Re: Compaq LTE 5200 vs USB 2.0CardBus Hardware and Software Hardware by keicam5th [QUOTE=mlynch53]Here's my situation: I have a Compaq LTE 5200 laptop which runs very well at 133 Mhz for … type of card? Thanks, Mike[/QUOTE] Firstly as i know lte 5xxx series not supports card bus they supports "Two…want) which will fit to your laptop PCMCIA controler (for lte 5xxx it is Cirrus 6722) serch the net, [url]www… 3GPP LTE Security in LTE Programming Computer Science by epsitamedhi How to do coding for security in LTE??? Compaq LTE 5200 vs USB 2.0CardBus Hardware and Software Hardware by mlynch53 Here's my situation: I have a Compaq LTE 5200 laptop which runs very well at 133 Mhz for … Re: Compaq LTE 5200 vs USB 2.0CardBus Hardware and Software Hardware by b0fh I'm in quiet the same situation: Comaq LTE 5200 notebook running win2000 and a NEC USB 2.0 … mifi 4g lte connection problem Hardware and Software Hardware Mobile and Wearables by JNic-2204 Hey everyone, I just got a mifi 4g lte from verizon i had it activated and everything but when i connect to the divise on my desktop it says connected to the network but will not connect to the internet the led is solid violet please give any suggestions you may have on to to fix this issue. thanks Re: Compaq LTE 5200 vs USB 2.0CardBus Hardware and Software Hardware by TallCool1 [QUOTE=mlynch53]Is this laptop too outdated for this type of card?[/QUOTE] The short answer: [b]yes[/b]. The longer answer: [b]USB 2.0[/b] hardware support is not "official" in any version of Windows prior to XP, so drivers are not likely to be available for earlier versions, even for [b]USB 1.1[/b] emulation. Re: Compaq LTE 5200 vs USB 2.0CardBus Hardware and Software Hardware by mlynch53 The short answer: [b]yes[/b]. Thanks! (I guess!!) So, the bottom line, then, is that there is most likely no way to use USB devices with this computer? (My non-techie status is showing here, I know!) Thanks again, Mike Re: Compaq LTE 5200 vs USB 2.0CardBus Hardware and Software Hardware by TallCool1 [QUOTE=mlynch53]So, the bottom line, then, is that there is most likely no way to use USB devices with this computer?[/QUOTE] I should have been more clear, then. If you can find a [b]PCMCIA USB 1.1[/b] adapter -- [u]and[/u] are running [b]Windows 98[/b] or later, you should be OK. Which Windows are you running? Most versions of Windows 95 do [i… Re: Compaq LTE 5200 vs USB 2.0CardBus Hardware and Software Hardware by mlynch53 I'm running Win 98SE. I've done some searching. PCMCIA USB 1.1 adapters look pretty scarce! Any suggestions on where one might be found? Thanks for your help! Mike Re: Compaq LTE 5200 vs USB 2.0CardBus Hardware and Software Hardware by TallCool1 [QUOTE=mlynch53]I'm running Win 98SE. I've done some searching. PCMCIA USB 1.1 adapters look pretty scarce! Any suggestions on where one might be found?[/QUOTE] There's always [URL=][b]Jameco Electronics[/b][/URL]. They're good for a… Re: Compaq LTE 5200 vs USB 2.0CardBus Hardware and Software Hardware by Glennie I have a 5250 and bought a 1.1 usb that doesn't work so upgraded to windows 98se, still no luck. The manual says it should work. Considering my options. Let me know if you have any success. Re: Compaq LTE 5200 vs USB 2.0CardBus Hardware and Software Hardware by wapper Assertion 1: there is [B]no way[/B] you can get 32-bit CardBus PCMCIA cards to work with Compaq 5xxx series. Assertion 2: there are [B]no[/B] USB2.0 [B]or[/B] USB1.1 16-bit PCMCIA cards on the market AFAIK. Conclusion: there is [B]no way[/B] you can get [B]any[/B] USB PCMCIA adapter to work with Compaq 5xxx series. Observation: 32-bit … css problem with the scroll bar Digital Media UI / UX Design by …;/a><!--<![endif]--> <!--[if lte IE 6]><table><tr>…</li> </ul><!--[if lte IE 6]></td></tr><…</li> </ul><!--[if lte IE 6]></td></tr><… Site is fine in mozilla and safari but not in Internet explorer Digital Media UI / UX Design by thobanco …lt;/a><!--<![endif]--> <!--[if lte IE 6]><table><tr><…lt;!-- End About drop-down menu --> <!--[if lte IE 6]></td></tr><…lt;/a><!--<![endif]--> <!--[if lte IE 6]><table><tr><…;!-- End Links drop-down menu --> <!--[if lte IE 6]></td></tr><… Send email if no file exists Programming Web Development by freshfitz …;!--<![endif]--> </span> <!--[if lte IE 6]><table><tr><…;!--<![endif]--> </span> <!--[if lte IE 6]><table><tr><…;!--<![endif]--></span> <!--[if lte IE 6]><table><tr>&…;!--<![endif]--></span> <!--[if lte IE 6]><table><tr>&… Intel Makes Big Wireless Play With Infineon Buy Hardware and Software Hardware Mobile and Wearables by APatrizio …this technology to expand their offerings. Infineon is in the LTE market while Intel was in WiMax. What's not …to like?" [URL=""]LTE[/URL], or Long-Term Evolution, is the next generation…with a focus on data rates. Data transfer rates over LTE can theoretically reach 100 gigabits per second but are usually… Help Me Understand This Code Programming Software Development by vileoxidation … = fabs(u0) + fabs(v0); r = LTE/(EPSILON_REL*norm_solution + EPSILON_ABS); do in the code? Do…,v1) norm_solution = fabs(u0) + fabs(v0); // r = LTE/(EPSILON_REL*norm_solution + EPSILON_ABS); // if (r <= 2.) { … dt_new = dt/pow(r, 1./5.); /* since LTE ~ dt^5 */ // Sets the new dt equal to… Tilera cross compilation - Any idea about this Error: unknown asm constraint letter Programming Software Development by arun_l …(nMdsSelObj, &nSelObjSet); --------------------- Error: /u/TILERA/STACK/DEV/lte/lte_enb/enb_cfgmgr/src/ConfigManagerThread.cxx: "/u/TILERA/STACK/DEV…' m_NCS_SEL_OBJ_ZERO(&nSelObjSet); ^ "/u/TILERA/STACK/DEV/lte/lte_enb/enb_cfgmgr/src/ConfigManagerThread.cxx", line 103: error: unknown… Re: Tilera cross compilation - Any idea about this Error: unknown asm constraint letter Programming Software Development by arun_l …(nMdsSelObj, &nSelObjSet); --------------------- Error: /u/TILERA/STACK/DEV/lte/lte_enb/enb_cfgmgr/src/ConfigManagerThread.cxx: "/u/TILERA/STACK/DEV…' m_NCS_SEL_OBJ_ZERO(&nSelObjSet); ^ "/u/TILERA/STACK/DEV/lte/lte_enb/enb_cfgmgr/src/ConfigManagerThread.cxx", line 103: error: unknown… Form with Image Link/Javascript Issue Programming Web Development by kory27 … IS 0> <cfif (GetProduct.productWidth LTE application.MaxFrameWidth) AND (GetProduct.productHeight LTE application.MaxFrameHeight)> <input type="image… IS 0> <cfif (GetProduct.productWidth LTE application.MaxFrameWidth) AND (GetProduct.productHeight LTE application.MaxFrameHeight)> <input type="image… Warning on Overloaded stream operators Programming Software Development by TheFueley …::operator<=(const Rational &lte) const { Rational temp; temp.numer = numer * lte.denom; temp.denom = denom * lte.numer; return (temp.numer <… Has the mobile broadband bubble burst? Hardware and Software Hardware Mobile and Wearables by newsguy … impending availability of a super fast Long Term Evolution(LTE) 4G network will give mobile broadband the shot in… confidence. "We’re already seeing companies rolling out LTE networks in the US and Europe" Webber adds &… UK is still 12-18 months away from this. LTE should boost mobile broadband speeds massively, with downloads speeds … Conditional comments are not working Digital Media UI / UX Design by lemur … no idea whats wrong is with the code. <!-- [if lte IE 8]> <link href="ielte8.css"…="text/css" /> <![endif]--> <!--[if lte IE 7]> <link href="ie7.css"…="text/css"> <![endif]--> <!--[if lte IE 6]> <linkhref="/ielte6.css" rel… Issue with Js file and Css No conflicts tried and failed Programming Web Development by joseph.lyons.754 …,900' rel='stylesheet' type='text/css'> <!--[if lte IE 8]><script src="js/html5shiv.js…-desktop.css" /> </noscript> <!--[if lte IE 8]><link rel="stylesheet" href…/v8.css" /><![endif]--> <!--[if lte IE 9]><link rel="stylesheet" href… Is this valid? Programming Software Development by MattEvans …;constant-filter-function value="0.5" function="LTE"> <model src="somemodel_lodetail.obj"/>…;constant-filter-function value="0.5" function="LTE"> <!-- texture is not allowed as a substructure… Event Gateway Assistance Programming Web Development by drumsticks … = findnocase(lcquarterTRtag, lccontent, lnindexTR) + len(lcquarterTRtag)> <cfif lnindexTR lte 0> <cfexit> </cfif> <cfset…'] = scores> <cfset arrayclear(scores)> <cfif lnindexTR lte 0> <cfexit> </cfif> </cfloop… Rounded Corners Dropdown Digital Media UI / UX Design by brechtjah …; href="">Producten</a> <!--[if lte IE 6]><table><tr><…" alt=""> </ul> <!--[if lte IE 6]></td></tr><… I am New In PHP i have a problem with while loop please help Programming Web Development by mastermind2 …;/span></a><![endif]><!--[if lte IE 6]><table><tr><…;/a></li></ul><!--[if lte IE 6]></td></tr><… Tilera cross compilation link error Programming Software Development by arun_l …<0>::_S_swap_lock' 95 /u/TILERA/LTESTACK/TILERA/DEV/lte/lte_enb/enb_app/../enb_gtpu/gtpu_t/lib/gtpu_t. a: In function `stlp_std…<0>::_S_swap_lock' 97 /u/TILERA/LTESTACK/TILERA/DEV/lte/lte_enb/enb_app/../enb_gtpu/gtpu_t/lib/gtpu_t. a:/u/TILERA/TileraMDE… A Small but Strange Problem - Need Help Digital Media UI / UX Design by mattyd …/css" href="style.css"> <!--[if lte IE 8]> <link rel="stylesheet" type…/css" href="style.css"> <!--[if lte IE 8]> <link rel="stylesheet" type…