480 Topics

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Member Avatar for AndreRet

**Modifications Required for VB6 Applications to Work on Vista/7** Thanks to Hassan Basri in VBForums **Application Changes** - Remove SendKeys calls and replace them with API code. - Use the HKEY_CURRENT_USER in the registry for the settings of your application. - Do not write to HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE. - If you are …

Member Avatar for hefaz
Member Avatar for LONGWAY

I have to do this with "for" and "while" loop in c++ but no idea how print all numbers between 10000 and 100 which are devisible with 5 and 9 but not with 2 any help suggestion advice or anything is needed urgently this is too complicated for me heelp

Member Avatar for Schol-R-LEA
Member Avatar for Niloofar24

Hi. There is a textarea in my page. I type a text in the textare and then in the script there is: $text = nl2br(htmlentities($_POST['text'])); Now what is the problem? When i type: `I'm fine.` It will be sent to db and will be printed, in both place as: `I'm …

Member Avatar for diafol
Member Avatar for SCass2010

Hi everyone, I seem to be having a bit of a weird problem with sockaddr / sockaddr_in structs... I want to manually assign the value of an IP address to the sockaddr_in struct, and I've been using memcpy memcpy (&(mIp4sa->sin_addr.s_addr), "", INET_ADDRSTRLEN); But when I go to print out the …

Member Avatar for Sameer_4
Member Avatar for pdk123

Hi, I have the following map : listOfPolicyRuleInfo CPCRF::m_mlistOfCliConfiguredPolicyRules; where typedef map<string, PolicyRuleInfo> listOfPolicyRuleInfo; where PolicyRuleInfo is a struct struct PolicyRuleInfo{ BearerQoSInfo stBearerQoS; TFTInfo stTFTInfo; PolicyRuleInfo(){}; PolicyRuleInfo( BearerQoSInfo const& qos, TFTInfo const& tft) : stBearerQoS(qos), stTFTInfo(tft) { } }; listOfPolicyRuleInfo m_mlistOfCliConfiguredPolicyRules = boost::assign::map_list_of("PolicyRule_Fred", PolicyRuleInfo( BearerQoSInfo(9), TFTInfo())) ("PolicyRule_Voice_C", PolicyRuleInfo( BearerQoSInfo(5), TFTInfo())) …

Member Avatar for DeanMSands3
Member Avatar for venk7

I gave a call in this way: print("-L", str(cfg.project["phenotype"][0]), str(cfg.project["phenotype"][1])) This will read the below one phenotype: - embryo: [SAMN00990702-1] - larva: [SAMN00990702-2] And it should give: -L embryo,larva But it is giving like: -L {'embryo': ['SAMN00990702-1']} {'larva': ['SAMN00990702-2']} Can anyone help me in solving this problem. Thank you !!

Member Avatar for Gribouillis
Member Avatar for sam_7

I want to add a node at ith position. I added a head node and a node at position 4, 5 and 3 in sequence with value of 1,2,3,4 respectively. I also have a print function to print the values of the nodes. But my print function only prints the …

Member Avatar for David W
Member Avatar for shockwave_05

Implement a shape hierarchy. you must have your superclass [B]shape[/B] and 2 subclasses [B]two-dimensional shape[/B] and [B]three-dimensional shape[/B]. Under two-dimensional shape, you have other subclasses, [B]circle, square, and triangle[/B]. Under the three-dimensional shape you have the [B]sphere, cube, and tetrahedron[/B]. Each two-dimensional shape should contain a method [I]getArea[/I] to calculate …

Member Avatar for wiggles29
Member Avatar for cbreeze

My professor assigned a problem from our OS book about matrix multiplication. Its pretty simple as the book shows how to do most of it. But now my professor has added an extra layer of difficulty. Instead of declaring the multidimensional arrays globally he wants us to input the size …

Member Avatar for Tedi_1
Member Avatar for Aeonix

I tried to build really basic associative array but it turned out I don't have enough knowledge, so I tried something less, and less, and less, because I kept failing at it. Finally I just tried to set variables and print them in the command-line. But I can't even do …

Member Avatar for Aeonix
Member Avatar for infoitmanoj

<?php $edit_data = $this->db->get_where('prescription', array('prescription_id' => $param2))->result_array(); foreach ($edit_data as $row): $patient_info = $this->db->get_where('patient' , array('patient_id' => $row['patient_id'] ))->result_array(); ?> <div id="prescription_print"> <table width="100%" border="0"> <tr> <td align="left" valign="top"> <?php foreach ($patient_info as $row2){ ?> <?php echo 'Patient Name: '.$row2['name']; ?><br> <?php echo 'Age: '.$row2['age']; ?><br> <?php echo 'Sex: '.$row2['sex']; …

Member Avatar for pritaeas
Member Avatar for Mohamed_54

HI,i create and output bill.i use dot matrix printer.i successfuly arrange columns when i use english output bill. but when i print tamil output bill the columns are not arrange in straight line.pls help urgently.(i use padleft,padright also)

Member Avatar for ms95

hi i've been given a task to do the following program without using structures or linked list and ... . just with arrays and simple things. the application will accept some data as follow : N1 F N2 N2 F N3 and then print them out from grandfather to son …

Member Avatar for ms95
Member Avatar for Satyam_1

Hi, I have vb.net application. In the form I have print button and when I do print, after printing the form is closed. so I have to reopen the form. I tried much, but I am not able solve the problem. Please help me. I put following code in print …

Member Avatar for Satyam_1
Member Avatar for nhiap6

I have used function write() in a loop to write 2 names in binary mode to a file. Now, when I try to read those 2 names I use this logic : 1) find size of file in bytes; 2) create buffer with that size; 1) read into buffer until …

Member Avatar for David_50
Member Avatar for fonzali

hi , I am trying to first ask the user how many numbers he has ( I have not coded this part yet but assumed number 5 ), then enter the first number , hit enter , enter another number in the same entery widget up until the numbers are …

Member Avatar for fonzali
Member Avatar for Mike1986

Hi I did a Simpletron program in GUI interface, but when I want to print the instructions in the window, it will not be as I want to. I used JGrasp to run the program and it just prints the instruction after each and not the way I wrote it …

Member Avatar for JamesCherrill
Member Avatar for bunkus

Is there anybody having a code snippet for using the Bresenham circle algo and modifiying it in a way so that it actually draws arcs with specified start and end angle instead of complete circles? A Bresenham algo for a complete circle in Python would be like this: [CODE]import PIL.Image, …

Member Avatar for vegaseat
Member Avatar for cannon_1

hi i have a unknown string in c++ containing "\n" "\t" etc. say; string unknown1="\n\t\n\t\n\n\n\n\n"; now I want to print "\n\t\n\t\n\n\n\n\n" to the screen explcitly other than a bunch of empty spaces.... how should I do that? remember that I don't know what is in unknown1...

Member Avatar for tinstaafl
Member Avatar for naz1234

Hello there,i have given the task to make the atm machine using the c program.. my question is, why i got some error..I cant recognize such of that error... [CODE]/*intro*/ #include<stdio.h> #include<conio.h> #include<time.h> int main() { printf("\n --UNIVERSITI TEKNOLOGI MALAYSIA--\n"); printf("\n FACULTY OF ELECTRICAL ENGINEERING\n"); printf("\n 1 SKEL 9\n"); printf("********************************************************************************"); …

Member Avatar for jeevz
Member Avatar for marktwo

Hi, When I run it Dim A As Single A = 12.345 Debug.Print Round(12.345, 2) Debug.Print Round(A, 2) I got different results: 12.34 12.35 Can you tell me why?

Member Avatar for Reverend Jim
Member Avatar for Gurjit_1

Hi guys , i have found command to extract the output of a command and save it in a file. But I want whenever I extract the data from a command , it should start from a particular line ? I am using this command below to extract data of …

Member Avatar for Rambino
Member Avatar for zxz

Hi everyone and good morning :) . i want to simply read from the linux file "urandom" a random number and print it out on screen.just simple as that. this function should be in a file called myrandom.c ( myrandom.h must be made also, which has my function dekleration ) …

Member Avatar for zxz
Member Avatar for Lan_1

Well I have this code on the knight's tour, where the user will input the knight's starting position. But the problem is, there's too many 9 when I print the output. What's wrong with my algo?? #include <stdio.h> main() { // INITIALYZING THE CHESS BOARD char c, d; // c …

Member Avatar for rubberman
Member Avatar for DaveAmour

I love optical illusions and they normally work on me but in the following one you are supposed to be able to see a red pill and a blue pill when in fact they are both grey. I see them both as grey though - does anyone else see red …

Member Avatar for advent_geek
Member Avatar for joshuawilson11

Hi, so I want to say, while p is less than the length of the list for everything in my list (punctuation and characters) if the letter or punctuation is in my valid letter string convert it into ascii using ord() that equals one turn p = p + 1 …

Member Avatar for chriswelborn
Member Avatar for Syed Ammar

I have another question and trying to solve but did not solve this anyone who help me to solve this the Question start here...... Write a program that reads a whole paragraph (you can do that with a little common sense) from the user. Now prompt the user enters a …

Member Avatar for David W
Member Avatar for AQ

hey guyss..!! I'm having some difficulties working with strings (cstyle, object oriented strings). as this is something new for me so I'm not exactly familiar with functions of strings aswell.. write now i have a question for which i was making a solution but the code is missing something please …

Member Avatar for David W
Member Avatar for Khalil_2

Bank Waiting Times Customers often have to wait during the acquiring and consuming many products and services. Many banks participated in an experiment testing customers’ satisfaction with waiting in the line. The experiment produced the following data (as an example): Table 1. Waiting times of bank customers at different banks …

Member Avatar for Schol-R-LEA
Member Avatar for rouse

I the objective of the code that I attached this note is to Collect data in a form. Post to a PHP file where the collected information is turned into a JSON Write the JSON information to a file Return the JSON and print it to the an ID in …

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The End.