Re: Video is not the main content of the page Digital Media Digital Marketing Search Engine Strategies by Read a Book But i am generating the JSON code dynamically. If there is no video than i hide the VideoObject tag with if statement. Should i just remove the `itemscope itemtype=""` How Build Html form ? Programming by Kirubel_2 <!DOCTYPE html> <html style="font-size: 16px;" lang="en"><head> <title>Comment</title> <script src="js/jquery.js"></script> <link rel="stylesheet" href="sign.css"> </head> <body … How Build video-player in html And css ? Programming by Kirubel_2 <head><title>navigation</title> <link rel="stylesheet" href="../css/nav.css"> <link rel="stylesheet" href="../css/tutorial.css"> <link rel="stylesheet" href="../css/vedio.css"> <link rel="stylesheet" href="… Video is not the main content of the page Digital Media Digital Marketing Search Engine Strategies by Read a Book Hello everyone, i am not able to fix this issue in the Search Console `Video is not the main content of the page` but actually it is! When you enter in my product page the first thing that appears is the video it self! (hosted on imgur platform) I even added additional Schema video tags but that seems is useless. here is the code i am … Re: How Build video-player in html And css ? Programming by Kirubel_2 body{ /* background: url(../img/w11.png); */ background: url(../img/m.jpg); background-size: cover; background-repeat: no-repeat; margin: 0; padding: 0; height: 101vh; overflow-y: hidden; } .container button{ background: transparent; … Re: Video is not the main content of the page Digital Media Digital Marketing Search Engine Strategies by Read a Book BUMP. Anyone can help with this issue ? :/ Re: Video is not the main content of the page Digital Media Digital Marketing Search Engine Strategies by Dani I’ll take a look at this tomorrow. I’m currently in bed :) Re: Video is not the main content of the page Digital Media Digital Marketing Search Engine Strategies by Dani You have the itemtype set to a VideoObject but, as you point out, only sometimes is there actually an .mp4 file. The rest of the time, it's a static image such as a png, jpg, or jpeg. Google probably doesn't trust your meta tags since they are inaccurate half the time. How can I create a meme generator using js canvas? Programming Web Development by FarrisFahad I am trying to create a meme generator similar to I know javascript but not sure how to implement this. I want users to be able to move text around the canvas using mousemove event listener. But I am not sure if they are moving the text on the canvas or are they creating an overlay div then transform the dimension's to canvas? Re: How can I create a meme generator using js canvas? Programming Web Development by jessicaboland Creating a meme generator sounds like a fun project! To allow users to move text around the canvas using the mousemove event, you'll want to directly manipulate the text within the canvas rather than using an overlay div. See Example: const canvas = document.getElementById('yourCanvasId'); const ctx = canvas.getContext('2d');… Re: How to Code a Load More Button? Digital Media Digital Marketing Search Engine Strategies by MarkMarketer Creating a "Load More" button is a common feature when it comes to handling large data sets. The idea is to load a small amount of data initially and then load more data as the user requests it. This can be done with a combination of HTML, CSS, and JavaScript. This guide will take you through creating a simple "Load More" … Re: Seeking Help for Creating a Circle Generator Tool Programming Game Development by jackwells Here is a code i created <!DOCTYPE html> <html lang="en"> <head> <meta charset="UTF-8"> <meta name="viewport" content="width=device-width, initial-scale=1.0"> <title>Minecraft Circle Generator</title> <link rel=&… Re: How to get organic traffic in a website? Digital Media Digital Marketing Search Engine Strategies by KomalBhatt In addition to off-page SEO and SMM marketing, consider the following strategies: **On-Page SEO Optimization:** Ensure your content is well-optimized for relevant keywords. Improve meta tags, headers, and image alt attributes. Enhance the overall user experience and readability. **Content Quality and Relevance:** Create high-quality, … Re: How to get organic traffic in a website? Digital Media Digital Marketing Search Engine Strategies by brandlyglobal While off-page SEO and SMM are crucial, your decreasing organic traffic suggests a deeper issue. Consider these essential areas for attention: **Content Audit:** Analyze your existing content. Is it high-quality, relevant, and optimized for current search trends? Refresh outdated content, target long-tail keywords, and consider user intent. … Re: How can I create a meme generator using js canvas? Programming Web Development by rproffitt As I read it looks more capable and complete than the other site you mentioned. To me I'd use this unless the goal is to write it from scratch. Re: How can I create a meme generator using js canvas? Programming Web Development by kimnancy Implement text movement on the canvas using mousemove. Update text position within the canvas for efficiency; avoid overlay divs. Aligns with the graphical nature of meme generation. Re: how to refresh DIV in one page without reloadin it. Programming Web Development by BzzBee in what sense you are saying to refresh div? using ajax you can refresh any div or you have just static content and want to chage that static content then you can hide any div using javascript and can how any other div of same height width with different id Re: How to refresh webpage data without reloading whole page Digital Media UI / UX Design by weekendrockstar The following page gives an example: [URL=""][/URL]. It uses JQuery which you can download from their official site [URL=""][/URL]. … On mouse click, the page refreshes Digital Media UI / UX Design by london-G Hi Guys, I have the piece of code below and somehow when I click on the input to type some test, the page reloads(refresh). <div id="searchi"> <form id="search_box" action="search.php"> <input id="search" type="text" placeholder="Search products...">… how to add pagination support :( Programming Web Development by alex_newbi i have large amounts of videos being encoded, and i use this php script to show them via ajax refresh div, my problem is when i have over 100 videos my layout really looks bad and very slow, im been reading about pagination but still do not get it, could somebody help me. thank you [CODE]<?Php function formatBytes($bytes, $precision = 2) {… Re: Div not cetnering correclty Digital Media UI / UX Design by AleMonteiro Div's width by default is 100% of it's parent. In your case I think it would be easier to use an <span>, wich the width just wrap it's content. Or you can set display: inline to the div, wich will make it just wrap it's content. Re: Web Page borders not lined up (DIV) Digital Media UI / UX Design by internet_red > <div class="footer"></div></div></div></p> I think you have a closing paragraph tag with no opening tag on this line. I see this when I view source, but I don't see the footer in Chrome using debug (F12). I don't have time now but for a quick look - but the footer div doesn't show when debugging the … Re: CSS Div Side by Side - Text Align Problem Digital Media UI / UX Design by nivabeath1 <div> <div style="float:left"> <h2>First Div </h2> </div> <div style="float:left"> <h2> Second Div</h2> </div> </div> Source: [Div Side by Side]( Niva Re: Refresh only Div Programming Web Development by urtrivedi refresh will only work with timer. If you dont use timer. page will be updated only once at the time of loading Re: Div layout to replace table usage Digital Media UI / UX Design by veera100 <div> is best compare with <table>. the <table> may change the pixel resolution in different browser. But <div> is not change. so the div is the best choice. Re: Refresh? Programming Computer Science by alpha2006 Refresh what kind of pages??? Webpages??? Re: refresh database instantly Programming Software Development by JerryShaw Refresh ? Do you mean to Restore ? Re: DIV Programming Databases by Bachu DIV in mysql returns Quotient of two numbers Exg. If you want to get the Quotient of two fields of a database table you can use SELECT (Field1 DIV Field2) AS Result FROM your_table ; This query will returns Quotient of Field1/Field2 Re: div box with vertical scrollbar and hoizontal wrap Digital Media UI / UX Design by aravelli <div style="width:300px;height:250px;overflow:auto;"> content goes here content goes here content goes here content goes here content goes here content goes here content goes here content goes here content goes here content goes here content goes here content goes here content goes here content goes here content goes here… Image for div Programming Web Development by sanctifiedsantosh <div class="carousel-inner"> <?php $category = $this->category_model->getCategories(999,0,51);?> <?php $categorynext = $this->category_model->getCategories(999,0,51);?> <div class="item active"> <div class="row-fluid"> <?php $…