Re: Thinking to write a simple "AI app" tutorial , should I do it ? Community Center Geeks' Lounge by Reverend Jim I'd definitely follow that. My older son does a fair bit of AI work and he exclusively uses Python with Pytorch. I would strongly recommend that over C++. Also, if you aren't familiar with Jupyter notebooks I suggest you have a look - I found that vscode was the interface that was the easiest to set up and use. Dell Notebooks NOT Linux Friendly Hardware and Software Linux and Unix by Thong_Ispector I have come to the conclusion that Dell Notebooks are NOT Linux friendly. They do not have ANY linux drivers on the dell site for either of my notebooks C610 or D600... If anyone has one of there running Linux I could use your help... Thanks... Average battery life - Notebooks Hardware and Software Hardware by mokkema Hey, I'm just wondering as to what everyones avg battery life is for their notebooks, and what their specs are. Personally, my battery life sucks...I unplug it and walk upstairs, and its down about 3-4%...its almost pointless as a is there any way to improve battery life? Any tips/suggestions would be nice. Re: Average battery life - Notebooks Hardware and Software Hardware by Adam-MCSE … as to what everyones avg battery life is for their notebooks, and what their specs are. Personally, my battery life sucks… Re: Average battery life - Notebooks Hardware and Software Hardware by Darryl_S … as to what everyones avg battery life is for their notebooks, and what their specs are. Personally, my battery life sucks… 2 Similarly Dead Notebooks Hardware and Software Hardware by recessor …. The owner says he has at least 5 colleagues with notebooks behaving the same way. What could be the problem? What Apple's New Line of Notebooks Means for Your IT Shop Hardware and Software Hardware by Lisa Hoover …://"]retooled line of notebooks[/URL] yesterday, and that means good things for businesses thinking… wxpython - Nested Notebooks - Economizing Code Programming Software Development by madtowneast … to economize some code. I am trying to nested three notebooks into each other and that looks something like this: [CODE… Re: Dell Notebooks NOT Linux Friendly Hardware and Software Linux and Unix by w1r3sp33d who's are? I have been running linux on laptops for almost five years now, I have used many linux distro's on many different laptops. A good linux distro should support all your laptop hardware (minus onboard wireless and modem) and install without any real trouble. I have never used any drivers or programs from any of the hardware vendors. … Re: Dell Notebooks NOT Linux Friendly Hardware and Software Linux and Unix by Thong_Ispector Since I had a copy of Red_Hat 6 I tried that with no luck... Websites for all of my desktop hardware had a variety of Linux support... Dell website had NONE... just M$ I found a guy that has a Dell C610 and installed Red_Hat 7.2 and he gave me the info I need to get it to run... I found a local guy with 7.2 and sent him an Email to get it… Re: Dell Notebooks NOT Linux Friendly Hardware and Software Linux and Unix by w1r3sp33d It sounded like you were trying to run a older version of linux on newer hardware. Installing RH6 would be like trying to install windows 95 on that laptop, there would be plenty of driver issues either way. I would suggest you cruise out to [url][/url] and read what other people are running on your hardware and what … Re: Dell Notebooks NOT Linux Friendly Hardware and Software Linux and Unix by Thong_Ispector Thanks for the info. In my previous searching I found one of the same reports your laptop link took me to. I found 4 people with my hardware. 2 running Debian (sp) 1 Redhat 7.2 and one Suse. The one that had the fewest problems, did not need to recompile a new kernal etc.. was 7.2 I did find a link for a modem driver which should be … Re: Dell Notebooks NOT Linux Friendly Hardware and Software Linux and Unix by blud Personally I would recommend that you try fedora, I've recently installed that on a dell laptop and the only thing I had to find externally was the video card driver which was very easy. The only reason I even had to find that was not because the one included didn't work, but I wanted better preformance. You might want to check it out: [url]http… Re: Dell Notebooks NOT Linux Friendly Hardware and Software Linux and Unix by Thong_Ispector I got the Knoppix ISO burned it and it works great. My first question would be how do I check and setup a modem to access the internet... I suppose I need to install a PCMCIA modem other than try and get the Dell Pctel Winmodem to work... Re: Dell Notebooks NOT Linux Friendly Hardware and Software Linux and Unix by Thong_Ispector Any suggestions on which type of PCMCIA modem to buy? I did find an old 28.8 modem that was identified and installed and worked... Next question is how can I run the live CD version from the hard drive, how can I save my modem info dial up accounts etc... Re: Dell Notebooks NOT Linux Friendly Hardware and Software Linux and Unix by blud Knoppix was not meant to be an OS ran from the hard drive, although you can save the configuration to a floppy disk if you want. Personally If knoppix works, then there is no reason that another OS like gentoo or redhat will not work, each distro has it's own utilities for setting up PPP connections. I personally have not seen one for knoppix … Re: Dell Notebooks NOT Linux Friendly Hardware and Software Linux and Unix by w1r3sp33d I know many people running Knoppix off hard drives. Their doc page is down right now but when it is up you can read up on it. Their forum has a dedicated thread to HD installs. I know it is meant to be a live CD, but why not run it off the HD? Re: Dell Notebooks NOT Linux Friendly Hardware and Software Linux and Unix by alc6379 Let me pose this question regarding any OEM supporting Linux: If they didn't ship the system with Linux, why are they going to support it? You'd want to attack the source, and ask why aren't they shipping Linux on them. Then, you'd see support for that firming up. Meanwhile, the only Linux drivers most any OEM will have are going to be the … Re: Dell Notebooks NOT Linux Friendly Hardware and Software Linux and Unix by Thong_Ispector To answer your question with a question... Why didn't they even offer a Linux installation... Sounds like another backroom deal with Bill... At least Dell is now looking to supply non-intel processors... I did find info on how to install Knoppix to a hard drive... There is actually a program included to set it up on the hard drive and … Re: Dell Notebooks NOT Linux Friendly Hardware and Software Linux and Unix by TKSS [QUOTE=w1r3sp33d]I know many people running Knoppix off hard drives. Their doc page is down right now but when it is up you can read up on it. Their forum has a dedicated thread to HD installs. I know it is meant to be a live CD, but why not run it off the HD?[/QUOTE]Get away from Knoppix for hard drive. There are really only two LiveCD distros … Re: Dell Notebooks NOT Linux Friendly Hardware and Software Linux and Unix by Thong_Ispector I went to your link and their Free version was 14.95 for 30 days of free downloading... It was 9.95 to have them send you a disc... I found Knoppix installed without a problem on my Dell and I found instructions on how to customize it and reburn a live CD or install it to the hard drive... I am quite happy with it so far.... Once I know … Re: Dell Notebooks NOT Linux Friendly Hardware and Software Linux and Unix by TKSS [QUOTE=Thong_Ispector]I went to your link and their Free version was 14.95 for 30 days of free downloading... It was 9.95 to have them send you a disc... I found Knoppix installed without a problem on my Dell and I found instructions on how to customize it and reburn a live CD or install it to the hard drive... I am quite happy with it so far… Re: Dell Notebooks NOT Linux Friendly Hardware and Software Linux and Unix by w1r3sp33d I am getting ready to reload my Thinkpad with over Christmas with the new Novell Linux Desktop 9 (I will keep a copy of dsl 9.0 on my hd too.) After hearing TKS's powerful testimonial for MEPIS I think I need to get a copy of that too. I suggest you enjoy getting to know linux with the Knoppix you have and the RedHat that is coming. You will … Re: Dell Notebooks NOT Linux Friendly Hardware and Software Linux and Unix by Sphyenx College Linux can be found @ [url][/url] Re: Dell Notebooks NOT Linux Friendly Hardware and Software Linux and Unix by Thong_Ispector I understand the concept of fees for distribution but I have two problems... One is bandwidth on my dialup... I actually go begging CD in hand to neighbors with Cable.... The other is... I retired two years ago and my budget is very fixed and I am still struggling to get used to not having a regular paycheck... I would truely appreciate… Re: Dell Notebooks NOT Linux Friendly Hardware and Software Linux and Unix by TheOgre [QUOTE=Thong_Ispector]To answer your question with a question... Why didn't they even offer a Linux installation...[/QUOTE] They don't offer Linux as an operating system on their desktops or laptops anymore because there wasn't much of a demand when they did offer it. Now they offer machines with no operating system installed (they include a copy… Re: Dell Notebooks NOT Linux Friendly Hardware and Software Linux and Unix by Thong_Ispector TKS, I got the copy of Mepis you linked for me... The primary and secondary configs failed but the failsafe worked I only got as far as playing frozen bubbles befroe my wife took away the keyboard and kept playing until it was time for bed. Thanks for the link... Does it have an automated install? Do I try to fix the primary or secondary … Re: Dell Notebooks NOT Linux Friendly Hardware and Software Linux and Unix by Sphyenx If you have a slow connection you can use a tool called Get Right, that will help you download files to were you can download in segments that cuts the time in half and you can pause it just in case things get dirty, good luck bro!. Re: Dell Notebooks NOT Linux Friendly Hardware and Software Linux and Unix by Thong_Ispector Thanks for the tip... I had never heard of it.. Reminds me of the old Zmodem BBS days Re: Dell Notebooks NOT Linux Friendly Hardware and Software Linux and Unix by TKSS [QUOTE=Thong_Ispector]TKS, I got the copy of Mepis you linked for me... The primary and secondary configs failed but the failsafe worked I only got as far as playing frozen bubbles befroe my wife took away the keyboard and kept playing until it was time for bed. Thanks for the link... Does it have an automated install? Do I try to fix the primary …