localStorage[$(this).attr('name')] = $(this).val(), $(this).find('option:selected').val(); }); Re: localStorage and PHP Programming Web Development by riahc3 … on a checkbox, if the checkbox is true, something (cookie, localstorage, session, etc) must be stored that can be accessed EVERYWHERE… to the cookie problem) and thats why Im trying with localstorage.... localStorage and PHP Programming Web Development by riahc3 I want to use a localStorage variable in a PHP page. Very simple but "strange". AJAX comes to mind. Whats the best form to do this? Thanks Re: localStorage and PHP Programming Web Development by pritaeas Something like this if you use jQuery: $.ajax({ type: "POST", url: "example.php", data: { storageValue: localStorage.getItem("yourValue"); } }); In PHP you'd use `$_POST['storageValue']` Unable to store radio button state (:checked) or value in localStorage Programming Web Development by gentlemedia …or checkboxes with the class 'stored' in localStorage I've tried to extend that on …change function with several ways such as: localStorage[$(this).attr('name')] = $(this).val(), $(this…following, but also nothing if ($('.stored').is(':checked')) { localStorage[$(this).attr('name')] = $(this).val(); }; So how… Loop thru localStorage? Programming Web Development by riahc3 Hello Lets say in the localStorage object I have the following: Apple = red Potato = brown Gum = …: for (var i=0;i<localStorage.length();i++) { if (localStorage[i]=="Potato") { var somevariable=localStorage[i].value(); break; } } Forgive sintaxis… store several inputs in localstorage Programming Game Development by Nicolas_14 …: totalSuccess, date: new Date().getTime() } let localData = localStorage.getItem('score') + JSON.stringify(score); localStorage.setItem("score", localData); thanks in advance… fade in divs whenever user get to bottom - offset Programming Web Development by klemme … til 180px fra bunden { localStorage.initOffset ++; // Increment initOffset localStorage.limitTo = localStorage.initOffset * localStorage.limitClause; // Afgræns op til localStorage.limitFrom = localStorage.limitTo - localStorage.limitClause; // Udtræk fra… To-Do List Programming Web Development by Ian David … { localStorage =; } var data = Y.JSON.parse((localStorage && localStorage.getItem(key)) ….Object.values(data); } function save() { localStorage && localStorage.setItem(key, Y.JSON.stringify(data)); } … Hello Good AfterNoon To all Small Help Needed Programming Web Development by Venter …my code..thank u all } i++; } alert(localStorage.fruitname); } function fun() { alert(localStorage.Apple); // here it will displaying alert as 'undefined… 'SELECTED' my requirement is i want to dispaly the alert(localstorage.Apple) as SELECTED... } </script> </head>… Re: keeping Sortable order on refresh Programming Web Development by piers … only able to set the current order as default in LocalStorage. How would you do this? var current_order = { 'set_1' : 0,…", JSON.stringify(current_order)); } $(function(){ var returningValues = JSON.parse(localStorage.getItem("sorted")); console.log("returning"+returningValues… keeping Sortable order on refresh Programming Web Development by piers …{ // I get the order from localStorage var saved = localStorage.getItem("sorted"); // I get…this).sortable( "serialize", { key: "set_" } ); localStorage["sorted"] = sorted; } }); }); $( "#container" … Re: keeping Sortable order on refresh Programming Web Development by piers …JSON.stringify(current_order)); } else{ current_order = JSON.parse(localStorage.getItem("sorted")); } $(function(){ $( "…).attr("id")] = $(this).index(); }).get(); localStorage.setItem("sorted", JSON.stringify(current_order)); } }); });… Re: Login and registration using local storage Digital Media UI / UX Design by rtrethewey …document.getElementById('welcomeMessage').innerHTML = "Welcome " + localStorage.getItem('username') + "!"; return false; } //…inputPassword.value; if ((username == localStorage.getItem('username')) && (password == localStorage.getItem('password'))) { document.getElementById('welcomeMessage… Re: keeping Sortable order on refresh Programming Web Development by AleMonteiro …with default values if (JSON.parse(localStorage.getItem("sorted"))== " ") { localStorage.setItem("sorted", JSON.stringify… } $(function(){ // Get last saved order current_order = JSON.parse(localStorage.getItem("sorted")); console.log("returning"+current_order… Getting-a-File-to-Download-In-HTML-On-Client-Side Programming Web Development by thak123 … if(!localStorage.length==0) { for (i=0; i<=localStorage.length-1; i++) { keyinput=localStorage.key(…: store pageno as key. valinput=localStorage[keyinput]; //make dynamic: store user… renderGrid() data not working Programming Web Development by jackbauer24-2 …function(){ var searchKey = $("#searchBox").val(); var item = localStorage.getItem(searchKey); item = JSON.parse(item); makeTableOnSearch(item); }); function…to local storage, I can even access it using localStorage.getItem(); but the search item just gives me "… Re: Hello Good AfterNoon To all Small Help Needed Programming Web Development by gon1387 Hi Venter, Here you are :) for (var i=0;i<fruits.length; i++) { if(fruits[i]==y) { localStorage[fruits[i]]="SELECTED"; } } Let me know if you have questions. html local storage, caching interface and reseting it, having some problems Programming Web Development by wonderland …('itemfilter'); $(edit).click(function() { localStorage.setItem('todoData', this.innerHTML); }); // when… the page loads if ( localStorage.getItem('todoData') ) { edit.innerHTML = localStorage.getItem('todoData'); } $("#reset… Login and registration using local storage Digital Media UI / UX Design by powerson65 … document.getElementById("password"); localStorage.setItem("username", inputUsername.value); localStorage.setItem("password", inputPassword.…function login() { var inputUsername = localStorage.getItem("username"); var inputPassword = localStorage.getItem("password"); if (… Re: keeping Sortable order on refresh Programming Web Development by piers … tried to copy that by retrieving the id information from localStorage and changing the ids but whilst the ids change it… I am only getting the numbers for each id from localStorage as I found it an easy method to rebuild the… Re: html local storage, caching interface and reseting it, having some problems Programming Web Development by asmira … = document.getElementById('itemfilter'); $(edit).click(function() { localStorage.setItem('todoData', this.innerHTML); }); to 1. add …full html $("ul.ft-field").click(function(){ localStorage.setItem('todoData', $(this).html()); }); or 2. add… Re: keeping Sortable order on refresh Programming Web Development by piers …. Any ideas on how this can be done? var saved = localStorage.getItem("sorted"); var firstset = saved.substring(5,6… Re: keeping Sortable order on refresh Programming Web Development by AleMonteiro … that info and get it as you already do with localStorage.