ForLoop in Mouseclick Programming Software Development by mustoora … trying to make a certain symbol to appear upon every mouseclick. However, the symbol is a cross and an arrow head… Object, ByVal e As System.Windows.Forms.MouseEventArgs) Handles Me.MouseClick Me.mypts.Add(New Point(e.X, e.Y)) Me… how to call paint event inside of mouseclick event? Programming Software Development by Acute … a problem: how can i call paint event inside of mouseclick event? [code=c#] private void Form1_MouseClick(object sender, MouseEventArgs e… Re: how to call paint event inside of mouseclick event? Programming Software Development by kvprajapati [b]>how can i call paint event inside of mouseclick event?[/b] You can handle all paint actions by getting/… MouseClick does not work Programming Software Development by tuba-zeynep Hi, I don't know C# very well, so I did^n't understand where the problem is. Program works without errors. But it doesn't do what I want, when I click on panel1 , not draws rectangle. Maybe, you can realise something wrong in the code. [CODE] using System; using System.Collections.Generic; using System.ComponentModel; using System.Data;… Re: MouseClick does not work Programming Software Development by ddanbe Hi, tuba-zenyep, welcome on the DaniWeb site. Mostly you cannot use a Graphics object yourself, you must use the one that is given to you. (I read that somewhere...) Don't know what your exact intensions are but this will work: [CODE=c#]public partial class Form1 : Form { public Form1() { InitializeComponent… Re: how to call paint event inside of mouseclick event? Programming Software Development by Acute I've tried, but nothing happens when i click on the form...:( i don't know why, but drawing works only inside of Form1_Paint() event-method, WHY??? Re: how to call paint event inside of mouseclick event? Programming Software Development by kvprajapati [b]I've tried, but nothing happens when i click on the form[/b] Have a look at MSDN article - [url][/url] Re: how to call paint event inside of mouseclick event? Programming Software Development by Ravenheart If you haven't added your own Paint event, you can use base.OnPain(null); Re: how to call paint event inside of mouseclick event? Programming Software Development by Geekitygeek Calling [iCODE]this.Invalidate()[/iCODE] will cause the Paint event to fire. Re: how to call paint event inside of mouseclick event? Programming Software Development by Acute NO:( I've tried parentWindow_Panel2_Paint(null, null); and it seems to work but then after few seconds it gives error. Exception. I must give as a second argument PaintEventArgs, not null..... Re: how to call paint event inside of mouseclick event? Programming Software Development by Geekitygeek Have you tried Control.Invalidate()? If all or part of a control is invalidated then a Paint event is raised. Re: how to call paint event inside of mouseclick event? Programming Software Development by Acute Thanks, Ryshad!! Help with getting a function to execute continuously Programming Software Development by nyfan68 …yellow") mouseClick = if mouseClick.y >= 149 and mouseClick.y <= 151 and mouseClick.x >= 109 and mouseClick.x &…") mouseClick = if mouseClick.y >= 149 and mouseClick.y <= 151 and mouseClick.x >= 169 and mouseClick.x &… Re: Help with getting a function to execute continuously Programming Software Development by Schol-R-LEA …;) c.draw( circles[count].setFill("yellow") mouseClick = leftX = centers[count][0] - diameter…][1] + diameter if (upperY < mouseClick.y < lowerY) and (leftX < mouseClick.x < rightX): print("Correct"… Re: Help with getting a function to execute continuously Programming Software Development by Schol-R-LEA …c.draw( circles[count].setFill("yellow") mouseClick = leftX = centers[count][0] - …1] + diameter if (upperY < mouseClick.y < lowerY) and (leftX < mouseClick.x < rightX): print("Correct… C++: how can i create events? Programming Software Development by cambalinho …test { CBase* atPointer = nullptr; public: void MouseClick(){;}; test(CBase *clsPointer) : atPointer(clsPointer) { atPointer…gt;::value; } void call() { atPointer->MouseClick(); } }; //ClassWithEvents(test,FormEvents, b); class … Re: Need quick help with TicTacToe game Programming Software Development by srw0801 …draw(win) return win def player1Move(win): mouseClick = win.getMouse() x=mouseClick.getX() y=mouseClick.getX() radius = random.randint(5, 20)…botR)) player1X.draw(win) def player2Move(win): mouseClick = win.getMouse() x = mouseClick.getX() y = mouseClick.getX() radius = random.randint(5,20) topL… Need quick help with TicTacToe game Programming Software Development by srw0801 …Point(3,2)).draw(win) def player1Move(win): mouseClick = win.getMouse() x=mouseClick.getX() y=mouesClick.getX() radius = random.randint…botR)) player1X.draw(win) def player2Move(win): mouseClick = win.getMouse() x = mouseClick.getX() y = mouseClick.getX() radius = random.randint(5,20)… Re: Need quick help with TicTacToe game Programming Software Development by woooee …,2)).draw(win) return win def player_common(win): mouseClick = win.getMouse() x=mouseClick.getX() y=mouseClick.getX() radius = random.randint(5, 20) print… Threading Question Programming Software Development by NickMalone85 …have a form that contains that MapEditorPanel. I have a MouseClick Event on both the Form and the Panel. The MapEditorPanels…(gm.getTileEffect("RedBorderTile")); } [/code] This is the PANELS MouseClick event: [code] private void MapEditorPanel_MouseClick(object sender, MouseEventArgs e) { … Issue with treeview Events Programming Software Development by G_Waddell … as Object, e as System.Windows.Forms.TreeNodeMouseClickEventArgs ) Handles SideMenu.MouseClick Dim MyNode As TreeViewNode = e.Node 'here is where the… user clicks the expansion button which expands it, then the MouseClick event fires sees that it is already expanded and collapses… wxPython Scrolling Questions Programming Software Development by jrcagle …) self.Bind(wx.EVT_LEFT_UP, self.MouseClick) self.Bind(wx.EVT_RIGHT_UP, self.MouseClick) self.Bind(wx.EVT_MIDDLE_UP, lambda e…pen) old_y = y old_x = x x += dx def MouseClick(self, event): if not event: print "there!"… Saving Drawing on PictureBox to SQL Database Programming Software Development by DAWNIE … e As System.Windows.Forms.MouseEventArgs) Handles cbEyes4.MouseClick cbEyes1.Checked = False . . . update_GCSTotal() …ByVal e As System.Windows.Forms.MouseEventArgs) Handles cbVerbal4.MouseClick cbVerbal1.Checked = False . . . cbVerbal5.Checked …! variables =( Programming Software Development by Sykee … os.path.abspath(filename) return filename def mouseclick(event): quickdraw.stdin.write("mouseclick true") quickdraw.stdin.write("\n"….write("windowevents true\n") quickdraw.stdin.write("mouseclick true\n") event = quickdraw.stdout.readline() if ("Window… Re:! variables =( Programming Software Development by Sykee … os.path.abspath(filename) return filename def mouseclick(event): quickdraw.stdin.write("mouseclick true") quickdraw.stdin.write("\n"….write("windowevents true\n") quickdraw.stdin.write("mouseclick true\n") event = quickdraw.stdout.readline() if ("Window… Main Menu not showing in opengl Programming Software Development by Tiancailee …public: Mainmenu(); void Update(float); void Buttons(void); void MouseClick(int); void MouseoverButton(int, int, float, float); void …button ){ case GLUT_LEFT_BUTTON : if( menu->GetStart() != true) { menu->MouseClick(state); } break; case GLUT_RIGHT_BUTTON : break; case GLUT_MIDDLE_BUTTON : break; } }… Properly Disconnecting and Reconnecting an Asynchronous Connection Programming Software Development by ryklon …e As System.Windows.Forms.MouseEventArgs) Handles btnStart.MouseClick ServerSocket.BeginAccept(New AsyncCallback(AddressOf FileSharingOnAccept), Nothing) … e As System.Windows.Forms.MouseEventArgs) Handles btnStop.MouseClick ServerSocket.Shutdown(SocketShutdown.Both) ServerSocket.Close() ServerSocket =… Need help trying to get information to display correctly using graphics Programming Software Development by nyfan68 …c.draw( circles[count].setFill("yellow") mouseClick = correctMessage = Text(Point(…][1] + diameter if (upperY < mouseClick.y < lowerY) and (leftX < mouseClick.x < rightX): correctMessage.draw(… Stop mouse listener Programming Software Development by Alex_27 …KeyListener,MouseListener { JButton l1,l2,aircraftcarrier; public boolean mouseClick = false; int size; int x1,y1,x2…,MouseListener { JButton l1,l2,aircraftcarrier; public boolean mouseClick = false; int size; int x1,y1,x2… Need help with a connect four program in GUI Programming Software Development by luckycharms3657 … class GridClass { public: GridClass(); void Paint(); void MouseClick(int x, int y); void InitGrid(); void Title(); …, (Row+1)*BoxSize+TopMargin); } //-------------------------------------------------------------------------------- void GridClass::MouseClick(int x, int y) { int Row, Col;…