"Relief Rally" In Sight? Community Center by Brian.oco Looking for a “relief rally”? That’s what Wall Street calls a temporary lull … for the disaster relief Programming Databases by annedayah … Cause maintenance (e.g., creation, termination)  Relief information for a cause o Basic Information needs  Donation…causes supported by the organization · Cause information · Relief information o Monitoring of expenses  Release of funds… for a cause · Purchase of items for disaster relief · Operational expenses  Liquidation of released funds o … BREAKING: Tax relief for games developers scrapped Programming Game Development by happygeek …/2010/mar/24/budget-2010-video-games-tax-relief"]video games industry tax relief[/URL] announced by the previous Chancellor earlier…, said: "Today's announcement to withdraw from introducing any relief for the video game industry will hit many businesses, but… Re: for the disaster relief Programming Databases by pritaeas How does your diagram look so far? Tkinter Game board problem Programming Software Development by flip121 …p1 = Tkinter.Label(root, text ="Player1", relief=RIDGE,pady=10 ) p2 = Tkinter.Label(root, text … Tkinter.Label(root, text ="P-41", relief=RIDGE,pady=10 ) Start = Tkinter.Label(root, text…Finish = Tkinter.Label(root, text ="Finish", relief=RIDGE ) OrderDicep1.grid(row=6, column=1, columnspan… Re: Tkinter Game board problem Programming Software Development by jlm699 … ): exec 'T%s = Tkinter.Label(root, text ="%s", relief=RIDGE,padx=3,pady=10 )' % (i,i) [/code] This can… Re: Tkinter Game board problem Programming Software Development by jlm699 …portal%s = Tkinter.Label(root, text ="%s", relief=RIDGE,pady=10 )' % (i, portals[i]) Start …= Tkinter.Label(root, text ="Start", relief=RIDGE ) for i in xrange( 1, 51 ): …) Finish = Tkinter.Label(root, text ="Finish", relief=RIDGE ) OrderDicep1.grid(row=6, column=1, columnspan=3… Scrollbar not working Programming Software Development by Johnny Blaz …;Australia",fg="white",bg="red",relief="ridge") l4.grid(row=1,column=2) …= Australia",fg="white",bg="Black",relief="ridge") l10.grid(row=3,column=2,rowspan…Johnson",fg="white",bg="Black",relief="ridge") l29.grid(row=7,column=1,… Tkinter - GUI Screen (No Game Code) Programming Software Development by Alq Veers …quot;) # def gameWindow(self): # self.gameWin = Toplevel(self, relief=FLAT) # self.gameWin.grid(ipadx=6, ipady=6, sticky=…+E) # self.tB = Button(self, text="Test Button", relief=RAISED, font=("Arial", 10)) ## ::----:: Button Events ::----:: ## ::--:: Controls… Tkinter help Programming Software Development by JenniferT1980 …= self.quit) # Message iframen = Frame(frame, bd=2, relief=FLAT) Message(iframen, text='Choose Either All Courses, General Education…= self.quit) # Message iframen = Frame(frame, bd=2, relief=FLAT) Message(iframen, text='Choose Either All Courses, General Education… tkinter .grid(sticky) not working in Python 3.x Programming Software Development by MoosePaste …=1) self.languagesLabel = Label(self.VitalStats, text="Languages:", relief=GROOVE, sticky=NE) self.languagesLabel.grid(in_=self.VitalStats, column…) self.racialLabel = Label(self.VitalStats, text="Racial Traits:", relief=GROOVE, sticky=NE) self.racialLabel.grid(in_=self.VitalStats, column… Cascade Menu (Tkinter) Programming Software Development by ChargrO …): self.mb = Menubutton ( self, text='FOOD MENU', relief=FLAT, font=('Arial', 20)) top=self.winfo_toplevel() top.rowconfigure…self.top = Toplevel(menu=self.menubar, width=500, relief=RAISED, borderwidth=2) app = Application() app.master.title… Tkinter Screen (Maze) Programming Software Development by Alq Veers …(self): self.mb = Menubutton(self, text="File", relief=RIDGE, font=("Arial", 10)) self.mb.grid(row…::----:: ## ::----:: Game Window Code ::----:: #def gameWindow(self): # self.gameWin = Toplevel(self, relief=FLAT) # self.gameWin.grid(row=1, column=0, sticky=CENTER… Re: Tkinter Screen (Maze) Programming Software Development by Alq Veers …self.mb = Menubutton(self, text="File", relief=RIDGE, font=("Arial", 10)) self.mb….mb = Menubutton(self, text="Help", relief=RIDGE, font=("Arial", 10)) self.mb…# def gameWindow(self): # self.gameWin = Toplevel(self, relief=FLAT) # self.gameWin.grid(ipadx=6, ipady=6, sticky… Re: Tkinter Screen (Maze) Programming Software Development by Alq Veers …self.mb = Menubutton(self, text="File", relief=RIDGE, font=("Arial", 10)) self.mb.grid…self.mb = Menubutton(self, text="Help", relief=RIDGE, font=("Arial", 10)) self.mb.grid…self.mb = Menubutton(self, text="View", relief=RIDGE, font=("Arial", 10)) self.mb.grid… Urgent! 2days! Only c++ coding needed Programming Software Development by daniel.leowteckleong …information (if applicable) 2. Taxable income 3. Tax relief information based on Table 1b below. 4. Amount …should display the taxable income, total deductions from personal relief, chargeable income, income tax and tax payable or…RM500 + RM500)=RM19,500 Chargeable Income = Taxable Income – Tax Relief = RM60,000 – RM19,500 = RM40,500 Income Tax (… creating a menu Programming Software Development by ChargrO …self.heading = Label ( self, text="Major Project Draft",relief=FLAT, font=('Arial', 30)) self.heading.grid(row=0, column…def createMenu(self): self.mb = Menubutton ( self, text='FOOD MENU', relief=FLAT, font=('Arial', 20)) top=self.winfo_toplevel() top.rowconfigure(6… Re: Menu problem Programming Software Development by smithy40000 …='yes') ## Creates the Option Button frame3 = Frame(top, relief=GROOVE, borderwidth=2) button2 = Button(frame3, text='Options', font…top.pack(fill='both', expand='yes') ########################################################### menuframe = Frame(top, relief=GROOVE, borderwidth=2) mb = Menubutton mb.menu = Menu() mb… Re: Tkinter button question Programming Software Development by TrustyTony … import * def create_main(): ## Creates the Checkers Heading frame1 = Frame(top, relief=GROOVE, borderwidth=2) label1 = Label(frame1, text='Checkers', font=('Arial…both', expand='yes') ## Creates the Option Button frame3 = Frame(top, relief=GROOVE, borderwidth=2) button2 = Button(frame3, text='Options', command=go_options… Tkinter new window text problem Programming Software Development by Kacoo …self.username = Label (self, text="username:", relief=FLAT,font=("Arial", 8)) self.username.grid(row…libary def createsUsernameEntryButton(self): self.mb = Menubutton (self, relief=RIDGE,font=("Arial", 8)) self.mb.grid(row… Re: Tkinter new window text problem Programming Software Development by ChargrO …self.username = Label (self, text="username:", relief=FLAT,font=("Arial", 8)) self.username.grid(row…libary def createsUsernameEntryButton(self): self.mb = Menubutton (self, relief=RIDGE,font=("Arial", 8)) self.mb.grid(row… Tkinter button help Programming Software Development by ChargrO …self.heading = Label ( self, text="Food Ordering System",relief=FLAT, font=('Arial', 30)) self.heading.grid(row=0, column…def createMenu(self): self.mb = Menubutton ( self, text='FOOD MENU', relief=FLAT, font=('Arial', 20)) top=self.winfo_toplevel() top.rowconfigure(6… Menu problem Programming Software Development by smithy40000 … Creates the Checkers Heading frame1 = Frame(top, relief=GROOVE, borderwidth=2) label1 = Label(frame1, …## Creates the Start Button frame2 = Frame(top, relief=GROOVE, borderwidth=2) button1 = Button(frame2, text…## Creates the Option Button frame3 = Frame(top, relief=GROOVE, borderwidth=2) button2 = Button(frame3, text… Re: Menu problem Programming Software Development by smithy40000 … Creates the Checkers Heading frame1 = Frame(top, relief=GROOVE, borderwidth=2) label1 = Label(frame1, text…## Creates the Start Button frame2 = Frame(top, relief=GROOVE, borderwidth=2) button1 = Button(frame2, text='…## Creates the Option Button frame3 = Frame(top, relief=GROOVE, borderwidth=2) button2 = Button(frame3, text='… Tkinter button question Programming Software Development by smithy40000 … Creates the Checkers Heading frame1 = Frame(top, relief=GROOVE, borderwidth=2) label1 = Label(frame1, …## Creates the Start Button frame2 = Frame(top, relief=GROOVE, borderwidth=2) button1 = Button(frame2, text…## Creates the Option Button frame3 = Frame(top, relief=GROOVE, borderwidth=2) button2 = Button(frame3, text… Re: Tkinter button question Programming Software Development by TrustyTony … ## Creates the Checkers Heading frame1 = Frame(top, relief=GROOVE, borderwidth=2) label1 = Label(frame1, text… ## Creates the Start Button frame2 = Frame(top, relief=GROOVE, borderwidth=2) button1 = Button(frame2, text='… ## Creates the Option Button frame3 = Frame(top, relief=GROOVE, borderwidth=2) button2 = Button(frame3, text='… Problems reading reading Struct from Random Access File Programming Software Development by grebote …') { cout << "Enter the pitcher's relief pitching rating: "; cin >> player.pRGrade; …cout << "Enter the pitcher's relief pitching strength rating: "; cin >> player…; cout << "Enter the pitcher's relief pitching strength rating: "; cin >> player… Python Tk GUI Gmail Client. Programming Software Development by Sinnocence … 1## self.canvas1 = Canvas(self.dialogbox,width = 600, height=400, relief=SUNKEN) self.canvas1.pack(expand=YES, fill=BOTH) self.canvasbackground1…,y=95) ##Email Address Box## self.entrybox0 = Entry(self.dialogbox,relief=GROOVE,bg='white',width=60) self.entrybox0.pack() self.entrybox0… align widgets in one frame with tkinter grid method Programming Software Development by TheOneElectroni …frameToolbar = Frame(master, bd=0, bg="white", relief=SUNKEN) frameToolbar.grid(column=0, row=0, columnspan=10, …quot;PRINT", bg="light green", width=5, relief=RAISED, font=("Verdana", "9", &…="CLOSE", bg="red", width=5, relief=RAISED, font=("Verdana", "9", "… ranking keyword question Digital Media Digital Marketing Search Engine Strategies by DiggleNamer … SEO and experimenting with [url]http://troubled-asset-relief-program.net[/url] I have it optimized for four… keywords: Troubled Asset Relief Program, TARP, Bailout Bill, TARP Bailout Bill You will… advantage. Or some other reason? 1. troubled asset relief program 162 2. tarp asset managers 33 3. tarp…