15 Topics

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##vbScript - A Multi-column Sort With Minimal Coding Please see my post [vbScript - The Basics](https://www.daniweb.com/programming/threads/516400/vbscript-the-basics) for more details on vbScript. A previous post dealt with sorting. The code easily handles sorting simple things like lists of words, lines of text - cases where you only had to compare two …

Member Avatar for KenSquare

I worked on a program a few years ago that takes data from a series of text files and loads an Access database. I added to the code from a program started by someone else, so I did not write the imports and declarations. They used an ADODB.recordset, addnew and …

Member Avatar for KenSquare
Member Avatar for jhai_salvador

Add the snippet in your module. **Requirements:** * Make sure you have reference to M$ ActiveX Data Objects Library (ADODB) * A table field with OLE Object / BLOB as datatype * A recordset that is already oppened and ready to be use **To save Image on your table field, …

Member Avatar for guru_iyer

I've a DataGrid Control in my application and a button. When i click a button it should display the contents of the Logins table in the DataGrid. For this I've coded the following, but its giving me an error "Rowset is not bookmarkable.". I've searched a lot, many suggestions include …

Member Avatar for AndreRet
Member Avatar for Reverend Jim

Sometimes sorting data can be easy and sometimes it can be difficult. If you have data in a listview you can spend a great deal of time writing ICompare functions. This is appropriate for non-trivial applications but can be a little intimidating for inexperienced programmers. Also, it is a problem …

Member Avatar for Reverend Jim
Member Avatar for Skate Bart

okay. Here's my problem. I have a form in which a Microsoft Hierarchical Flex Gid (fgdCompany) is used to display records taken from a database to relavent textboxes on the same form. When a record from fgdCompany is clicked, then the data in that record is shown on the textboxes. …

Member Avatar for AndreRet
Member Avatar for M.Waqas Aslam

hello! i have shifted my application from mssql server 2000 to mssql server 2005 , now the prob is the command object is not returning the recordset if command text is stored procedure , here is my code please check it and guide me through errors . [ICODE] dim cmdsp …

Member Avatar for BitBlt
Member Avatar for tomo_uni

I have a continious Form which opens and shows records of people with whatever criteria the user had chosen the screen before. When the form opens it checks which button was pressed and then changes the recordsource of the continious form. When I try to edit the records it says …

Member Avatar for tomo_uni
Member Avatar for kaden712

Hi Please can some one help me urgently with this I have the following code <% Dim productColors, myString, myArray myString = (prodRS.Fields.Item("prodColor").Value) myArray = Split(myString,",") Dim counter for counter = 0 to UBound(myArray) productColors = (myArray(counter)) Next %> Which works as intended in splitting the string What I now …

Member Avatar for haribo83

I am trying to create a set of league table in MySQL and PHP. I can get the tables to show the top and bottom 5 values but the problem is when I have less than ten records in the system. When this occurs the same people can appear in …

Member Avatar for drjohn
Member Avatar for haribo83

I have created a recordset to show the top 5 values in a database - this is then displayed as an include on a few pages. Is it possible to refresh these results every few seconds without having to refresh all of the page?

Member Avatar for sergb
Member Avatar for haribo83

I have a php page that displays records from a sql database. Each record is in a repeat region and has a submit form nect to it. The problem is if I submit one of the forms below the first in the list, the first form is validated and the …

Member Avatar for diafol
Member Avatar for haribo83

Is it possible to show the details of each record from the recordset in a show hide way? Each record would have a title - I need the sliding div to show the relevant info when the title is clicked on. Don't know if i've made this very clear so …

Member Avatar for fxm
Member Avatar for haribo83

I have a php page showing records from an sql database, when the user clicks on a link they are taken to a detail page with more info etc. All of this works fine - the issue is that I wiould like uses to be able to submit a form …

Member Avatar for saiprem
Member Avatar for Ionelul

Hi, I have a little problem with a macro I'm working at. I need to pull data from a database and then show it in an excel sheet. Everything work fine till the moment when I want to close the recordset . Then my application freezes and I have to …

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The End.